
Slovak Republic Economic Snapshot

Economic Forecast Summary (November 2022)

Economic Outlook Note - Slovak Republic

The economy is projected to grow by 1.6% in 2022, 0.5% in 2023 and 2.1% in 2024. High inflation will weigh on household disposable income and private consumption. Continuing supply chain disruptions and weaker global demand will hold back export growth in 2023. Investment growth will remain robust, sustained by the absorption of EU funds. Growth will strengthen in 2024 as supply disruptions and inflation abate.


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Enhancing the Slovak National Productivity Board’s set-up and analytical capacity

In the framework of the project “Slovak Republic: Evaluation of the Position and Performance of the National Productivity Board (NPB)”, funded by the EU through the Structural Reform Support Programme, the OECD has been supporting the Slovak NPB to align its work and activities with best international practices, in co-operation with the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) of the European Commission. The goal of the project is to strengthen the Slovak NPB’s institutional set-up and analytical capabilities to collect and analyse productivity data, as well as develop policy-oriented recommendations.

This report provides an overview of practical strategies to enhance the capacity of the Slovak NPB to analyse productivity trends and contribute to the development of pro-productivity policies. It draws on international practices and experience of other NPBs and pro-productivity institutions. It provides lessons tailored to the Slovak NPB that can provide guidance and insights for other institutions working on productivity analysis in other EU and OECD countries.

This work is a joint effort of the OECD Economics Department and the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation.

> Presentation of key findings and recommendations

Economic Survey of the Slovak Republic (January 2022)

After a deep recession in 2020, economic activity has rebounded. However, supply disruptions and a low vaccination rate are making the future pace of the recovery more uncertain. An ambitious recovery plan and substantial inflows of EU funds provide a unique opportunity to strengthen the economy, but effective and timely implementation will require continued efforts to improve public procurement and public investment management. In the medium-term, rapid population ageing will exacerbate fiscal challenges and weigh on long-term growth. To prepare for an ageing society, pension, health and long-term care, and labour market reforms are needed to extend working lives, improve the health of the ageing population, and enhance the efficiency of public spending. At the same time, population ageing reinforces the need to boost productivity. To reinvigorate the economic convergence process and make growth more inclusive and sustainable, policies to promote adequate skills, foster domestic innovation capacity, and better price environmentally harmful activities are needed.

Executive Summary


Summary video

Reform Priorities (April 2021)

Going for Growth 2021 - Slovak Republic

The sectors most affected by the pandemic (i.e. tourism, retail, and construction) traditionally provide seasonal or temporary jobs for vulnerable workers, notably low-skilled, women, youth, and marginalised Roma. The pandemic highlights a need to strengthen skills across the population. This will improve employability of vulnerable groups, boost productivity, make the economy more resilient to future shocks and prepare it to make the most out of digitalisation.

©Shutterstock/Anton Petrus

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20th Anniversary of OECD Membership

Since joining the OECD in 2000, the Slovak Republic has continuously ranked among the fastest growing OECD economies, progressively catching up with higher-income countries. Labour market performance and living standards have improved at a high pace, while inequality remained low. In 2019, the typical Slovak worker earned 70% more than 20 years earlier.

Macroeconomic and financial stabilisation, privatisations, changes in business regulations, tax reforms and policies to foster labour market dynamism were all key to promote economic growth and convergence to higher-income countries. Together with its favourable geographical position, this contributed to make the Slovak Republic one the most sought-after investment destinations in Europe.