7 research outputs found
Identification of core competencies for exercise oncology professionals: A Delphi study of United States and Australian participants
Introduction: Integration of exercise into standard oncology care requires a highly skilled workforce of exercise professionals; however, competency requirements have not kept pace with advancements in the field. Therefore, the aim of this study was to obtain consensus on core competencies required for an exercise professional to be qualified to work with adults undergoing active cancer treatment. Materials and Methods: A threeâround modified electronic Delphi process was used. In Round 1, an international group of 64 exercise oncology stakeholders (i.e., exercise oncology professionals (n = 29), clinical referrers (n = 21), and people with lived experience (n = 14)) responded to openâended prompts eliciting perspectives regarding competencies needed for an exercise oncology professional to work with adults receiving active cancer treatment. Subsequently, only exercise oncology professionals participated, ranking the importance of competencies. In Round 2, professionals received summary feedback, ranked new competencies generated from openâended responses, and reranked competencies not reaching consensus. In the final round, professionals finalized consensus ranking and rated frequency and mastery level for each. Results: Consensus was reached on 103 core competencies required for exercise professionals to be qualified to deliver care to adults undergoing active cancer treatment. The core competencies represent 10 content areas and reflect the needs of clinical referrers and people with lived experience of receiving cancer treatment. Conclusions: The core competencies identified reflect significant advancements in the field of exercise oncology. Results will underpin the development of education, certification, and employment requirements for exercise oncology professionals, providing a critical step toward achieving routine integration of exercise into standard oncology care
Proximity to cancer rehabilitation and exercise oncology by geography, race, and socioeconomic status
BackgroundCancer rehabilitation and exercise oncology (CR/EO) have documented benefits for people living with and beyond cancer. The authors examined proximity to CR/EO programs across the United States with respect to population density, race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and cancer incidence and mortality rates.MethodsThis cross-sectional study was conducted in 2022â2023. Online searches were initiated to identify CR/EO programs. Geocoding was used to obtain latitudinal and longitudinal geospatial coordinates. Demographic data were abstracted from the 2020 5-year American Community Survey. Cancer incidence and mortality data were obtained from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. US 2013 Rural-Urban Continuum Code (RUCC) classification was used to define counties as either urban (RUCC 1â3) or rural (RUCC 4â9). Multivariable logistic regression was used to evaluate the association between being far from a program and census-tract level factors.ResultsIn total, 2133 CR/EO programs were identified nationwide. The distance from a program increased with decreasing population density: rural tracts were 17.68 ± 0.24 miles farther from a program compared with urban tracts (p < .001). Program proximity decreased as the neighborhood deprivation index increased (p < .001). Exercise oncology programs were less common than cancer rehabilitation programs in tracts with a larger proportion of minority residents (p < .001).ConclusionsPrior research has documented that underrepresented populations have worse cancer-related symptoms and higher cancer mortality. Herein, the authors document their findings that these same populations are less likely to have proximity to CR/EO programs, which are associated with improved cancer-related symptoms and cancer mortality outcomes. To realize the positive outcomes from CR/EO programming, efforts must focus on supporting expanded programming and sustainable payment for these services
Longitudinal assessment of post-surgical physical activity in endometrial and ovarian cancer patients.
ObjectivePhysical activity plays a key role in cancer survivorship. The purpose of this investigation was to (a) describe the post-surgical physical activity trajectories of endometrial (n = 65) and ovarian (n = 31) cancer patients and (b) identify clinical and demographic predictors of physical activity over time.Methods96 participants wore an Actiwatch accelerometer for three days at each of three time points (one week, one month and four months) after surgical intervention for their endometrial or ovarian cancer diagnosis. Analyses were conducted using linear mixed effects regression modeling in SAS 9.4.ResultsFor both tumor types, although physical activity levels increased with time after surgery, even at four months patients were performing only a small fraction of the 150 minutes of recommended weekly moderate to vigorous physical activity. At 1 week, subjects were completing on average 14 minutes/week (SD = 4) of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, compared to 14 minutes/week (SD = 2) of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity at four months post-surgery (p ConclusionsOur findings suggest that physical activity levels are different for those with better self-rated health, but those individuals are still insufficiently active. This study adds new information describing the trajectories and variables that influence physical activity in gynecologic cancer survivors after surgery and highlights the need for health promotion interventions in this population
Attitudes, beliefs and preferences surrounding home-based exercise programs in endometrial cancer patients receiving treatment
