90 research outputs found

    Targeting malaria parasites inside mosquitoes:Ecoevolutionary consequences

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    Proof-of-concept studies demonstrate that antimalarial drugs designed for human treatment can also be applied to mosquitoes to interrupt malaria transmission. Deploying a new control tool is ideally undertaken within a stewardship programme that maximises a drug’s lifespan by minimising the risk of resistance evolution and slowing its spread once emerged. We ask: what are the epidemiological and evolutionary consequences of targeting parasites within mosquitoes? Our synthesis argues that targeting parasites inside mosquitoes (i) can be modelled by readily expanding existing epidemiological frameworks; (ii) provides a functionally novel control method that has potential to be more robust to resistance evolution than targeting parasites in humans; and (iii) could extend the lifespan and clinical benefit of antimalarials used exclusively to treat humans

    High-throughput Sorting of Mosquito Larvae for Laboratory Studies and for Future Vector Control Interventions

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    Background: Mosquito transgenesis offers new promises for the genetic control of vector-borne infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. Genetic control strategies require the release of large number of male mosquitoes into field populations, whether they are based on the use of sterile males (sterile insect technique, SIT) or on introducing genetic traits conferring refractoriness to disease transmission (population replacement). However, the current absence of high-throughput techniques for sorting different mosquito populations impairs the application of these control measures. Methods: A method was developed to generate large mosquito populations of the desired sex and genotype. This method combines flow cytometry and the use of Anopheles gambiae transgenic lines that differentially express fluorescent markers in males and females. Results: Fluorescence-assisted sorting allowed single-step isolation of homozygous transgenic mosquitoes from a mixed population. This method was also used to select wild-type males only with high efficiency and accuracy, a highly desirable tool for genetic control strategies where the release of transgenic individuals may be problematic. Importantly, sorted males showed normal mating ability compared to their unsorted brothers. Conclusions: The developed method will greatly facilitate both laboratory studies of mosquito vectorial capacity requiring high-throughput approaches and future field interventions in the fight against infectious disease vectors

    Nuclear Factors Bind to a Conserved DNA Element That Modulates Transcription of Anopheles gambiae Trypsin Genes

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    The Anopheles gambiae trypsin family consists of seven genes that are transcribed in the gut of female mosquitoes in a temporal coordinated and mutually exclusive manner, suggesting the involvement of a complex transcription regulatory mechanism. We identified a highly conserved 12-nucleotide motif present in all A. gambiae and Anopheles stephensi trypsin promoters. We investigated the role of this putative trypsin regulatory element (PTRE) in controlling the transcription of the trypsin genes. Gel shift experiments demonstrated that nuclear proteins of A. gambiae cell lines formed two distinct complexes with probes encompassing the PTRE sequence. Mapping of the binding sites revealed that one of the complex has the specificity of a GATA transcription factor. Promoter constructs containing mutations in the PTRE sequence that selectively abolished the binding of either one or both complexes exerted opposite effects on the transcriptional activity of trypsin promoters in A. gambiae and Aedes aegypti cell lines. In addition, the expression of a novel GATA gene was highly enriched in A. gambiae guts. Taken together our data prove that factors binding to the PTRE region are key regulatory elements possibly involved in the blood meal-induced repression and activation of transcription in early and late trypsin genes

    Dihydroisoxazole inhibitors of Anopheles gambiae seminal transglutaminase AgTG3

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    Background: Current vector-based malaria control strategies are threatened by the rise of biochemical and behavioural resistance in mosquitoes. Researching mosquito traits of immunity and fertility is required to find potential targets for new vector control strategies. The seminal transglutaminase AgTG3 coagulates male Anopheles gambiae seminal fluids, forming a ‘mating plug’ that is required for male reproductive success. Inhibitors of AgTG3 can be useful both as chemical probes of A. gambiae reproductive biology and may further the development of new chemosterilants for mosquito population control. Methods: A targeted library of 3-bromo-4,5-dihydroxoisoxazole inhibitors were synthesized and screened for inhibition of AgTG3 in a fluorescent, plate-based assay. Positive hits were tested for in vitro activity using cross-linking and mass spectrometry, and in vivo efficacy in laboratory mating assays. Results: A targeted chemical library was screened for inhibition of AgTG3 in a fluorescent plate-based assay using its native substrate, plugin. Several inhibitors were identified with IC50 < 10 μM. Preliminary structure-activity relationships within the library support the stereo-specificity and preference for aromatic substituents in the chemical scaffold. Both inhibition of plugin cross-linking and covalent modification of the active site cysteine of AgTG3 were verified. Administration of an AgTG3 inhibitor to A. gambiae males by intrathoracic injection led to a 15% reduction in mating plug transfer in laboratory mating assays. Conclusions: A targeted screen has identified chemical inhibitors of A. gambiae transglutaminase 3 (AgTG3). The most potent inhibitors are known inhibitors of human transglutaminase 2, suggesting a common binding pose may exist within the active site of both enzymes. Future efforts to develop additional inhibitors will provide chemical tools to address important biological questions regarding the role of the A. gambiae mating plug. A second use for transglutaminase inhibitors exists for the study of haemolymph coagulation and immune responses to wound healing in insects

