

  • 30-June-2008

    English, , 463kb

    Evaluation of CIDA’s Program in Ghana 1999-2005

    This evaluation covered Canadian investments of $215 million over the 1999 to 2006 period. The evaluation found that CIDA's Program in Ghana made positive development contributions during the period under review.

  • 24-June-2008

    English, , 362kb

    Interview with Ken Ofori ATTA

    Interview with Ken Ofori ATTA, 24th June 2008, Accra (Ghana).Led by Matilda Asante and Anne Perrin. West African Visions, Extract of the 2007-2008 West Africa Report, ECOWAS/SWAC.

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    African Economic Outlook 2007

    The 31 countries examined in this sixth edition of the African Economic Outlook account for some 86 per cent of Africa’s population and 91 per cent of itseconomic output.

  • 11-May-2007

    English, , 1,087kb

    AEO 2007 - Ghana country study

    THE GHANAIAN ECONOMY is benefiting from one of the most successful reform programmes in Africa, with increased growth reflecting strong economicfundamentals underpinned by anti-inflationary monetary policy and fiscal consolidation.

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  • 6-February-2006

    English, , 495kb

    Ghana: Country Assistance Evaluation

    Ghana is well endowed with natural resources as evidenced by its rich soils and favourable climate for agriculture which remains the mainstay of the economy. Agriculture accounts for 40% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employs about over half of the labour force.

  • 25-July-2005

    English, , 79kb

    Ghana: Country Assistance Evaluation Summary note

    This note provides a summary of the ongoing Ghana Country Assistance Evaluation (CAE).

  • 3-March-2003

    English, , 581kb

    African Economic Outlook 2002/03 - Country Studies: Ghana

    Country Study of Ghana

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