62 research outputs found

    Determinants of Market Participation Among Pearl Millet Farmers in Dioila Cercle, Mali

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    In recent years, governmental and non-governmental organizations in Mali have given more attention to agricultural market development to meet consumers demand. This demand marks a model of mass consumption which is related to an increase of the population. Thereby, different programs have been developed to target agricultural value chains and market linkages. The main purpose of this paper was to assess the emerging marketing value chain of pearl millet in Dioila cercle among farmers. The survey was conducted in seven villages. Primary data was collected through face-to-face interviews using semi-structured questionnaires and secondary data obtained from the National Office of Trade and Competition, National Office of Market Observatory, and Organization for Consumers in Dioila. The characterization of farmers was done using descriptive statistics. To measure market participation among farmers, Heckman two-step model was used. The finding was that 212 out of 292 of sampled farmers were participating in pearl millet market. Farmers were in three groups (small, medium, and large scale) of production according to the size of land allocated to that crop and at different level of commercialization 57%, 38%, 7% respectively. Each of them was operating individually in three types of markets. Only 4.25% of participating households were female headed and 42.45% of sampled farmers’ wives were homeworkers. In addition, farmers were not receiving any kind of support for pearl millet production. Therefore, households’ quantity harvested, storage conditions, selling to regular buyers, and to wholesalers increased farmers’ likelihood to participate in market while households’ consumption and membership to cereal cooperative decreased their level of participation. Farmers were still practicing the traditional system of production, more land allocated to pearl millet production and labour for weeding were likely to increase their yield; whereas education of the farmer and labour used for land preparation adversely affected the quantity harvested. Keywords: Heckman two-step model, pearl millet farmers, market participatio

    Organisation de la fonction d’audit interne dans les collectivitĂ©s dĂ©centralisĂ©es du Mali : cas du District de Bamako

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    Ce papier vise Ă  faire comprendre le rĂŽle de l’audit interne et Ă  expliquer comment organiser le service d’audit interne dans les collectivitĂ©s dĂ©centralisĂ©es du District de Bamako. L’atteinte de l’objectif passe par la rĂ©ponse Ă  la question qui s’intitule « comment organiser le service d’audit interne dans les collectivitĂ©s dĂ©centralisĂ©es du District de Bamako ? Â». Nous avons choisi l’approche hypothĂ©tico-dĂ©ductive pour confirmer ou infirmer les hypothĂšses. Nous avons optĂ© pour l’entretien et les enquĂȘtes comme stratĂ©gie de collecte des donnĂ©es. Pour la recherche qualitative, nous avons effectuĂ© une analyse de contenu. Pour la recherche quantitative, la sĂ©lection de notre Ă©chantillon est faite par la mĂ©thode non probabiliste et la technique de choix raisonnĂ©s. Notons que notre Ă©chantillon est composĂ© de sept collectivitĂ©s locales du District de Bamako. Sur un Ă©chantillon de quarante et neuf responsables, trente et deux d’entre eux ont rĂ©pondu au questionnaire. Les donnĂ©es ont fait l’objet d’une analyse bivariĂ©e descriptive accompagnĂ©e par des tests de khi-deux. Les principaux rĂ©sultats ainsi obtenus montrent que la fonction d’audit interne est importante dans toute organisation. Nos rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent qu’une bonne organisation de la fonction d’audit interne permettrait d’amĂ©liorer la gestion publique des collectivitĂ©s dĂ©centralisĂ©es du District de Bamako

    Facteurs de vulnérabilités des petites et moyennes entreprises informelles au Mali

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    L’objectif du prĂ©sent manuscrit est de : i) identifier les rĂŽles jouĂ©s par l’environnement dans la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des petites et moyennes entreprises informelles au Mali ; ii) dĂ©terminer les facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s liĂ©s au profil du dirigeant des petites et moyennes entreprises informelles au Mali ; et iii) dĂ©terminer les facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s liĂ©s Ă  l’entreprise informelle au Mali. Pour atteindre cet objectif fixĂ©, nous avons optĂ© pour le positionnement interprĂ©tatif.  En effet, cette posture interprĂ©tative nous a permet d’adoptĂ© une mĂ©thode qualitative basĂ©e sur de guide d’entretiens semi directif auprĂšs de 20 personnes morales. Seules six personnes ont rĂ©pondu favorablement Ă  notre entretien. A cet effet, nos rĂ©sultats de recherche qualitative ont Ă©galement permis de faire les propositions selon lesquelles les facteurs de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ©s dĂ©pendront de l’environnement, le profil du dirigeant et de l’entreprise informelle malienne et les autres facteurs transversaux. &nbsp

