
Germany Economic Snapshot

Economic Forecast (November 2022)

Economic Outlook Note - Germany

The economy is projected to grow by 1.8% in 2022, contract by 0.3% in 2023 and recover by 1.5% in 2024. Uncertainty is high amidst strong energy price volatility. High inflation is reducing real incomes and savings, damping private consumption. Despite weakening external demand, export growth will recover through 2023 due to easing supply chain bottlenecks and a record-high order backlog.


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OECD-Wirtschaftsausblick - Deutschland

Die Wirtschaft wird den Projektionen zufolge 2022 um 1,8 % wachsen, 2023 um 0,3 % schrumpfen und 2024 wieder um 1,5 % zulegen. Die Unsicherheit ist angesichts der starken Volatilität der Energiepreise hoch. Die hohe Inflation schmälert die Realeinkommen und Ersparnisse, wodurch der private Konsum gedämpft wird.


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Going for Growth: Economic Policy Reforms (April 2021)

Going for Growth 2021 - Germany

The pandemic is likely to accelerate digitalisation with new business models and increases in demand for teleworking, telehealth services and remote learning. The energy transition requires changes in behaviour, consumption and production. In order to face these challenges while supporting the recovery, Germany needs to boost investment in infrastructure and knowledge-based capital, revive business dynamics and address skills bottlenecks.

©Shutterstock/Anton Petrus

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2021 Structural Reform Priorities

  • Infrastructure: Boost infrastructure investment
  • Competition and regulation: Promote reallocation by removing barriers to firm growth and incentivising investment in expanding industries
  • Education and skills: Strengthen skills to cope with technological change
  • Labour market: Make it easier for parents to choose flexible working hours
  • Tax system: Reduce tax wedges on labour income and shift taxation towards less distortive taxes

 >> Going for Growth homepage

Economic Survey of Germany (December 2020)

Executive Summary

