106 research outputs found
New challenges in psycho‐oncology: Using drug development methodology to improve survivorship and supportive care intervention trials
This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Howells, L., Hulbert-Williams, N. J. & Blagden, S. P. (2019). Using drug development methodology to improve survivorship and supportive care intervention trials (Invited Editorial). Psycho-Oncology, 28(7), which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/pon.5100. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-ArchivingN/
Did school characteristics affect the uptake of meningococcal quadrivalent vaccine in Greater Manchester, United Kingdom?
The objective of this study was to assess if school characteristics were associated with the uptake of the meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) vaccine in Greater Manchester in 2017/18.
Study design
This is an ecological cross-sectional study.
We analysed data on all 129 schools in seven local authorities in Greater Manchester from the Department for Education and from local child health information systems to determine whether school characteristics, including school type and Ofsted effectiveness score, were associated with vaccine uptake. Schools with no eligible pupils were excluded. We undertook single-variable and multivariable analysis and considered key interactions.
The overall uptake rate was 80.7%, with a median uptake per school of 80.6% (interquartile range, 69.0%–87.4%). Lower vaccination rates were associated with lower overall effectiveness scores (odds ratio [OR]: 3.54, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.00–4.19) and lower numbers of pupils eligible for vaccination (OR: 1.39, 95% CI: 1.28–1.51). Schools with a lower percentage of pupils for whom English is a second language and high deprivation were associated with lower uptake (OR: 1.58, 95% CI: 1.41–1.78). In addition, community schools (the schools with the most local authority oversight) had lower vaccination rates than other categories of schools.
In this study, uptake rates of the MenACWY vaccine were associated with all five school characteristics considered. Effectiveness scores for schools had the largest association with vaccine uptake, with poorer schools having lower uptake. These characteristics should be used by vaccination providers to prioritise their interventions to increase immunisation rates
Meningococcal vaccination in primary care amongst adolescents in North West England:an ecological study investigating associations with general practice characteristics
Background In 2015 the meningococcal ACWY (MenACWY) vaccination was introduced amongst adolescents in England following increased incidence and mortality associated with meningococcal group W. Methods MenACWY vaccination uptake data for 17-18 years old and students delivered in primary care were obtained for 20 National Health Service clinical commissioning groups (CCGs) via the ImmForm vaccination system. Data on general practice characteristics, encompassing demographics and patient satisfaction variables, were extracted from the National General Practice Profiles resource. Univariable analysis of the associations between practice characteristics and vaccination was performed, followed by multivariable negative binomial regression. Results Data were utilized from 587 general practices, accounting for similar to 8% of all general practices in England. MenACWY vaccination uptake varied from 20.8% to 46.8% across the CCGs evaluated. Upon multivariable regression, vaccination uptake increased with increasing percentage of patients from ethnic minorities, increasing percentage of patients aged 15-24 years, increasing percentage of patients that would recommend their practice and total Quality and Outcomes Framework achievement for the practice. Conversely, vaccination uptake decreased with increasing deprivation. Conclusions This study has identified several factors independently associated with MenACWY vaccination in primary care. These findings will enable a targeted approach to improve general practice-level vaccination uptake
LARP1 isoform expression in human cancer cell lines
LARP1 is an oncogenic RNA-binding protein required for ribosome biogenesis and cancer cell survival. From published in vitro studies, there is disparity over which of two different LARP1 protein isoforms (termed the long LI-LARP1 and short SI-LARP1) is the canonical. Here, after conducting a series of biochemical and cellular assays, we conclude that LI-LARP1 (NM_033551.3 > NP_056130.2) is the dominantly expressed form. We observe that SI-LARP1 (NM_015315.5> NP_056130.2) is epigenetically repressed and that this repression is evolutionarily conserved in all but a small subclade of mammalian species. As with other LARP family members, there are multiple potential LARP1 mRNA isoforms that appear to be censored within the nucleus. The capacity of the cell to modulate splicing and expression of these apparently 'redundant' mRNAs hints at contextually specific mechanisms of LARP1 expression.</p
The La-related protein 1-specific domain repurposes HEAT-like repeats to directly bind a 5′TOP sequence
La-related protein 1 (LARP1) regulates the stability of many mRNAs. These include 5′TOPs, mTOR-kinase responsive mRNAs with pyrimidine-rich 5′ UTRs, which encode ribosomal proteins and translation factors. We determined that the highly conserved LARP1-specific C-terminal DM15 region of human LARP1 directly binds a 5′TOP sequence. The crystal structure of this DM15 region refined to 1.86 Å resolution has three structurally related and evolutionarily conserved helix-turn-helix modules within each monomer. These motifs resemble HEAT repeats, ubiquitous helical protein-binding structures, but their sequences are inconsistent with consensus sequences of known HEAT modules, suggesting this structure has been repurposed for RNA interactions. A putative mTORC1-recognition sequence sits within a flexible loop C-terminal to these repeats. We also present modelling of pyrimidine-rich single-stranded RNA onto the highly conserved surface of the DM15 region. These studies lay the foundation necessary for proceeding toward a structural mechanism by which LARP1 links mTOR signaling to ribosome biogenesis
The RNA binding protein Larp1 regulates cell division, apoptosis and cell migration.
