Ghent University

Ghent University Academic Bibliography
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    363821 research outputs found

    Hidden in plain sight : an investigation of children’s contextual L2 English language learning through out-of-school exposure

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    Winning hegemony : a discourse-theoretical perspective on political strategy and the trade politics of the European Parliament

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    Time-in : promoting school readiness through emotion regulation In Flemish education

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    Worldwide, there is a high number of early school dropout in both regular and special education. In this regard, especially children with special educational needs are considered at risk for early school dropout since they often exhibit emotional and behavioral difficulties, which have been typically conceptualized as externalizing and internalizing problems. If emotional and behavioral difficulties persist, they may seriously disrupt the educational process and pose a difficult challenge for schools and teachers, who are, in fact, not specifically trained to deal with emotional and behavioral difficulties. Within these circumstances, mainly teachers with limited social and emotional competencies experience a lot of stress, feelings of powerlessness, and loss of control. To regain control, these teachers frequently use behavioral strategies such as time-out as well as disciplinary measures. However, the inappropriate use of these strategies may paradoxically put further pressure on the relationship between the teacher and the child and, moreover, lead to an increase in children’s emotional and behavioral difficulties. At the teacher level, this cascade may ultimately result in chronic stress, exhaustion, burnout, and absenteeism, while at the child-level, in reduced academic performance, suspension, and school exclusion. How can we stop these vicious circles? How can we ameliorate the well-being of these children and their teachers at school? It is aimed to look for some answers in this PhD thesis

    Measuring and investigating secondary education teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms through video-based comparative judgement

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    Leerkrachten worden uitgedaagd hun klaspraktijk aan te passen aan leerlingen hun diverse vaardigheden, interesses, achtergronden en motivaties. De diversiteit in klaslokalen wordt nog intenser gegeven de context van een wereldwijde onderwijsevolutie naar meer inclusieve leeromgevingen. Dit proefschrift hanteert een brede definitie van 'inclusie' die verwijst naar het tegemoetkomen aan de behoeften van alle leerlingen voor wie eerlijke onderwijskansen een uitdaging zijn. In dit proefschrift stellen we dat leerkrachten hun situatie-specifieke vaardigheden (d.w.z., perceptie, interpretatie en beslissingsvermogen) de kern vormen van hun competentie om onderwijs inclusief af te stemmen op de diverse sterktes en behoeften van leerlingen. Dit proefschrift focust zich in het bijzonder op leerkrachten hun professionele visie van inclusieve klassen als een situatie-specifieke vaardigheid. Professionele visie wordt gedefinieerd als het vermogen om inclusieve klassituaties op te merken en deze vervolgens te interpreteren. In onderwijskundige literatuur werd het concept professionele visie nog niet toegepast op inclusieve klassituaties. Er is bijgevolg ook geen meetinstrument om leerkrachten hun professionele visie op inclusieve klassen mee in kaart te brengen. Daarom had dit proefschrift tot doel om leraren hun professionele visie op inclusieve klassen te meten en onderzoeken. Enerzijds werd evidentie verzameld om de validiteit van een video-gebaseerd instrument te onderbouwen dat leerkrachten hun professionele visie meet op vlak van twee dimensies van effectieve inclusieve klassen: (1) positieve leerkracht-leerling interacties en (2) differentiatie. Het paarsgewijs vergelijken van video clips wordt wordt hierbij onderzocht als een holistisch en onbevooroordeeld alternatief voor gevestigde analytische meetmethoden die professionele visie kwantitatief in kaart brengen. Anderzijds werden leerkrachten hun paarsgewijze vergelijkingen van video clips in verband gebracht met hun overtuigingen over het lesgeven aan diverse leerlingen enerzijds en hun differentiatiepraktijk anderzijds. Op die manier trachtten we meer inzicht te krijgen in de wijze waarop professionele visie zich verhoudt tot andere aspecten van leerkrachten hun competentie om inclusief te werken. Hiertoe werden vier empirische studies opgezet: één mixed-method studie met experten (N=30) en 3 kwantitatieve studies met een steekproef van leerkrachten (N=360-400) uit het secundair onderwijs. Dit proefschrift verbreedt het methodologisch onderzoek omtrent kwantitatieve meetmethoden die professionele visie meten. De onderzoeksresultaten ondersteunen de validiteit van de paarsgewijze beoordelingsmethode om leerkrachten hun professionele visie op een holistische en onbevooroordeelde manier mee in kaart te brengen. De combinatie van paarsgewijze vergelijkingen van video clips om leerkrachten hun opmerkingsvermogen te meten met een analytische assessment van leerkrachten hun redeneringen over de vergelijkingen, zorgt ervoor dat de professionele visie van leerkrachten op een meer omvattende manier kan gemeten worden dan gevestigde video-gebaseerde kwantitatieve meetinstrumenten tot nu toe hebben gedaan. Daarnaast biedt dit proefschrift ook meer inzicht in leerkrachten hun competentie om inclusief te werken door hun professionele visie op inclusieve klassen in verbrand te brengen met andere competentie-aspecten zoals hun opvattingen over het lesgeven aan diverse leerlingen en hun differentiatiepratijk. De resultaten tonen aan dat leerkrachten hun opvattingen als filter werken op hun professionele visie en dat leerkrachten hun professionele visie ook gerelateerd is aan hun differentiatiepraktijk. De wijze waarop deze drie aspecten met elkaar in verband staan is echter complexer dan lineaire theoretische modellen suggereren. Op basis van de inzichten uit dit proefschrift zien we team-gebaseerde professionele ontwikkeling, dat gebruik maakt van video-reflectie, als een veelbelovende methode om leerkrachten hun competentie om inclusief te werken te versterkenNowadays, teachers are challenged to adapt their practice to heterogeneous abilities, interests, backgrounds, and motivations. The diversity in current-day classrooms is even intensified given the context of a global movement towards more inclusive learning environments. This dissertation adopts a broad definition of ‘inclusion’ that refers to catering to the needs of all students for whom equitable educational opportunities are challenging. This dissertation theorises that teachers’ situation-specific skills (i.e., perception, interpretation and decision-making), are at the core of teachers’ competence to inclusively attune teaching practices to diverse learner strengths and needs. This dissertation particularly focuses on teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms as a situation-specific skill that encompasses teachers’ noticing of inclusive classroom events, and their ability to reason about these events. Since educational literature has not yet applied the concept of professional vision to the topic of teaching diverse learners in inclusive settings and since no measurement instrument exists to assess the concept, not much is known about teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms. Therefore, the main goal of this dissertation was to measure and investigate teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms. On the one hand, evidence was gathered to support the validity of a video-based instrument that measures teachers’ professional vision of two dimensions of effective inclusive classrooms: positive teacher-student interactions and differentiated instruction. In doing so, the method of comparative judgement is investigated as a more holistic and unbiased alternative for established analytical assessment approaches that measure teachers’ professional vision quantitatively. On the other hand, teachers’ video-based comparative judgements were related to their beliefs about teaching diverse learners and their differentiation practice. This provided more insight in teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms as an aspect of teachers’ inclusive teaching competence. To this end, four empirical studies were set up: one mixed-method expert study (N=30) and three cross-sectional studies with a sample of secondary education teachers (N=360-400). This dissertation methodologically broadens the research base about video-based methods to measure professional vision quantitatively. Combining multiple sources of evidence supports the validity of video-based comparative judgement as a method to measure teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms in a holistic and unbiased way. Combining video-based comparative judgement to measure teachers’ noticing with analytical rating items to measure reasoning, allows to measure teachers’ professional vision in a more comprehensive way than established video-based quantitative measurement instruments have done so far. This dissertation also advances our understanding of teachers’ inclusive teaching competence by investigating the way teachers’ professional vision of inclusive classrooms is related to other aspects of teacher competence such as dispositions (i.e., beliefs about teaching diverse learners) and classroom performance (i.e., differentiation practice). Results show that teachers’ professional vision is filtered by their beliefs and is related to their classroom practice. However, the interrelationship between these three aspects of teacher competence is more complex than linear theoretical models propose. Based on our research insights, we propose team-based professional development trajectories that involve video reflection as a promising approach to strengthen teachers’ inclusive teaching competence

