Experimental and numerical study of stainless steel built-up tubular sections subjected to End-Two-Flange loading


This research investigates the web crippling behaviour and resistances of stainless steel built-up tubular sections subjected to End-Two-Flange (ETF) loading, underpinned by testing and numerical simulations. Experiments were conducted on 22 austenitic and duplex stainless steel built-up tubular section specimens, and each specimen was composed of two identical press-braked channel sections connected by self-tapping screws in a face-to-face manner. The results obtained from experiments were then adopted to validate finite element models. The validated finite element models were used to perform parametric studies to produce more numerical data. Based on the experimental and numerical data, the current design rules for stainless steel sections subjected to ETF loading, as specified in the European code and American specification, were assessed. The assessment results revealed that both design standards provided rather conservative and scattered failure load predictions. Finally, this study proposed a new design approach, offering substantially improved failure load predictions for austenitic and duplex stainless steel built-up tubular sections subjected to ETF loading

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    Last time updated on 03/02/2025

    This paper was published in Enlighten.

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