    Evolution of gene expression levels in the male reproductive organs of Anopheles mosquitoes

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    Modifications in gene expression determine many of the phenotypic differentiations between closely related species. This is particularly evident in reproductive tissues, where evolution of genes is more rapid, facilitating the appearance of distinct reproductive characteristics which may lead to species isolation and phenotypic variation. Large-scale, comparative analyses of transcript expression levels have been limited until recently by lack of inter-species data mining solutions. Here, by combining expression normalisation across lineages, multivariate statistical analysis, evolutionary rate, and protein–protein interaction analysis, we investigate ortholog transcripts in the male accessory glands and testes across five closely related species in the Anopheles gambiae complex. We first demonstrate that the differentiation by transcript expression is consistent with the known Anopheles phylogeny. Then, through clustering, we discover groups of transcripts with tissue-dependent expression patterns conserved across lineages, or lineage-dependent patterns conserved across tissues. The strongest associations with reproductive function, transcriptional regulatory networks, protein–protein subnetworks, and evolutionary rate are found for the groups of transcripts featuring large expression differences in lineage or tissue-conserved patterns

    Analysis of natural female post-mating responses of Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii unravels similarities and differences in their reproductive ecology

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    Anopheles gambiae and An. coluzzii, the two most important malaria vectors in sub-Saharan Africa, are recently radiated sibling species that are reproductively isolated even in areas of sympatry. In females from these species, sexual transfer of male accessory gland products, including the steroid hormone 20-hydroxyecdysone (20E), induces vast behavioral, physiological, and transcriptional changes that profoundly shape their post-mating ecology, and that may have contributed to the insurgence of post-mating, prezygotic reproductive barriers. As these barriers can be detected by studying transcriptional changes induced by mating, we set out to analyze the post-mating response of An. gambiae and An. coluzzii females captured in natural mating swarms in Burkina Faso. While the molecular pathways shaping short- and long-term mating-induced changes are largely conserved in females from the two species, we unravel significant inter-specific differences that suggest divergent regulation of key reproductive processes such as egg development, processing of seminal secretion, and mating behavior, that may have played a role in reproductive isolation. Interestingly, a number of these changes occur in genes previously shown to be regulated by the sexual transfer of 20E and may be due to divergent utilization of this steroid hormone in the two species

    Analysis of Two Novel Midgut-Specific Promoters Driving Transgene Expression in Anopheles stephensi Mosquitoes

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    Background: Tissue-specific promoters controlling the expression of transgenes in Anopheles mosquitoes represent a valuable tool both for studying the interaction between these malaria vectors and the Plasmodium parasites they transmit and for novel malaria control strategies based on developing Plasmodium-refractory mosquitoes by expressing anti-parasitic genes. With this aim we have studied the promoter regions of two genes from the most important malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae, whose expression is strongly induced upon blood feeding. Results: We analysed the A. gambiae Antryp1 and G12 genes, which we have shown to be midgut-specific and maximally expressed at 24 hours post-bloodmeal (PBM). Antryp1, required for bloodmeal digestion, encodes one member of a family of 7 trypsin genes. The G12 gene, of unknown function, was previously identified in our laboratory in a screen for genes induced in response to a bloodmeal. We fused 1.1 kb of the upstream regions containing the putative promoter of these genes to reporter genes and transformed these into the Indian malaria vector A. stephensi to see if we could recapitulate the expression pattern of the endogenous genes. Both the Antryp1 and G12 upstream regions were able to drive femalepredominant, midgut-specific expression in transgenic mosquitoes. Expression of the Antryp1-driven reporter in transgenic A. stephensi lines was low, undetectable by northern blot analysis, and failed to fully match the induction kinetics of the endogenous Antryp1 gene in A. gambiae. This incomplete conservation of expression suggests either subtle differences i

    The interaction between a sexually transferred steroid hormone and a female protein regulates oogenesis in the malaria mosquito anopheles gambiae

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    Molecular interactions between male and female factors during mating profoundly affect the reproductive behavior and physiology of female insects. In natural populations of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae, blood-fed females direct nutritional resources towards oogenesis only when inseminated. Here we show that the mating-dependent pathway of egg development in these mosquitoes is regulated by the interaction between the steroid hormone 20-hydroxy-ecdysone (20E) transferred by males during copulation and a female Mating-Induced Stimulator of Oogenesis (MISO) protein. RNAi silencing of MISO abolishes the increase in oogenesis caused by mating in blood-fed females, causes a delay in oocyte development, and impairs the function of male-transferred 20E. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments show that MISO and 20E interact in the female reproductive tract. Moreover MISO expression after mating is induced by 20E via the Ecdysone Receptor, demonstrating a close cooperation between the two factors. Male-transferred 20E therefore acts as a mating signal that females translate into an increased investment in egg development via a MISO-dependent pathway. The identification of this male–female reproductive interaction offers novel opportunities for the control of mosquito populations that transmit malaria
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