2 research outputs found
How effective is cooperative learning in the EFL/ESL teaching/learning process?
Cooperative Learning involves different facts in a classroom such as group work, interaction, peer correction and so forth.
In the last years teachers have found a need of implementing some strategies that can be according to the new demands of the Ministry of Education of Colombia about bilingualism. Some teachers think bilingualism is too complicated to be applied in large classroom where the learning is difficult without translation into Spanish due to the implications a large classroom has
How effective is cooperative learning in the EFL/ESL teaching/learning process?
Cooperative Learning involves different facts in a classroom such as group work, interaction, peer correction and so forth.
In the last years teachers have found a need of implementing some strategies that can be according to the new demands of the Ministry of Education of Colombia about bilingualism. Some teachers think bilingualism is too complicated to be applied in large classroom where the learning is difficult without translation into Spanish due to the implications a large classroom has