227952 research outputs found
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Trading in the multicultural emporia of the Po Valley. Weighing systems and proto-currencies
Pointwise multipliers for Triebel–Lizorkin and Besov spaces on Lie groups
On a general Lie group G endowed with a sub-Riemannian structure and of local dimension d, we characterize the pointwise multipliers of Triebel–Lizorkin spaces Fαp,q for p,q∈(1,∞) and α>d/p, and those of Besov spaces Bαp,q for q∈[1,∞], p>d and d/
Navigating disconnected social circles: experiences and personal networks of Latino/a adolescents in the U.S. rural South
Informed by Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model of development, this mixed-methods study’s aims are to: (1) describe rural Latino/a adolescents’ (N = 62) narratives and lived social experiences in the context of rurality, and (2) examine their personal networks to better understand their social interactions (subset of 30 adolescents). Rural Latino/a adolescents move in limited social circles and experience geographic, cultural, and social isolation due to immigration status problems, socioeconomic issues, racial discrimination, and family dynamics. This limitation is reflected by personal networks that tend to be homogenous in terms of ethnicity, age, and sociodemographic characteristics. School, although characterized by weak social ties often disconnected from community and family contacts, emerged as the dominant context of sociability where adolescents build their social identity outside the circle of dense family ties. Findings suggest a critical need for interventions to reduce isolation and enhance social connectedness between family, school, and rural community in this population
Appunti delle lezioni berlinesi di Karl Georg Bruns
La trascrizione degli appunti di Eugen Huber al corso di ‘Pandekten’ di Karl Georg Bruns tenutosi nel 1870 a Berlino costituisce un lavoro meritorio che mette a disposizione una fonte inedita: si tratta di una testimonianza importante non solo della formazione romanistica di Huber, padre del Codice civile svizzero, ma anche del ruolo di docente di Bruns, dalle cui lezioni emerge la consapevolezza del diritto romano quale base comune alla cultura giuridica europea.The transcription of Eugen Huber’s notes on Karl Georg Bruns’ ‘Pandekten’ course held in 1870 in Berlin constitutes a meritorious work that makes a previously unpublished source available: it is an important testimony not only of the romanistic training of Huber, the father of the Swiss Civil Code, but also of the teaching role of Bruns, from whose lectures emerges the awareness of Roman law as a common basis for European legal culture
Dalla "giurisprudenza Falciani" alla mancata (forse ancora per poco) attuazione di una disciplina sul tax whistleblowing
Nel corso degli anni diverse sono state le figure dei segnalatori fiscali, che mosse da intenti ed esigenze differenti, hanno portato alla nascita dei c.d. (tax) whistleblower.
La perimetrazione di tali soggetti ha rappresentato un'enorme sfida sia a livello euro-unitario sia a livello nazionale, sfida cui ha partecipato in maniera fortemente attiva anche la giurisprudenza.
