Are Latin American governments maximising the potential of fiscal policy as a development tool? This 2009 edition of the annual OECD Latin American Economic Outlook analyses the progress governments in the region have achieved in the fiscal realm during the last dec
Aid for Trade at a Glance 2007: The OECD Creditor Reporting System (CRS) database is used to track ODA flows from Development Assistance Committee (DAC) member countries.
English, , 5,579kb
This evaluation of DFID’s regional programme in the Caribbean is one of a series of regular Country Programme Evaluations (CPEs) commissioned by DFID’s Evaluation Department – and the first to cover a regional programme.
This book describes the opportunities and challenges that Latin American economies will face as Chinese importance in the world economy—and in Latin America's traditional markets—continues to grow.
English, , 336kb
The evaluation intends to investigate to what extent UNDP’s activities in conflict-afflicted countries contributed to the goal of human security defined broadly as ‘freedom from fear’ and ‘freedom from want’.
Spanish, , 291kb
Mediante esta misión se pretendía evaluar el instrumento denominado Programa de Subvenciones y Ayudas a ONGD e Instituciones sin Fines de Lucro, a través del análisis de proyectos concretos desarrollados en Haití, República Dominicana y Filipinas y cofinanciados por la SECIPI1 en los años 1994 y 1995.