The RNA binding protein Larp1 was originally shown to be involved in spermatogenesis, embryogenesis and cell-cycle progression in Drosophila. Our data show that mammalian Larp1 is found in a complex with poly A binding protein and eukaryote initiation factor 4E and is associated with 60S and 80S ribosomal subunits. A reduction in Larp1 expression by siRNA inhibits global protein synthesis rates and results in mitotic arrest and delayed cell migration. Consistent with these data we show that Larp1 protein is present at the leading edge of migrating cells and interacts directly with cytoskeletal components. Taken together, these data suggest a role for Larp1 in facilitating the synthesis of proteins required for cellular remodelling and migration
First-in-human phase I/II, open-label study of the anti-OX40 agonist INCAGN01949 in patients with advanced solid tumors
Inmunomodulación; Linfocitos T; Microambiente tumoralImmunomodulació; Limfòcits T; Microambient tumoralImmunomodulation; T-Lymphocytes; Tumor microenvironmentBackground OX40 is a costimulatory receptor upregulated on antigen-activated T cells and constitutively expressed on regulatory T cells (Tregs). INCAGN01949, a fully human immunoglobulin G1κ anti-OX40 agonist monoclonal antibody, was designed to promote tumor-specific immunity by effector T-cell activation and Fcγ receptor-mediated Treg depletion. This first-in-human study was conducted to determine the safety, tolerability, and preliminary efficacy of INCAGN01949.
Methods Phase I/II, open-label, non-randomized, dose-escalation and dose-expansion study conducted in patients with advanced or metastatic solid tumors. Patients received INCAGN01949 monotherapy (7–1400 mg) in 14-day cycles while deriving benefit. Safety measures, clinical activity, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamic effects were assessed and summarized with descriptive statistics.
Results Eighty-seven patients were enrolled; most common tumor types were colorectal (17.2%), ovarian (8.0%), and non-small cell lung (6.9%) cancers. Patients received a median three (range 1–9) prior therapies, including immunotherapy in 24 patients (27.6%). Maximum tolerated dose was not reached; one patient (1.1%) receiving 350 mg dose reported dose-limiting toxicity of grade 3 colitis. Treatment-related adverse events were reported in 45 patients (51.7%), with fatigue (16 (18.4%)), rash (6 (6.9%)), and diarrhea (6 (6.9%)) being most frequent. One patient (1.1%) with metastatic gallbladder cancer achieved a partial response (duration of 6.3 months), and 23 patients (26.4%) achieved stable disease (lasting >6 months in one patient). OX40 receptor occupancy was maintained over 90% among all patients receiving doses of ≥200 mg, while no treatment-emergent antidrug antibodies were detected across all dose levels. Pharmacodynamic results demonstrated that treatment with INCAGN01949 did not enhance proliferation or activation of T cells in peripheral blood or reduce circulating Tregs, and analyses of tumor biopsies did not demonstrate any consistent increase in effector T-cell infiltration or function, or decrease in infiltrating Tregs.
Conclusion No safety concerns were observed with INCAGN01949 monotherapy in patients with metastatic or advanced solid tumors. However, tumor responses and pharmacodynamic effects on T cells in peripheral blood and post-therapy tumor biopsies were limited. Studies evaluating INCAGN01949 in combination with other therapies are needed to further evaluate the potential of OX40 agonism as a therapeutic approach in patients with advanced solid tumors.This study was funded by Incyte Corporation (Wilmington, USA)
An inflammation based score can optimize the selection of patients with advanced cancer considered for early phase clinical trials.