    Hydric stress-dependent effects of Plasmodium falciparum infection on the survival of wild-caught Anopheles gambiae female mosquitoes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Whether <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>, the agent of human malaria responsible for over a million deaths per year, causes fitness costs in its mosquito vectors is a burning question that has not yet been adequately resolved. Understanding the evolutionary forces responsible for the maintenance of susceptibility and refractory alleles in natural mosquito populations is critical for understanding malaria transmission dynamics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In natural mosquito populations, <it>Plasmodium </it>fitness costs may only be expressed in combination with other environmental stress factors hence this hypothesis was tested experimentally. Wild-caught blood-fed <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>s.s. females of the M and S molecular form from an area endemic for malaria in Mali, West Africa, were brought to the laboratory and submitted to a 7-day period of mild hydric stress or kept with water ad-libitum. At the end of this experiment all females were submitted to intense desiccation until death. The survival of all females throughout both stress episodes, as well as their body size and infection status was recorded. The importance of stress, body size and molecular form on infection prevalence and female survival was investigated using Logistic Regression and Proportional-Hazard analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Females subjected to mild stress exhibited patterns of survival and prevalence of infection compatible with increased parasite-induced mortality compared to non-stressed females. Fitness costs seemed to be linked to ookinetes and early oocyst development but not the presence of sporozoites. In addition, when females were subjected to intense desiccation stress, those carrying oocysts exhibited drastically reduced survival but those carrying sporozoites were unaffected. No significant differences in prevalence of infection and infection-induced mortality were found between the M and S molecular forms of <it>Anopheles gambiae</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Because these results suggest that infected mosquitoes may incur fitness costs under natural-like conditions, they are particularly relevant to vector control strategies aiming at boosting naturally occurring refractoriness or spreading natural or foreign genes for refractoriness using genetic drive systems in vector populations.</p

    Hydric stress-dependent effects of Plasmodium falciparum infection on the survival of wild-caught Anopheles gambiae female mosquitoes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Whether <it>Plasmodium falciparum</it>, the agent of human malaria responsible for over a million deaths per year, causes fitness costs in its mosquito vectors is a burning question that has not yet been adequately resolved. Understanding the evolutionary forces responsible for the maintenance of susceptibility and refractory alleles in natural mosquito populations is critical for understanding malaria transmission dynamics.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In natural mosquito populations, <it>Plasmodium </it>fitness costs may only be expressed in combination with other environmental stress factors hence this hypothesis was tested experimentally. Wild-caught blood-fed <it>Anopheles gambiae </it>s.s. females of the M and S molecular form from an area endemic for malaria in Mali, West Africa, were brought to the laboratory and submitted to a 7-day period of mild hydric stress or kept with water ad-libitum. At the end of this experiment all females were submitted to intense desiccation until death. The survival of all females throughout both stress episodes, as well as their body size and infection status was recorded. The importance of stress, body size and molecular form on infection prevalence and female survival was investigated using Logistic Regression and Proportional-Hazard analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Females subjected to mild stress exhibited patterns of survival and prevalence of infection compatible with increased parasite-induced mortality compared to non-stressed females. Fitness costs seemed to be linked to ookinetes and early oocyst development but not the presence of sporozoites. In addition, when females were subjected to intense desiccation stress, those carrying oocysts exhibited drastically reduced survival but those carrying sporozoites were unaffected. No significant differences in prevalence of infection and infection-induced mortality were found between the M and S molecular forms of <it>Anopheles gambiae</it>.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Because these results suggest that infected mosquitoes may incur fitness costs under natural-like conditions, they are particularly relevant to vector control strategies aiming at boosting naturally occurring refractoriness or spreading natural or foreign genes for refractoriness using genetic drive systems in vector populations.</p

    IntĂ©gration des pratiques d’audit interne dans la gestion des communes et du District de Bamako

