

Competition and macroeconomic outcomes factsheet


Cover for the factsheet on how competition affects macro-economic outcomes

Date of Publication: 
October 2014



     English:  Online version | Printable version

    Français: Version en ligne | Version imprimable

    Español: Versión web | Versión imprimible


When customers can choose between different providers, they benefit and so does the economy as a whole. Customer's abilityto choose forces firms to compete with one another which leads to increased productivity, more innovation and economic growth.

However, it can be challenging to measure and find evidence of the link between competition policy and macroeconomic outcomes - such as productivity, innovation and growth, as well as other determinants of well-being such as inequality and employment.

This factsheet summarises existing evidence on the wider economic effects of competition and competition policy and helps competition agencies all over the world to advocate their work. The factsheet was built in form of a narrative and provides suggestions and references to the existing evidence. It was produced as part of the OECD work on the evaluation of competition agencies' interventions


Guide for assessing the impact of competition authorities' activities  

More OECD work on the Evaluation of competition interventions

Angel Gurría talks about the role of competition in improving productivity and growth, Iceland, Sept. 2013 

Indicators of product market regulation 

All Competition Policy Roundtables

Competition Home Page 

Assessment of the Impact of Competition Authorities' Activities, Note by Stephen Davies, 2013 (pdf)

Evaluation of competition enforcement and advocacy activities: results of an OECD survey, 2013 (pdf). Also available in French.

Evaluating the impact of competition law enforcement, Note by Peter Osmosi, 2012 (pdf)

Evaluation of competition enforcement and advocacy activities, 2012 (pdf)

Competition, Innovation and Productivity Growth, 2002


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