This book provides a review of progress in achieving the Strategy's objectives, and provides a solid analytical base for discussions on future environmental co-operation between EECCA countries and their partners.
This report draws on three detailed case studies in Eastern Europe, the Caucases and Central Asia (EECCA), and on the experience of OECD countries to provide guidance on how transfers from central budgets to local authorities could be designed to finance environmental infrastructures in transition economies. Ideally, the costs of water supply and sanitation should be covered by user charges. However, the high investment costs and
Russian, , 763kb
This data-base was prepared to help rural communities and water users associations in EECCA countries identify options for WSS infrastructure development in rural areas that are feasible from the financial (investment and oper-ating costs) point of view and could be sustained by rural communitie
English, , 297kb
This data-base was prepared to help rural communities and water users associations in EECCA countries identify options for WSS infrastructure development in rural areas that are feasible from the financial point of view and could be sustained by rural communities.
At their meeting in Yerevan, EECCA Ministers of Environment, Finance, and Economy, Ministers and senior representatives from several OECD countries, as well as senior officials from International Financial Institutions, International Organisations, non-governmental organisations, and the private sector, met to discuss the situation in the EECCA water supply and sanitation sector and the measures needed to ensure sustainable financing
Russian, , 1,351kb
English, , 904kb
This policy report focuses on social aspects of the ongoing Armenian urban water sector reforms,conclusions, and recommendations prepared within the emonstration Project “Consumer Protection in Urban Water Sector Reforms in Armenia: Ability to Pay and Social Protection of Low Income Households.”
English, , 617kb
Peer Review of Environmental Enforcement System in Armenia - Technical Report written in Russian.
Russian, , 569kb
Russian, , 684kb