The hen flea is a common parasite in bird nests, in particular, in tit species, and imposes considerable fitness costs for the host. These costs are expected to lead to selection for increased host defense, which in turn should select for better-adapted parasites. Our understanding of the coevolution of this host-parasite system is currently limited by the insufficient knowledge of both the timing of flea generations and their reproductive behavior within the nesting period of their hosts. In the present study we (1) followed the demography of experimental flea subpopulations during the host's breeding cycle, (2) assessed the importance of time-temperature effects in the nest by recording temperatures within the nest material, and (3) investigated the influence of variation in host timing and duration of the breeding period on flea development. We found the following. (1) Fleas completed either one or two generations within the birds' nesting cycle, leading to two well-defined periods of cocoon formation. (2) Within-nest temperatures during the warm period of the host breeding cycle—i.e., the incubation and nestling periods—depended on both outdoor temperatures and heat production from the breeding birds. Day-degree availability, a measure of physiological time, during the host incubation was significantly explained by the duration of incubation period and its timing in the season. Similarly, day-degrees during the warmer nestling period were significantly explained by its duration and its timing in the season. (3) The number of flea larvae found in the nests correlated with the host's timing and duration of the warm period available for their development; this was not the case, however, for the number of adult fleas. These results underline the importance of time-temperature effects as determinants of flea demography within the nests. The life-cycle and time-temperature effects are discussed in the light of potential host selection on parasite behavior and life historie