L'ultimo approdo è stato rappresentato dal recepimento nell'ordinamento nazionale della dir. 23 ottobre 2019, n. 1937, di cui, ora, si attendono i (tanto sperati) frutti
legge 15 gennaio 2021, n. 4. Ratifica ed esecuzione della Convenzione dell'Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro n. 190 sull'eliminazione della violenza e delle molestie sul luogo di lavoro, adottata a Ginevra il 21 giugno 2019 nel corso della 108^ sessione della Conferenza generale della medesima Organizzazione
Prebiotics and the risk of upper digestive tract and stomach cancers: the PrebiotiCa study
Background: Fiber intake may lower digestive tract cancer risk, possibly by modulating the composition of gut microbiota. However, no data is available about the role of specific fiber fractions with prebiotic activity, e.g., inulin-type fructans (ITFs), fructo-oligosaccharides (FOSs) and galactooligosaccharides (GOSs), on the risk lower digestive tract cancer. Objective: The objective was to assess the association between prebiotic intake and the risk of cancers of the upper digestive tract and stomach. Design: Within the PrebiotiCa study, data were derived from a network of Italian case-control studies conducted between 1992 and 2009. Participants' usual diet was assessed using a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). ITFs, and selected FOSs (nystose, kestose and 1F-β-fructofuranosylnystose) and GOSs (raffinose and stachyose) were quantified in several food products via laboratory analyses. Participants' prebiotic intake was calculated by multiplying FFQ intake by the prebiotic content of each food item. Participants/setting: Cases were patients admitted to major hospitals with incident histologically confirmed cancers; there were 946 cases of cancer of the oral cavity/pharynx, 198 of the nasopharynx, 304 of the esophagus, 230 of the stomach. Over 4,000 patients admitted to the same hospitals for acute non-neoplastic nor diet-related conditions were selected as controls. Main outcome measures: The outcomes were oral and pharyngeal, nasopharyngeal, esophageal and stomach cancers. Statistical analyses performed: The odds ratios (OR) and corresponding confidence intervals (CI) of the various cancers were derived using logistic regression models adjusted for major confounders and energy intake. Results: No association was observed between the intake of prebiotics and the risk of cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx, nasopharynx and esophagus. High raffinose intake reduced stomach cancer risk (OR for the third versus the first tertile 0.6, 95% confidence interval, CI: 0.3-0.9); no other prebiotic was associated with stomach cancer. Conclusions: The current study does not support a major role of prebiotic fibers on selected upper digestive tract cancers. The association between high raffinose intake and reduced stomach cancer risk needs further investigation in future studies
Anglo-Romanian Cooperation in Civil Aircraft Production : The case of the Rombac airliner, 1976-1993
Integrative approach for precise genotyping and transcriptomics of salt tolerant introgression rice lines
Rice is the most salt sensitive cereal crop and its cultivation is particularly threatened by salt stress, which is currently worsened due to climate change. This study reports the development of salt tolerant introgression lines (ILs) derived from crosses between the salt tolerant indica rice variety FL478, which harbors the Saltol quantitative trait loci (QTL), and the salt-sensitive japonica elite cultivar OLESA. Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) and Kompetitive allele specific PCR (KASPar) genotyping, in combination with step-wise phenotypic selection in hydroponic culture, were used for the identification of salt-tolerant ILs. Transcriptome-based genotyping allowed the fine mapping of indica genetic introgressions in the best performing IL (IL22). A total of 1,595 genes were identified in indica regions of IL22, which mainly located in large introgressions at Chromosomes 1 and 3. In addition to OsHKT1;5, an important number of genes were identified in the introgressed indica segments of IL22 whose expression was confirmed [e.g., genes involved in ion transport, callose synthesis, transcriptional regulation of gene expression, hormone signaling and reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation]. These genes might well contribute to salt stress tolerance in IL22 plants. Furthermore, comparative transcript profiling revealed that indica introgressions caused important alterations in the background gene expression of IL22 plants (japonica cultivar) compared with its salt-sensitive parent, both under non-stress and salt-stress conditions. In response to salt treatment, only 8.6% of the salt-responsive genes were found to be commonly up- or down-regulated in IL22 and OLESA plants, supporting massive transcriptional reprogramming of gene expression caused by indica introgressions into the recipient genome. Interactions among indica and japonica genes might provide novel regulatory networks contributing to salt stress tolerance in introgression rice lines. Collectively, this study illustrates the usefulness of transcriptomics in the characterization of new rice lines obtained in breeding programs in rice
Sull’interpretazione della clausola di rinnovo delle R&W al momento del Closing
La nota si confronta con le criticità interpretative poste dal rapporto fra contratto preliminare di compravendita di partecipazioni sociali e atto di trasferimento delle medesime, con particolare riferimento alle dichiarazioni e garanzie contenute nel primo e non ripetute nel secondo. Si evidenziano gli inconvenienti che derivano dall’uso di formule contrattuali di origine ‘‘aliena’’ in un contesto giuridico nel quale valgono diversi princip