The OECD, in partnership with Eurostat, ROSSTAT and CISSTAT, has calculated benchmark purchasing power parities (PPPs) for GDP and consumption for the year 2005 for 55 countries following a common methodology. The calculation covers the 30 member countries of the OECD, the 27 member states of the European Union, ten CIS countries, six Western Balkan countries and Israel. The results will be included into the forthcoming release of
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Education Policies for Students at Risk and those with Disabilities in South Eastern Europe - Bulgaria and Synthesis Report in the local language.
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Education Policies for Students at Risk and Those with Disabilities in South Eastern Europe - Findings from the Follow-Up Visits, October 2006-January 2007
OECD Trade Policy Working Paper No. 51. This paper presents improved approaches to measurement of services barriers by using alternative weighting methods and improved econometric specifications.
These highlights contain extracts from the 2007 edition of the report, Agricultural Policies in Non OECD Countries: Monitoring and Evaluation 2007.
The synthesis report compares the country reports of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo, FYR of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia using the following guidelines: existing legal frameworks, scope of policy development, statistics and indicators, teacher training, involvement of parents, pedagogical concepts, curriculum development and school organisation. It underlines the fact that the analysed
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Prepared by the OECD and the EBRD in close consultation with the European Commission this report presents the 2004 edition of the Enterprise Policy Performance Assessment for Bulgaria.
This seminar is a unique opportunity to debate the results of recent entrepreneurship development in Bulgaria and will focus on the theme of financing entrepreneurship at local and regional level...
Topics covered include the legislative framework; institutional arrangements for research and teaching; budgeting mechanisms; regional and international co-operation including EU policy initiatives; and the impact of brain drain and ageing on human resources.
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When conducted at the right time, and when they focus on key issues of concern to policy makers and managers, and when the results are presented in a user-friendly format, evaluations can provide a highly cost-effective way to improve the performance and impact of development policies, programs and projects. But evaluations that fail these criteria may produce no useful results– even when they are methodologically sound. This report