English, PDF, 54kb
The purpose of the evaluation is to contribute to learning regarding Swedish support to democracy and human rights and to provide input for future government policy development.
English, Excel, 1,333kb
The education and training of ICT were adopted and implemented as a political means to enhance the administrative efficiency in Iraq, and as a direct and indirect political means for economic development in Guatemala.
English, Excel, 2,175kb
The project intended to help refugees from the Guatemalan civil war that lasted 36 years. The evaluation team visited four villages where the project was performed and carried out surveys with every family in those four villages.
No untargeted agricultural policy intervention is pro-poor within the rural economy, says this study of farm households in Bangladesh, Ghana, Guatemala, Malawi, Nicaragua and Vietnam using the new Development Policy Evaluation Model (DEVPEM).
English, , 1,186kb
This report synthesises the findings and lessons learned from an evaluation of Norway’s and Sweden’s aid interventions intended to promote child rights in four countries: Guatemala, Kenya, Mozambique and Sudan.
Spanish, , 344kb
A pesar de condiciones marco difíciles y conflictivas, las medidas evaluadas se han mostra-do generalmente sensibles referente a las posibles repercusiones conflictivas de sus propias intervenciones (no hacer daño).
English, , 1,531kb
Norwegian support for democratic development and UN agencies’ roles in this arekey tenets in Norway’s development assistance. The UN role is seen as particularlyrelevant in fragile situations.
English, , 595kb
The Millennium Declaration set 2015 as the target date for halving the number of people living in extreme poverty. This paper examines the role of the agricultural sector and looks at 25 developing countries who have posted extraordinary success in reducing extreme poverty.
Spanish, , 3,074kb
Éste es el informe final de la evaluación del Programa de Cooperación Bilateral del Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración (MTIN), correspondiente al periodo 2003-2008, que se ha desarrollado durante los meses de julio a diciembre del año 2008.
The Latin American Economic Outlook 2010 analyses the impact of the economic crisis in Latin America with a focus on migrations and remittances flows