English, , 451kb
Evaluation of the Dutch ‘Governance and Human Rights Programme’ in Guatemala 1997 - 2003
English, , 2,946kb
This evaluation deals with contract-financed technical co-operation (KTS) as a particular aid form in Swedish development co-operation. In Particular the study explores the link between local ownerhip and the various characterstics of KTS projects, such as being demand-driven, limited in time, scope and financial volume, involve a competent local partner and based on a contract between a consultant and a local partner (LPO),
Spanish, , 225kb
Spanish cooperation with the Flores municipal area in Guatemala working to modernize the municipal structure and improve the supply of potable water in rural areas.
Spanish, , 225kb
Dentro de la periodicidad con que la Oficina de Planificación y Evaluación (OPE) de la Secretaría de Estado para la Cooperación Internacional y para Iberoamérica (SECIPI) del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores ejecuta evaluaciones de las diferentes acciones e instrumentos de la Cooperación Española para el desarrollo, se plantea la realización de una evaluación final de la Primera fase del Programa de fortalecimiento municipal y