Background: Despite recommendations, exercise participation among endometrial cancer survivors remains low. Previous interventions focused on weight loss or in-person programs with limited reach. Regular exercise, regardless of weight change, reduces mortality risk and improves functionality. Home-based programs could address participation barriers. We conducted a qualitative study with inactive survivors to identify key factors for future home-based exercise programs. Methods: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with ten on-treatment endometrial cancer survivors who reported low physical activity levels. Interviews, conducted via Zoom or telephone, were recorded with consent. Transcripts were coded using MAXQDA to identify attitudes, knowledge, barriers, interests, and preferences regarding home-based exercise programs. Results: The interviews yielded four major themes, the first being the understanding survivors have of what exercise is and the perceived benefits of exercise. Second, participants were acutely aware of the barriers to exercise which included: health issues, treatment-related concerns, access to resources, limited strength, lack of support, and past negative experiences. The third theme focused on motivational factors to exercise including guidance, support systems, access to resources including technology, and a desire to be healthy as motivators towards changing exercise behaviors. Finally, participants expressed interest in exercise that incorporated fun with low impact and accessibility. Interestingly, all the participants preferred home-based exercise programs. The role of the provider/oncologist was often identified as central to the discussion or suggestion of exercise in our sample. Conclusions: Understanding patient needs and preferences is crucial for creating accessible and sustainable exercise programs for endometrial cancer survivors. Our study guides the development of future home-based exercise programs for this population
Looking back: A review of policy implications for exercise oncology
The evidence to support the benefits of exercise for people living with and beyond cancer is robust. Still, exercise oncology interventions in the United States are only eligible for coverage by third-party payers within the restrictions of cancer rehabilitation settings. Without expanded coverage, access will remain highly inequitable, tending toward the most well-resourced. This article describes the pathway to third-party coverage for 3 programs that address a chronic disease and utilize exercise professionals: the Diabetes Prevention Program, Supervised Exercise Training for Peripheral Artery Disease, and Cancer Rehabilitation. Lessons learned will be applied toward expanding third-party coverage for exercise oncology programming
Key takeaways for knowledge expansion of early-career scientists conducting Transdisciplinary Research in Energetics and Cancer (TREC): A report from the TREC Training Workshop 2022
The overall goal of the annual Transdisciplinary Research in Energetics and Cancer (TREC) Training Workshop is to provide transdisciplinary training for scientists in energetics and cancer and clinical care. The 2022 Workshop included 27 early-to-mid career investigators (trainees) pursuing diverse TREC research areas in basic, clinical, and population sciences. The 2022 trainees participated in a gallery walk, an interactive qualitative program evaluation method, to summarize key takeaways related to program objectives. Writing groups were formed and collaborated on this summary of the 5 key takeaways from the TREC Workshop. The 2022 TREC Workshop provided a targeted and unique networking opportunity that facilitated meaningful collaborative work addressing research and clinical needs in energetics and cancer. This report summarizes the 2022 TREC Workshop\u27s key takeaways and future directions for innovative transdisciplinary energetics and cancer research
Dietary omega-3 fatty acids and endometrial cancer risk in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium: An individual-participant meta-analysis
BACKGROUND: Limited data from prospective studies suggest that higher dietary intake of long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LCn3PUFA), which hold anti-inflammatory properties, may reduce endometrial cancer risk; particularly among certain subgroups characterized by body mass and tumor pathology. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data from 12 prospective cohort studies participating in the Epidemiology of Endometrial Cancer Consortium were harmonized as nested case-control studies, including 7268 endometrial cancer cases and 26,133 controls. Habitual diet was assessed by food frequency questionnaire, from which fatty acid intakes were estimated. Two-stage individual-participant data mixed effects meta-analysis estimated adjusted odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) through logistic regression for associations between study-specific energy-adjusted quartiles of LCn3PUFA and endometrial cancer risk. RESULTS: Women with the highest versus lowest estimated dietary intakes of docosahexaenoic acid, the most abundant LCn3PUFA in diet, had a 9% increased endometrial cancer risk (Quartile 4 vs. Quartile 1: OR 1.09, 95% CI: 1.01-1.19; P trend = 0.04). Similar elevated risks were observed for the summary measure of total LCn3PUFA (OR 1.07, 95% CI: 0.99-1.16; P trend = 0.06). Stratified by body mass index, higher intakes of LCn3PUFA were associated with 12-19% increased endometrial cancer risk among overweight/obese women and no increased risk among normal-weight women. Higher associations appeared restricted to White women. The results did not differ by cancer grade. CONCLUSION: Higher dietary intakes of LCn3PUFA are unlikely to reduce endometrial cancer incidence; rather, they may be associated with small to moderate increases in risk in some subgroups of women, particularly overweight/obese women