This report examines the legislative, institutional and procedural elements of the management and control of public procurement in Morocco within the broader framework of “improving the probity of public life”.
English, , 737kb
This paper describes the economic living conditions of the population in dispersed rural areas of Morocco and analyses their response to the introduction of a new micro-credit program.
English, , 523kb
Depuis une quarantaine d’années, la politique menée par le gouvernement dans le secteur de l’eau a permis d’améliorer d’une manière remarquable la maîtrise de la ressource en eau et d’augmenter le taux d’accès à l’eau potable de la population.
The 2008 African Economic Outlook focuses on Technical Skills Development. It also presents a comprehensive analysis of the economic, social and political developments on the continent.
English, , 482kb
Japan has implemented cooperation for various water-related development issues in Morocco. The evaluation study examined the importance of the program in government policies, as well as examining its strategy and outputs.
Allocution de M. Rainer GeigerDirecteur, Programme MENA-OCDE sur l’investissement
Spanish, , 4,535kb
a) Conocer la coherencia del instrumento con el objetivo y prioridad de la Política Española de Cooperación Internacional de lucha contra la pobreza. Se trata de conocer con más detalle si el FCM está adecuadamente diseñado y ejecutadopara cumplir el objetivo de la Cooperación Española en materia de microcréditos, dentro de una actuación de promoción del desarrollo del tejido productivo y de protección de grupos vulnerables, así como
Aid for Trade at a Glance 2007: The OECD Creditor Reporting System (CRS) database is used to track ODA flows from Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries.
The 31 countries examined in this sixth edition of the African Economic Outlook account for some 86 per cent of Africa’s population and 91 per cent of itseconomic output.
English, , 712kb
MOROCCO’S ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE improved markedly in 2006 and the outlook for 2007 is favourable. Growth reached 7.3 % in 2006, well above the forecast 5.3 % a year earlier, but is expected to slow down to 3.1 % in 2007.