

  • 3-September-2010

    English, , 505kb

    Evaluation Comparative Review of Austrian Development Cooperation's Budget Support Operations Volume 1: Main Report

    Since 2005, the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) has been increasingly providing budget support to its partner countries, mainly by joining existing budget support operations. In the period 2005-2009, it provided budget support totalling EUR 31.7 million to four countries.

  • 24-May-2010


    African Economic Outlook 2010

    The 2010 African Economic Outlook finds the continent reeling from the effects of the world’s deepest and most widespread recession in half a century. Just how hard was the region hit? What are the prospects for recovery? This edition features an in-depth study of Taxation and Aid in Africa.

  • 17-November-2009

    English, , 1,006kb

    Country Level Evaluation Uganda

    The scope of the evaluation is the analysis of the cooperation of the EC with the Republic of Uganda during the period 2001-2007 in order to assess the progress of the cooperation programmes, to evaluate the management of the funds and to provide recommendations for future cooperation.

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  • 4-September-2009

    English, , 650kb

    Assessment of Development Results: Evaluation of UNDP Contribution to Uganda

    This report presents the findings and recommendations of the Assessment of Development Results (ADR) conducted in Uganda, with a time-frame covering country programmes; from 2001 to 2009.

  • 10-August-2009

    English, , 179kb

    Uganda: A Decade of Budget Reform and Poverty Reduction

    Uganda’s economy has undergone major fluctuations from a vibrant economy in the 1960s, to suffering severe macroeconomic imbalances in the 1970s and 1980s, to enjoying an economic revival since the late 1980s. A key focus of recent public financial management reforms has been to improve macroeconomic performance and ensure strict budgetary discipline, in particular through the use of a three-year rolling budgetary plan as early as

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  • 6-July-2009


    Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009 - Uganda

    The Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009: Maintaining Momentum report presents the results of the second monitoring exercise of the Aid for Trade Initiative and documents its success so far.

  • 25-May-2009

    English, , 4,785kb

    Evaluation of the Irish Aid Uganda Country Strategy Paper 2007-2009

    The 2007-2009 strategy was well aligned to the Government of Uganda's policies, focused on poverty reduction and reflected well the Irish Government's 2006 White Paper. Ireland has been a flexible partner and is recognised for its strong record on aid effectiveness.

  • 11-May-2009


    African Economic Outlook 2009

    The 2009 African Economic Outlook focuses on Innovations in Information and Communication technologies. It also presents a comprehensive analysis of the economic, social and political developments on the continent.

  • 6-May-2009

    English, , 336kb

    Universal Access Funds with Minimum-Subsidy Auctions

    This report discusses ways of extending telecommunication infrastructure services to the rural poor in developing countries.

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  • 5-May-2009

    English, , 1,752kb

    Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation through Norwegian Non-Governmental Organisations in Northern Uganda (2003–2007)

    The evaluation of development aid through Norwegian NGOs in Northern Uganda is the second country oriented report in response to the Rattsø commision. It aims at assessing the achievements of Norwegian organisations and their partners in this part of Uganda.

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