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    This paper aims to integrate internal audit practices in the management of municipalities and the District of Bamako in order to improve their public management. Achieving the objective requires answering the question entitled, “Why should the internal audit be integrated into the management of municipalities and the District of Bamako? ". It is a question of choosing the hypothetico-deductive approach to validate or invalidate the hypotheses. We opted for interviews and surveys as the data collection strategy. For the qualitative research, eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with managers. For quantitative research, the selection of our sample is made by the non-probability method and the reasoned choice technique. It should be noted that our sample is made up of seven local authorities in the District of Bamako. Out of a sample of forty-nine managers, thirty-two of them answered the questionnaire. The data were first subjected to a content analysis, then to a bivariate descriptive analysis accompanied by chi-square tests. The main results thus obtained show that the existing control of the municipalities and the District of Bamako does not promote better local management to the extent desired and that it requires providing these communities with a more adequate and effective tool. Our results also indicate that the internal audit function allows the improvement of public management and that it should be attached to the president of the municipal council of each community. &nbsp; &nbsp; Classification JEL :&nbsp; M42 Paper type: Empirical researchCe papier vise Ă  intĂ©grer des pratiques d’audit interne dans la gestion des communes et du District de Bamako afin d’amĂ©liorer leur gestion publique. L’atteinte de l’objectif passe par la rĂ©ponse Ă  la question qui s’intitule «&nbsp;pourquoi l’audit interne doit-il ĂȘtre intĂ©grĂ© dans la gestion des communes et du District de Bamako ?&nbsp;». Il s’agit de choisir l’approche hypothĂ©tico-dĂ©ductive pour valider ou invalider les hypothĂšses. Nous avons optĂ© pour l’entretien et les enquĂȘtes comme stratĂ©gie de collecte des donnĂ©es. Pour la recherche qualitative, huit entretiens semi-directifs ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©s auprĂšs des responsables. Pour la recherche quantitative, la sĂ©lection de notre Ă©chantillon est faite par la mĂ©thode non probabiliste et la technique de choix raisonnĂ©s. Il faut noter que notre Ă©chantillon est composĂ© de sept collectivitĂ©s locales du District de Bamako. Sur un Ă©chantillon de quarante et neuf responsables, trente et deux d’entre eux ont rĂ©pondu au questionnaire. Les donnĂ©es ont fait d’abord, l’objet d’une analyse de contenu, ensuite, d’une analyse bivariĂ©e descriptive accompagnĂ©e par des tests de khi-deux. Les principaux rĂ©sultats ainsi obtenus montrent que le contrĂŽle existant dans les communes et du District de Bamako ne favorise pas une meilleure gestion locale Ă  hauteur de souhait et qu’il nĂ©cessite de doter ces collectivitĂ©s d’un outil plus adĂ©quat et plus efficace. Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent aussi que la fonction d’audit interne permet l’amĂ©lioration de la gestion publique et qu’elle devrait ĂȘtre rattachĂ©e au prĂ©sident du conseil communal de chaque collectivitĂ©. &nbsp; &nbsp; Classification JEL :&nbsp; M42 Type de l’article&nbsp;: Recherche empiriqu

    Le partenariat public-privé des Collectivités territoriales au Mali : Option stratégique pour la résilience de la COVID- 19

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    Ce papier a pour objectif de dĂ©terminer le rĂŽle central que pouvait jouer le PPP aux collectivitĂ©s territoires face aux effets de la Covid-19. Pour l’atteinte de cet objectif, nous avons optĂ© pour l’approche qualitative exploratoire pour confirmer ou infirmer nos hypothĂšses en utilisant les donnĂ©es secondaires. Les principaux rĂ©sultats obtenus prĂ©sentent que dans le but d’assurer un meilleur dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique social et culturel des territoires, les autoritĂ©s du Mali se sont vĂ©ritablement engagĂ©es dans vaste un processus de dĂ©centralisation visant Ă  rapprocher l’administration des administrĂ©s. Ce rapprochement est matĂ©rialisĂ© par le transfert de compĂ©tence et des ressources. Il ressort de l’analyse que la mise en Ɠuvre de ce transfert de compĂ©tences et de ressources de l’Etat aux CT est entravĂ©e par de nombreuses difficultĂ©s. Ces difficultĂ©s sont relatives Ă  l’insuffisance des ressources et la crise sanitaire persistante de la Covid-19. Les rĂ©sultats dĂ©notent Ă©galement que le recours au PPP, est apparu comme un moyen permettant de combler le dĂ©ficit en terme de dĂ©veloppement. En plus, face aux contraintes budgĂ©taires, les effets nĂ©gatifs de la pandĂ©mie et Ă  la nĂ©cessitĂ© de rĂ©aliser des investissements publics colossaux, on fait de plus en plus appel au PPP


