943 research outputs found
Measuring public-health outcomes of release of transgenic mosquitoes
The transgenic RIDL method could ensure that male mosquitos can be released without biting females and that the males would have no female progeny after mating to wild females. Urban Anopheles or Aedes vector populations, surrounded by different species in rural areas, would seem to be the most appropriate targets for such releases, aiming at eradication. In urban areas intensity of transmission is generally not very high and the public-health outcomes of such urban programmes could be monitored by passive surveillance through health facilities or by active surveillance for infections with or without associated symptoms. The alternative use of transgenic mosquitos would be to produce strains refractory to infection by pathogens such as Plasmodium and to drive such genes into wild populations. In theory, in contrast to sterile-male eradication, such a procedure could "resist" a limited level of immigration and could open up the possibility of using the method against African rural malaria. However, in practice it would seem extremely difficult or impossible to ensure the necessary complete linkage of the refractoriness genes to the driving system. If this problem could be overcome one could monitor the impact of the spreading of the refractoriness genes by its impact on (i) the sporozoite rate in the wild population; (ii) the incidence of re-infection after clearing existing infections with an appropriate drug treatment; (iii) active surveillance for prevalence of malaria fever and anaemia in children; (iv) attacks of severe malaria and deaths monitored though hospitals and village reporters
Irritant effect, prevention of blood feeding and toxicity of nets impregnated with different pyrethroids on An. stephensi
Investigation of negative cross-resistance as a resistance-management tool for insecticide-treated nets.
Resistance management for insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) remains a challenge. Options are limited, because a safe and highly active insecticide with a persistence of several months is required. These criteria have only been met by pyrethroids, although organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates have been considered as alternatives for impregnation of eave curtains. It has been observed that some pyrethroid-resistant mosquito strains show increased OP susceptibility over pyrethroid-susceptible strains (i.e., negative cross-resistance). The current study investigated whether this phenomenon applies to a range of mosquito species and strains, because a mixture or rotation strategy for resistance management could then be envisaged. Adult female mosquitoes from laboratory strains of Anopheles stephensi Liston, Anopheles gambiae Giles, and Culex quinquefasciatus Say were tested in World Health Organization susceptibility test kits. For An. stephensi, the highly pyrethroid-resistant DUB 234 strain showed the same level of resistance to malathion as the pyrethroid-susceptible DUB S. The malathion-resistant ST MAL strain was as susceptible to pyrethroids as the insecticide-susceptible BEECH. For An. gambiae, the malathion tolerance of the previously pyrethroid-resistant RSP strain was significantly higher than that of the insecticide-susceptible KWA. For Cx. quinquefasciatus, selection of the QUINQ strain with permethrin abolished preexisting resistance to the OP malathion as pyrethroid resistance increased, rendering the strain more susceptible to malathion than PEL SS. Some indication of negative cross-resistance to malathion was found for the permethrin-resistant MUHEZA strain. The occurrence of negative cross-resistance seems dependent on the history of insecticide selection and is not generally applicable. Resistance management for ITNs will need to use mechanisms other than negative cross-resistance to be effective
Insecticide treated bednets: A review
The functioning and efficacy of Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) in controlling malaria are discussed in the present review. ITNs Insecticide Treated Nets (ITNs) have been shown to have a beneficial impact in reducing malaria mortality and morbidity in children. However, a few issues are still unresolved: for instance the short and long term effects of an artificially induced reduction in the intensity of malaria transmission on the immune system and the mortality of children is not entirely understood; further studies are needed on whether the spread of resistance to pyrethroids, which is the only class of insecticide currently recommended on nets, affects the effectiveness of ITNs so that resistance to these insecticides would constitutes a serious threat for the success of the malaria vector control programs. Lastly, the economic aspects are presented. The main problem is to find a way for a sustainable implementation of this methodology, that includes purchasing new bednets, delivery and the regular re-impregnation of the existing nets. Free delivery and retreatment in poor countries is not only more equitable but also more efficient than marketing methods
Enhanced blood feeding of Anopheles mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) through membranes with applied host odour.
The feeding behaviour and Plasmodium infection of Anopheles mosquitoes in southern Ethiopia in relation to use of insecticide-treated livestock for malaria control.
Anopheles arabiensis and An. quadriannulatus species B mosquitoes were collected at sites of human and livestock housing and analysed for blood feeding patterns and infection with malaria sporozoites. A low percentage of human blood meals at some sites suggested that zooprophylaxis could be effective in reducing challenge from Plasmodium falciparum
Experimental hut comparisons of nets treated with carbamate or pyrethroid insecticides, washed or unwashed, against pyrethroid-resistant mosquitoes.
