In Russia 47 million people are exposed to high concentrations of nitrous dioxide. Half the population in rural Tajikistan, and one-third in Moldova, lack access to clean water. Leaded petrol is sold legally in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan.
English, , 475kb
Education Policies for Students at Risk and those with Disabilities in South Eastern Europe - Moldova and Synthesis Report in the local language.
English, , 658kb
Education Policies for Students at Risk and Those with Disabilities in South Eastern Europe - Findings from the Follow-Up Visits, October 2006-January 2007
The synthesis report compares the country reports of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia using the following guidelines: existing legal frameworks, scope of policy development, statistics and indicators, teacher training, involvement of parents, pedagogical concepts, curriculum development and school organisation. It underlines the fact that the analysed
Russian, , 404kb
The report on "Environment and Natural Resources Management Expenditure in Moldova" (July 2002) provides an overview of environmental expenditure in the Republic of Moldova. Data and information in this report have been collected in the period from6-10 December 2001.
English, , 133kb
This report from July 2002 provides an overview of environmental expenditure in the Republic of Moldova. Data and information in this report have been collected in the period from 6-10 December 2001; it is in English.
English, , 615kb
This report analyses all aspects of the performance of the two Funds against internationally recognised standards for public financing institutions and provides short and mid to long-term recommendations for improving the performance of the Funds.
Russian, , 2,262kb
Performance Review_MoldovanFundsReport_Russian
The purpose of the meeting was to discuss draft documents and practical arrangements for a Conference of EECCA Ministers of Water, Environment and Economy/Finance as well as their OECD partners to discuss issues of financing the water supply and sanitation sector in EECCA.