210 research outputs found

    Preparation of (Pb,Ba)TiO3 powders and highly oriented thin films by a sol-gel process

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    Solid solution Pb1-xBaxTiO3, with particular emphasis on Pb0.5Ba0.5TiO3, was prepared using a sol-gel process incorporating lead acetate trihydrate, barium acetate, and titanium isopropoxide as precursors, acetylacetone (2,4 pentanedione) as a chelating agent, and ethylene glycol as a solvent. The synthesis procedure was optimized by systematically varying acetylacetone: Ti and H2O:Ti molar ratios and calcination temperature. The resulting effects on sol and powder properties were studied using thermogravimetric analysis/differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, Brunauer-Emmett-Teller analysis, and x-ray diffraction (XRD). Crystallization of the perovskite structure occurred at a temperature as low as 450 °C. Thin films were prepared by spin coating on (100) MgO. Pyrolysis temperature and heating rate were varied, and the resultant film properties investigated using field-emission scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and XRD. Under optimized conditions, highly oriented films were obtained at a crystallization temperature of 600 °C

    Future Directions in Food Safety*

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    Abstract The recent success that the USDA Food Safety Inspection Service has had in 2003 and 2004 of reversing the steadily increasing trend in Class 1 recalls is welcomed. In agreement with those statistics are the FSIS microbiological results for Escherichia coli O157:H7 in raw ground beef, which also showed a decrease in 2003. But there is much work to be done in food safety and much more to achieve. It is imperative that while addressing food-safety issues, we should understand the role that the environmental microbiology, public health epidemiology, aerobiology, molecular microbial ecology, occupational health, industrial processes, municipal water quality, and animal health have on food safety. Although it is a difficult task, a concerted effort by industry, academic, and governmental researchers can accomplish the goal. Here we discuss the future directions and applications in the distribution and spread of foodborne hazards, methods for microbial detection and differentiation, intervention strategies for farm pathogen reduction, targeting waste at animal production sites, considerations on antimicrobial resistance, food-safety storage and preparation strategies, food irradiation, new and emerging food-safety hazards, and quantitative microbial food-safety risk assessment. Although this does not comprise an exhaustive list of food-safety issues, these are the areas that, we think, require considerable attention by researchers. Not only we need to strive to improve food safety through new strategies, processes, and applications, but we also need to be flexible and observant to readily handle the new and emerging food-safety problems, whether they are within our borders or global. At present, the United States has one of the safest food-safety systems in place. However, although this is not a time for complacency, our research endeavors should be designed to keep pace with the food-safety needs of the future

    A review of solar and visible light active TiO2 photocatalysis for treating bacteria, cyanotoxins and contaminants of emerging concern

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    Researchintothedevelopmentofsolarandvisiblelightactivephotocatalystshasbeensignificantlyincreased\ud inrecentyearsduetoitswiderangeofapplicationsintreatingcontaminantsofemergingconcern(CECs),\ud endocrine disruptingcompounds(EDCs), bacteriaandcyanotoxins.Solarphotocatalysisisfoundtobehighly\ud effectiveintreatingawiderangeofCECsfromsourcessuchaspharmaceuticals,steroids,antibiotics,phthalates,\ud disinfectants,pesticides,fragrances(musk),preservativesandadditives.Similarly,anumberofEDCsincluding\ud polycyclicaromatichydrocarbons(PAHs),alkylphenols(APs),bisphenolA(BPA),organotins(OTs),volatileor-\ud ganic compounds(VOCs),naturalandsyntheticestrogenicandandrogenicchemicals,pesticides,andheavy\ud metalscanberemovedfromcontaminatedwaterbyusingsolarphotocatalysis.Photocatalysiswasalsofound\ud effectiveintreatingawiderangeofbacteriasuchas Staphylococcusaureus,Bacillussubtilis,Escherichiacoli,\ud Salmonellatyphi and Micrococcuslylae. Thecurrentreviewalsocomparestheeffectivenessofvariousvisible\ud lightactivatedTiO2 photocatalystsfortreatingthesepollutants. Dopingorco-dopingofTiO2 usingnitrogen,\ud nitrogen–silver,sulphur,carbon,copperandalsoincorporation ofgraphenenano-sheetsarediscussed.Theuse\ud of immobilisedTiO2 for improvingthephotocatalyticactivityisalso presented.Decoratingtitaniaphotocatalyst\ud withgrapheneoxide(GO)isofparticularinterestduetoGO'sabilitytoincreasethephotocatalyticactivityof\ud TiO2. TheuseGOtoincreasethephotocatalyticactivityofTiO2 againstmicrocystin-LR(MC-LR)underUV-Aand\ud solarirciationisdiscussed.TheenhancedphotocatalyticactivityofGO–TiO2 comparedtothecontrolmaterialis\ud attributedtotheeffectiveinhibitionoftheelectron–holerecombinationbycontrollingtheinterfacialcharge\ud transferprocess.Itisconcludedthatthereisacriticalneedforfurtherimprovementoftheefficiencyofthese\ud materialsiftheyaretobeconsideredforbulkindustrialuse

    UV and Visible Light-Driven Production of Hydroxyl Radicals by Reduced Forms of N, F, and P Codoped Titanium Dioxide