The efficacy against mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) of a bednet treated with carbamate insecticide [carbosulfan capsule suspension (CS) 200 mg/m(2)] was compared with four types of pyrethroid-treated nets in veranda-trap huts at Yaokoffikro near Bouaké, Côte d'Ivoire, where the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles carries the kdr gene (conferring pyrethroid resistance) at high frequency and Culex quinquefasciatus Say is also pyrethroid resistant. Pyrethroids compared were lambdacyhalothrin CS 18 mg/m(2), alphacypermethrin water dispersible granules (WG) 20 mg/m(2), deltamethrin 50 mg/m(2) (Permanet) and permethrin emulsifiable concentrate (EC) 500 mg/m(2). Insecticidal power and personal protection from mosquito bites were assessed before and after the nets were used for 8 months and hand washed five times in cold soapy water. Before washing, all treatments except permethrin significantly reduced blood-feeding and all had significant insecticidal activity against An. gambiae. The carbosulfan net gave significantly higher killing of An. gambiae than all pyrethroid treatments except the Permanet. Against Culex spp., carbosulfan was more insecticidal and gave a significantly better protective effect than any of the pyrethroid treatments. After washing, treated nets retained various degrees of efficacy against both mosquito genera - but least for the carbosulfan net. Washed nets with three types of pyrethroid treatment (alphacypermethrin, lambdacyhalothrin, permethrin) gave significantly higher mortality rates of Culex than in huts with the same pyrethroid-treated nets before washing. After five washes, the Permanet, which is sold as a long-lasting insecticidal product, performed no better than the other nets in our experimental conditions
Comparison of coverage with insecticide-treated nets in a Tanzanian town and villages where nets and insecticide are either marketed or provided free of charge
BACKGROUND: There is much emphasis on social marketing as a means of scaling up coverage with insecticide-treated nets and the question has arisen whether nets provided free-of-charge will be looked after by householders. METHODS: Over several years questionnaires and surveys of usage and condition of nets were carried out throughout a town and 15 villages in north-east Tanzania, where nets and insecticide have to be purchased and in 24 other villages where over 15000 nets had been donated and annual re-treatment is provided free-of-charge. RESULTS: There was very high population coverage in the town but, in the villages where nets have to be purchased, only 9.3% of people used nets which were intact and/or had been insecticide-treated and could, therefore, provide protection. However, where nets had been provided free, over 90% of the nets were still present and were brought for re-treatment several years later. CONCLUSION: In this part of Tanzania, social marketing has performed well in a town but very poorly in villages. However, the study showed that people look after and bring for re-treatment nets which had been provided free-of-charge
Median knock-down time as a new method for evaluating insecticide-treated textiles for mosquito control
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insecticide treated bed nets are major tools for the Roll Back Malaria campaign. There are two types of Long-Lasting Insecticide-treated Nets (LNs) on the market: coated nets and insecticide-incorporated nets. Nets provided to this market need a recommendation from the World Health Organization to be purchased by donors and NGOs. During laboratory study (phase I), the first step consists in evaluating the wash resistance of a new LN product. When insecticide-incorporated nets are washed, it takes time to regenerate the insecticidal activity, i.e. insecticide must migrate to the net surface to be accessible to mosquitoes. The interval of time required for regeneration must be carefully determined to ensure the accuracy of further results. WHOPES procedures currently recommend the determination of the regeneration time by using mortality data. However, as mortality cannot exceed 100%, a LN that regenerates a surface concentration exceeding the dosage for 100% mortality, will have its regeneration time underestimated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The Median Knock Down Time (MKDT) was determined as function of insecticide dosage on an inert surface, glass, and on polyester nettings using an acetone solution or a simple emulsion. Dosage response was also established for mortality data. The same method was then applied to a commercially polyethylene netting, currently under WHOPES evaluation, to determine the dynamics of regeneration as function of repeated washings. The deltamethrin content of these nets was estimated by Capillary Gas Chromatography (GC-ECD).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MKDT was a linear function of log insecticide dosage on glass as on nettings. Mortality data were either 0 or 100% for most concentrations except for a narrow range. MKDT was log linear function of total deltamethrin content in a commercial polyethylene net exposed to washings. The regeneration time of this net increased with the number of washes and MKDT became higher. A new, easy and rapid method to determine MKDT is suggested.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The MKDT is linearly correlated to log dosage on a given substrate and shows no saturation as mortality data do. It is suited to determine regeneration time of a product that is exposed to a stress, like washing or heating, where the process impacts on the bio-availability of the insecticide. Mortality data are useful for measuring product efficacy, whereas MKDT are better to measure dynamics of surface concentration like regeneration after a stressing process. Change in MKDT can be used to illustrate the loss of insecticide due to washing, but the slope of the curve is product and surface-dependent.</p
High Effective Coverage of Vector Control Interventions in Children After Achieving Low Malaria Transmission in Zanzibar, Tanzania.
Formerly a high malaria transmission area, Zanzibar is now targeting malaria elimination. A major challenge is to avoid resurgence of malaria, the success of which includes maintaining high effective coverage of vector control interventions such as bed nets and indoor residual spraying (IRS). In this study, caretakers' continued use of preventive measures for their children is evaluated, following a sharp reduction in malaria transmission. A cross-sectional community-based survey was conducted in June 2009 in North A and Micheweni districts in Zanzibar. Households were randomly selected using two-stage cluster sampling. Interviews were conducted with 560 caretakers of under-five-year old children, who were asked about perceptions on the malaria situation, vector control, household assets, and intention for continued use of vector control as malaria burden further decreases. Effective coverage of vector control interventions for under-five children remains high, although most caretakers (65%; 363/560) did not perceive malaria as presently being a major health issue. Seventy percent (447/643) of the under-five children slept under a long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) and 94% (607/643) were living in houses targeted with IRS. In total, 98% (628/643) of the children were covered by at least one of the vector control interventions. Seasonal bed-net use for children was reported by 25% (125/508) of caretakers of children who used bed nets. A high proportion of caretakers (95%; 500/524) stated that they intended to continue using preventive measures for their under-five children as malaria burden further reduces. Malaria risk perceptions and different perceptions of vector control were not found to be significantly associated with LLIN effective coverage While the majority of caretakers felt that malaria had been reduced in Zanzibar, effective coverage of vector control interventions remained high. Caretakers appreciated the interventions and recognized the value of sustaining their use. Thus, sustaining high effective coverage of vector control interventions, which is crucial for reaching malaria elimination in Zanzibar, can be achieved by maintaining effective delivery of these interventions
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