In 2017, the continuity of midwifery care model was introduced as the way forward in Scottish maternity and neonatal services. There is no shared research strategy aligning research needs with an agenda, setting goals and revising plans. In this paper, we outline the systematic multi-actor and integrated knowledge translation process that frames and informs our initiative to develop a continuity of midwifery care research strategy, focusing on establishing a comprehensive mission, vision, and research topics. Guided by the pre-implementation process as part of the implementation science methodology, we engaged with a Scottish group of stakeholders, including service providers, academics, managers/policymakers, service users’ advocates and midwifery students during targeted activities to contribute to a widely held perspective. We collected data using an online poll, subgroup brainstorming sessions, plenary group discussions, evaluation and video recording to frame and inform the research mission, vision and study topics. Data collection tools included word clouds, brainstorming sheets, observation notes, ranking, evaluation forms and recording transcripts. The outcomes of a stepwise analytic approach of mapping, synthesising, and using the data to develop a continuity of midwifery care research direction and focus will inform future funding applications, studies and projects. The pre-implementation process and actions described in this paper can serve as an example of structuring comprehensive research strategies in other settings, cultures, domains or contexts
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