    The (un)necessity of child portrayal in momfluencer content : exploring mothers’ perspectives on influencer sharenting through in-depth interviews

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    Momfluencers heavily disclose personal information and pictures of their children on their social media as they aim to share parenting experiences with their followers. Including their children in their content may make them more authentic and increase their celebrity capital. However, empirical research testing this assumption is scarce. Importantly, the portrayal of children in influencer sharenting has raised concern regarding the privacy of the portrayed child and the related consequences for the child's well-being. Through 20 in-depth interviews with followers of momfluencers, we assessed the perceptions of and attitudes towards child portrayal in momfluencer content and privacy-protective behaviors. The mothers in our study appeared to be highly concerned about the risks related to sharenting behaviors. While these mothers believed that portraying children in momfluencer content is essential to enhance their perceptions of credibility, authenticity, and intimacy; they emphasized that this can be achieved while protecting the child's privacy through the use of anti-sharenting techniques. Transparent communication about the choices momfluencers make regarding these techniques appeared to be essential for fostering meaningful relationships. In addition, momfluencers who employ anti-sharenting techniques and transparently explain their reasons for doing so may have the potential to influence changes in followers' own sharenting behavior. These findings emphasize the potential of anonymizing children in momfluencer content, enabling momfluencers to protect their children's online privacy while maintaining the affordances of sharenting

    The information, control, and value models of mobile health‐driven empowerment

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    Mobile health tools are often said to empower users by providing them with the information they need to exercise control over their health. We aim to bring clarity to this claim, and in doing so explore the relationship between empowerment and autonomy. We have identified three distinct models embedded in the empowerment rhetoric: empowerment as information, empowerment as control, and empowerment as values. Each distinct model of empowerment gives rise to an associated problem. These problems, the Problem of Interpretation, the Value Alignment Problem, and the Priority Problem, show that mobile health tools in their current form are either insufficient for empowerment or are self-defeating. These digital health technologies encourage users to adopt an individualized conception of autonomy, one that may weaken the doctor-patient relationship and undermine practices in shared decision making, and ultimately may not deliver on improving the health outcomes for those that need it the most


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