Background: Adequate organ function and good performance status (PS) are common eligibility criteria for phase I trials. As inflammation is pathogenic and prognostic in cancer we investigated the prognostic performance of inflammation-based indices including the neutrophil (NLR) and platelet to lymphocyte ratio (PLR). Methods: We studied inflammatory scores in 118 unselected referrals. NLR normalization was recalculated at disease reassessment. Each variable was assessed for progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) on uni- and multivariate analyses and tested for 90 days survival (90DS) prediction using receiving operator curves (ROC). Results: We included 118 patients with median OS 4.4 months, 23% PS>1. LDH 65450 and NLR 655 were multivariate predictors of OS (p<0.001). NLR normalization predicted for longer OS (p<0.001) and PFS (p<0.05). PS and NLR ranked as most accurate predictors of both 90DS with area under ROC values of 0.66 and 0.64, and OS with c-score of 0.69 and 0.60. The combination of NLR+PS increased prognostic accuracy to 0.72. The NLR was externally validated in a cohort of 126 subjects. Conclusions: We identified the NLR as a validated and objective index to improve patient selection for experimental therapies, with its normalization following treatment predicting for a survival benefit of 7 months. Prospective validation of the NLR is warranted. Copyright: \ua9 2014 Pinato et al
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The mTOR regulated RNA-binding protein LARP1 requires PABPC1 for guided mRNA interaction.
The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a critical regulator of cell growth, integrating multiple signalling cues and pathways. Key among the downstream activities of mTOR is the control of the protein synthesis machinery. This is achieved, in part, via the co-ordinated regulation of mRNAs that contain a terminal oligopyrimidine tract (TOP) at their 5'ends, although the mechanisms by which this occurs downstream of mTOR signalling are still unclear. We used RNA-binding protein (RBP) capture to identify changes in the protein-RNA interaction landscape following mTOR inhibition. Upon mTOR inhibition, the binding of LARP1 to a number of mRNAs, including TOP-containing mRNAs, increased. Importantly, non-TOP-containing mRNAs bound by LARP1 are in a translationally-repressed state, even under control conditions. The mRNA interactome of the LARP1-associated protein PABPC1 was found to have a high degree of overlap with that of LARP1 and our data show that PABPC1 is required for the association of LARP1 with its specific mRNA targets. Finally, we demonstrate that mRNAs, including those encoding proteins critical for cell growth and survival, are translationally repressed when bound by both LARP1 and PABPC1
Heritable genetic variants in key cancer genes link cancer risk with anthropometric traits
Background Height and other anthropometric measures are consistently found to associate with differential cancer risk. However, both genetic and mechanistic insights into these epidemiological associations are notably lacking. Conversely, inherited genetic variants in tumour suppressors and oncogenes increase cancer risk, but little is known about their influence on anthropometric traits.
Methods By integrating inherited and somatic cancer genetic data from the Genome-Wide Association Study Catalog, expression Quantitative Trait Loci databases and the Cancer Gene Census, we identify SNPs that associate with different cancer types and differential gene expression in at least one tissue type, and explore the potential pleiotropic associations of these SNPs with anthropometric traits through SNP-wise association in a cohort of 500,000 individuals.
Results We identify three regulatory SNPs for three important cancer genes, FANCA, MAP3K1 and TP53 that associate with both anthropometric traits and cancer risk. Of particular interest, we identify a previously unrecognised strong association between the rs78378222[C] SNP in the 3' untranslated region (3'-UTR) of TP53 and both increased risk for developing non-melanomatous skin cancer (OR=1.36 (95% 1.31 to 1.41), adjusted p=7.62E−63), brain malignancy (OR=3.12 (2.22 to 4.37), adjusted p=1.43E−12) and increased standing height (adjusted p=2.18E−24, beta=0.073±0.007), lean body mass (adjusted p=8.34E−37, beta=0.073±0.005) and basal metabolic rate (adjusted p=1.13E−31, beta=0.076±0.006), thus offering a novel genetic link between these anthropometric traits and cancer risk.
Conclusion Our results clearly demonstrate that heritable variants in key cancer genes can associate with both differential cancer risk and anthropometric traits in the general population, thereby lending support for a genetic basis for linking these human phenotypes
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