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    The photocatalytic activities of reduced titanium dioxide (TiO2) materials have been investigated by measuring their ability to produce hydroxyl radicals under UV and visible light irradiation. Degussa P25 TiO2 was doped with nitrogen (N), fluorine (F), and/or phosphorus (P) and then subjected to surface modification employing a thermo-physicochemical process in the presence of reducing agent sodium borohydride (NaBH4). The reduced TiO2 materials were characterized by a number of X-ray, spectroscopic and imaging methods. Surface doping of TiO2 was employed to modulate the band gap energies into the visible wavelength region for better overlap with the solar spectrum. Hydroxyl radical generation, central to TiO2 photocatalytic water purification applications, was quantitated using coumarin as a trap under UV and visible light irradiation of the reduced TiO2 materials. At 350 nm irradiation, the yield of hydroxyl radicals generated by the reduced forms of TiO2 was nearly 90% of hydroxyl radicals generated by the Degussa P25 TiO2. Hydroxyl radical generation by these reduced forms of TiO2 was also observed under visible light irradiation (419 and 450 nm). These results demonstrated that simple surface modification of doped TiO2 can lead to visible light activity, which is important for more economical solar-driven applications of TiO2 photocatalysis

    In vitro cytotoxicity of water soluble silver (Ag) nanoparticles on HaCat and A549 cell lines

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    The wide range of applications of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) in commercial products, including food packaging, has encouraged researchers to come up with novel preparation methods for the production of these robust materials. The methods resulting in the formation of NPs for such commercial applications clearly demand a good accounting of their toxicity aspects to humans as well as the environment. We herein present a chemical preparation method for the production of size- and shape-defined AgNPs and investigate the impact of these nanoparticles on HaCat and A549 cell lines. Findings show that lung cells (A549) are more sensitive than skin cells (HaCat) to Ag induced toxicity, evident by the significantly (p<0.05) reduced LC50 for all NPs under study. The current investigation showed that the extent of surface capping agent (citrate) and size influenced the cell toxicity, where a lesser surface coverage (zeta potential, ζ, -27.7 mV) and smaller size (~17 nm) enhanced the toxicity compared to comparatively bigger particles (~39 nm) with higher surface coverage (ζ, -47.3 mV). The size- and shape-defined particles such as triangles which have proven useful for many applications, due to their high energy/high field edges, were found to be less toxic against biological cell lines and therefore may have potential to be used in food packaging applications as reservoirs of silver ions. A striking difference in cell line toxicity within such a small size window clearly demonstrates the vital roles played by the smaller size, difference in shape and lesser surface coverage in defining a higher passive cell membrane diffusion followed by silver dissolution inside cell cytoplasm increasing cytotoxicity

    Photocatalytic air-purification: A low-cost, real-time gas detection method

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    This research demonstrates the use of a gas detector as a feasible alternative to the standardized analytical methods typically found in photocatalytic air-purification ISO standard tests and academic literature. A methyl mercaptan detector is calibrated and validated (for linearity) using a standard gas generator. The detector can be directly connected to the photoreactor exit allowing real-time span gas measurement with data-logging at one minute intervals. The detector successfully differentiated samples with different photocatalytic performance. The use of such detectors offers an easy-to-use, low-cost alternative to gas measurement with applications in academic research, proof-of-concept photocatalytic tests and also as an educational tool

    Opportunities and challenges in triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) based sustainable energy generation technologies: a mini-review

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    Almost ten years after the publication of the first triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG) paper in 2012, this review gives a brief overview of recent technological advances in applying TENG technology to key sustainable and renewable energy applications. The paper examines progress of TENG applications in four key areas such as wearables, wave, wind and transport. TENGs have advanced hugely since its inception and approaches to apply them to a host of freely available sources of kinetic energy have been developed. However, electrical output remains low (mostly less than 500 W/m2) compared to some other forms of energy generation and the main challenges for the future appear to be further boosting output power and current, fabricating advanced TENGs economically and designing TENGs for lifetime survival in various practical environments. It concludes with a discussion of pressing challenges for realizing the full potential of TENGs in these application areas particularly from the perspective of materials and fabrication. It is noted that considerable research and development should be required to enable large-scale manufacture of TENG based devices. TENGs will be instrumental in the future evolution of the Internet of Things (IoTs), human-machine interfacing, machine learning applications and ‘net-zero emission’ technologies

    High performance ZnO varistors prepared from nanocrystalline precursors for miniaturised electronic devices

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    An industrially viable solution-based processing route using minimal amounts of solvent has been used to prepare bulk quantity nanopowders (average particle size 15 � 3 nm) for the fabrication of ZnO varistors. The xerogels, calcined powders and sintered materials were fully characterised. The preparation of varistors from nanopowders has been optimised by studying the effect of temperature on grain growth, densification and breakdown voltage. The varistors are prepared by sintering at 1050 �C for 2 hours, a temperature that is significantly lower than that used in the current industrial process. Highly dense varistor discs prepared from the sintered material produce devices, with a breakdown voltage 85% higher than that of commercial varistors, making them suitable for use in miniaturised electronic circuitry. Improved performance of these materials has been attributed to the small grain size and better dispersion of additives on ZnO grains

    Nitrogen and Copper doped solar light active TiO2 photocatalyst for water decontamination

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    A novel class of photocatalytic coating capable of degrading bacterial and chemical contaminants in the presence of visible sunlight wavelengths was produced by depositing a stable photocatalytic TiO2 film on the internal lumen of glass bottles via a sol gel method. This coating was prepared in either undoped form or doped with nitrogen and/or copper to produce visible light-active TiO2 films which were annealed at 600 °C and were characterized by Raman, UV-Vis, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The presence of doped and undoped TiO2 films was found to accelerate the degradation of methylene blue in the presence of natural sunlight, while copper-doped TiO2 films were found to accelerate bacterial inactivation (of E. coli and E. faecalis) in the presence of natural sunlight
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