The Aid for Trade at a Glance 2009: Maintaining Momentum report presents the results of the second monitoring exercise of the Aid for Trade Initiative and documents its success so far.
At a meeting in Berlin on 4-5 November 2008, ministers from Central Asian countries agreed to work together on a regional initiative to boost the business climate.
English, , 646kb
Efforts to improve the institutional arrangements in relation to IDPs (principally within the UN) have been taking place within the context of wider efforts to improve coordination in humanitarian operations.
English, Excel, 3,815kb
This report is an evaluation of the Department for International Development's country programme in Afghanistan from January 2002 to December 2007, commissioned by the Evaluation Department of DFID and undertaken by ITAD Limited, an independent consultancy company.
The OECD will host a meeting with experts on Afghanistan and with donor agencies to provide independent advice to help those working most closely on the reconstruction and recovery efforts to rebuild the country.