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1149 research outputs found
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Architecture and fragile ambients
This learning object was created as part of the Archi21 Project. It reviews the elements used when referring to fragile ambients, exploring where key words in English and Slovene might correspond. It also explores relationships between urban images and the layers of fragile ambient they might reflect
Uvod v pomen pojma občutljivosti v arhitekturnem in oblikovalskem kontekstu
This learning object was created as part of the Archi21 Project. It explores the meaning and connotations of fragility in English in the context of architecture and design. It also reviews terms and their meanings in Slovene connected with the theme of fragility
Sewa Apartemen BSD, Tangerang Selatan -
Serpong Greenview menyediakan berbagai unit sewa, mulai dari tipe studio sampai tipe 2 bedroom corner. Harga sewa yang terjangkau sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Dekat dengan Pasar Modern BSD dan Teras Kota. Dikelilingi berbagai kantor nasional dan internasional. Lembaga pendidikan formal juga mudah dijangkau
Fruit in Punjabi
A few sentences about fruit, with some simple questions for children to answer. Ideal for beginners
Example video of tutor feedback: student 8 RA2 Rachel
Aim: to analyse students’ written work and apply Academic English theory to a practical scenario
Audience: Teachers of Academic English and students who are in transition – considering going to university in the UK
Level: upper Intermediate to advanced
Learner time: with pre- theory and post- feedback exercises, at least 60 minutes.
In this video, Richard Galletly (an Academic English Lecturer at Aston University) presents the theory to help when writing an effective essay and gives written and verbal feedback on a student's essay.
This video will be useful for students who may need help with essay questions, or who may be interested in studying business at university and may be considering going to the UK to study at an English university. It may also be useful to teachers who would like to know more about how to teach academic writing skills to international students, or local and native students who may struggle with similar tasks.
The video begins with an introduction to the theory from a selection of authors including Patrick Tissington, Stella Cottrell, Oshima & Hogue, Gillett and Fitzpatrick, all of whom will be excellent textbooks to follow when teaching or tutoring students with questions such as this.
Although giving guidance on an essay such as the one shown as an example can be highly subjective, a broad approach has been applied which should be beneficial to a great number of students and potential students of higher education institutions including Universities and Colleges in the UK.
For more advanced information on Critical thinking skills, Academic English, Academic writing, critical evaluations and discussions, please consult the references given below.
The material used in this video is available from the referenced sources given at the end of this video, and further videos on this, and similar topics can be found at:
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Las corridas de toros
A combination of different resources introducing different views on Spanish bull fighting
AS Spanish Technology today
Advanced Spanish two part lesson plan, speaking, questionnaire, listening and writin