

Ageing and Employment Policies


Did you know? Giving people better choices and incentives to continue working at an older age is crucial for responding to the challenges of rapid population ageing. Analysis has led to the creation of the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Ageing and Employment Policies. A brief of the Recommendation presents some key facts and figures & summarises the main policy lessons.

Latest analysis:  Promoting an Age-Inclusive Workforce - Living, Learning and Earning Longer - en, (December 2020).  

The report presents a business case, points to key policies that can support and promote an age-inclusive workforce, and formulates an Action Plan for employers.

Report "Promoting an Age-Inclusive Workforce - Living, Learning and Earning Longer"

data on ageing and employment

Opportunities to work after age 55 vary considerably across OECD countries

Note: O‌ECD and EU weighted average. Source: Labour Market Statistics


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The ELS Ageing and Employment Policies Team of the OECD and the DG REFORM of the European Commission are cooperating in providing technical support to countries that want to reform their senior workers conditions.

Enhancing the Digital Skills of Seniors in the Slovak Republic (2022-2024) 



Cover for the Series "Working better with age"

Key policies to promote longer working lives in Eu Members 

The late career scoreboard presents key quantitative indicators and compares each EU member situation in 2006, before the economic and social crisis, with 2016 as well with the EU and OECD averages. It is a useful barometer of the extent of labour market inclusion of older workers.

The policy toolkit highlights good practices among EU members to encourage employers to retain and hire older workers and to promote the employability of workers in their mid- to late careers.

The 'country notes' present key policies to promote longer working lives implemented in each EU member over the past decade.  An assessment of the extent to which each EU member has progressed in implementing effective measures is included. 

further reading 


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