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1149 research outputs found
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Daily Routines
Students have an opportunity to practise the accusative case by trying to arrange a day out. 45 minutes of class time. Part of the Favor Projec
Where We Live
The listening exercise focuses the students on the locative form. The gap fill serves as a controlled-practise activity which re-inforces the rules of the locative case while the role play provides a personalised speaking opportunity. 60 minutes of class time. Part of Favor Project
Planning sheet OneShare workshop
Used in OneShare workshop 13th July 2010 at Southampton University
Teaching Punjabi Alphabet
Ideas for teaching the Punjabi alphabet for beginners, line by line, using written and oral techniques. Aimed for children aged 6-9, but could be altered to suit children of an older age
"You have to", Finnish oral prompts
Give advice to a friend in Finnish using the sinun taytyy 'you have to' construction. Contains 21 situations that can be used in class to stimulate conversation and consolidate learning. The exercise is suitable for levels A2 and B1. It is a good idea to let the students prepare answers to the questions at home before class. (FAVOR project.
W2: Workshop 2 - creating a podcast
These materials form workshop two of the Community Cafe workshop pack, on the topic of creating a podcast. This pack comprises a set of resources to support language teachers/trainers in running informal practice sharing/enhancement sessions complemented by learning technology workshops for novice users of e-tools to support language learning, e.g. Word, Powerpoint, Hot Potatoes, LanguageBox repository
Chinese- Business -reading, 2 texts
Two texts in Chinese and English for Intermediate learners. These are reading and translation exercises. The colours signify: blue highlight + underlined –verb + object; Yellow highlight – None; Green highlight - adjective or adverb; Red letters - Name and place
LLAS/Why study...? downloadable calendar - December 2011, Polish
This calendar, for the month of December 2011, in Polish, was produced by LLAS Centre for Languages, Linguistics and Area Studies. It was created with help from teachers working on the JISC-funded Community Cafe project. Look out for another language next month! Quiz questions and answers are also included. This is the fourth of a 16-month series lasting until Dec 2012. A printed 'Why study..?' calendar for 2012 is now available from It is FREE, with 3.50 P+P