
About the Environment Directorate


Jo Tyndall

Ms Jo Tyndall

Director, Environment Directorate (OECD)

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Deputy Director

Kumi Kitamori, Acting Deputy Director, Environment Directorate

Ms Kumi Kitamori

Deputy Director, Environment Directorate (OECD)

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Deputy Director

Ms Mathilde Mesnard

Deputy Director and OECD Co-ordinator for Climate and Green Finance, Environment Directorate (OECD)

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Who we are and how we work

The Environment Directorate helps countries design and implement effective policies to address environmental problems and sustainably manage natural resources. It examines the linkages between the environment and economic, sectoral or social concerns in areas such as green growth, climate change, biodiversity, water, waste and the circular economy, the ocean, resource efficiency, environmental taxes, genetically modified crop safety, agriculture, transport, trade, investment and development.

The Committee structures

The OECD Environment Policy Committee

The Environment Policy Committee (EPOC) implements the OECD’s Environment Programme. Established in 1971, EPOC consists of senior-level delegates from capitals and meets three times every two years. The Committee holds meetings at the Ministerial level approximately every four years.

EPOC oversees work on: country reviews, indicators and outlooks, climate change, natural resource management, policy tools and evaluation, environment and development, and resource efficiency and waste, supported by EPOC’s seven Working Parties. EPOC also formally co-operates with other OECD Committees, including through Joint Working Parties on Trade and Environment and on Agriculture and Environment, as well as Joint Meetings of Experts on Tax and Environment. The committee also works with other OECD committees to ensure consistency of the messages as they pertain to environment as well as ensuring horizontal links with other work in the OECD.

The OECD Chemicals Committee

The Chemicals Committee, like EPOC, reports directly to the OECD Council. EPOC’s Working Party on Chemicals, Pesticides and Biotechnology and the Chemicals Committee together form the Joint Meeting which oversees the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Programme.


The OECD regularly publishes newsletters featuring the latest publications, analysis, events, Green Talks LIVE webinars, articles and blogs related to environment, chemical safety and biosafety and green growth and sustainable development. Sign up for our newsletters on:

» Environment;

» Chemical safety and biosafety;

» Green growth and sustainable development.

Contact us

You can reach the Environment Directorate via email at [email protected].

Engage with us on Twitter and Linkedin.

Our offices

Visiting address:

OECD Boulogne
46, quai Alphonse Le Gallo
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt - France