

Fishing for Coherence in West Africa: Policy Coherence in the Fisheries Sector in Seven West African Countries


Fisheries represent up to 30% of state budget revenues in West African countries and employ 7 million people in West and Central Africa. If the sector is to develop, or simply continue to exist at present levels, a number of policy challenges will have to be addressed. The number of issues is vast, ranging from illiteracy to EU trade policy.


The Sahel and West Africa Club (SWAC) and the OECD Fisheries Division is working with regional organisations to help them address the question of policy coherence. This book provides not only an analytical framework adapted to the local context, but also an action framework based on the facts and realities in the field in order to improve the coherence of fisheries policies.

The Executive Summary is available for further information on this publication.


Publication date 11 March 2008

ISBN 9789264040588

OECD Code 532008011P1


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