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    Nous analysons dans cet article les inégalités de durées d’accès aux logements sociaux par rapport au genre, à l’âge, à la situation socioéconomique, aux secteurs de travail et à la profession, par les ménages demandeurs au Mali. Notre recherche consiste en une analyse statistique exploratoire de la relation entre les caractéristiques du stock de logements sociaux et des inégalités de durées d’accès. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes concentrés sur l’expérience des cinq (5) premières régions du Mali et du district de Bamako de 2002 à 2019. Nos données proviennent de ces régions à travers une enquête de terrain effectuée auprès des ménages bénéficiaires de logements sociaux ainsi que dans les administrations chargées du logement (OMH, DNUH et INSTAT), au Mali. Notre échantillon est composé de 1507 ménages bénéficiaires de logements sociaux. Nos résultats économétriques montrent qu’il n’existe pas d’inégalité genre et sectorielle dans la durée d’accès aux logements sociaux. Il existe cependant une inégalité de durées d’accès au logement social par un ménage selon son âge, son salaire, sa profession, le nombre de personnes dans le ménage et le type de logement demandé

    Variabilité morphologique du baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) au Mali

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    Introduction Le baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) est un arbre caractĂ©ristique du paysage agricole dans les zones semi-arides d’Afrique. Il est utilisĂ© quotidiennement par la population locale africaine. La diversitĂ© des services et des produits du baobab suggĂšre d’effectuer une Ă©valuation de sa variabilitĂ© morphologique afin d’avoir une meilleure connaissance de son potentiel. Notre article a cherchĂ© Ă  identifier des descripteurs morphologiques discriminants chez le baobab en relation avec la diversitĂ© agro-Ă©cologique du Mali. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes Notre Ă©valuation a concernĂ© huit provenances de baobab reparties sur l’ensemble de son aire de distribution gĂ©ographique au Mali. Elle a portĂ© sur les caractĂšres foliaires, fruitiers et sur ceux liĂ©s aux graines. Le coefficient de variation a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ© pour Ă©valuer la variabilitĂ©. Les donnĂ©es ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es par analyse de variance et analyse multi-variĂ©e. RĂ©sultats Une importante variabilitĂ© a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e selon les provenances et les descripteurs utilisĂ©s. Les descripteurs morphologiques discriminants pour les baobabs que nous avons Ă©chantillonnĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© la longueur et la largeur des fruits, la longueur du pĂ©doncule des fruits, la longueur, la largeur et le nombre de lobes des feuilles

    Geographical and temporal distribution of human giardiasis in Ontario, Canada

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    BACKGROUND: Giardia is the most frequently identified intestinal parasite in North America. Although information on geographical distribution of giardiasis is critical in identifying communities at high risk, little has been done in this area. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the geographical and temporal distribution of human giardiasis in Ontario in order to identify possible high risk areas and seasons. Two spatial scales of analyses and two disease measures were used with a view to identifying the best of each in assessing geographical patterns of giardiasis in Ontario. Global Moran's I and Moran Local Indicators of Spatial Associations were used to test for evidence of global and local spatial clustering, respectively. RESULTS: There were seasonal patterns with summer peaks and a significant (P < 0.001) decreasing temporal trend. Significant (P < 0.05) global spatial clustering of high rates was observed at the Census Sub-division spatial scale but not at the Census Division scale. The Census Sub-division scale was a better scale of analyses but required spatial empirical Bayesian smoothing of the rates. A number of areas with significant local clustering of giardiasis rates were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The study identified spatial and temporal patterns in giardiasis distribution. This information is important in guiding decisions on disease control strategies. The study also showed that there is benefit in performing spatial analyses at more than one spatial scale to assess geographical patterns in disease distribution and that smoothing of disease rates for mapping in small areas enhances visualization of spatial patterns
