1,214,881 research outputs found

    Pusat Pelayanan Lansia Di Kota Palembang

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    Elderly population especially in Palembang increase every year. The pattern of urban people's life that individualist make a lot of elderly lack of attention. Many places can receive elderly, such as old people’s home, however it still has a limits in supporting facilities of elderly’s life. The Elderly Care Centre in Palembang is a region that can receive and meet a variety of elderly needs. The Elderly Care Centre has a lot of facilities like, housing, building of hobby, canteen, equipments shop, apartment, clinic, and ballroom. With good planning and good design of The Elderly Care Centre in Palembang, hope it will able to give a pleasant and secure place for the elderly who live in it. Other that, The Elderly Care Centre can be a tourist destination for elderly and unite all of elderly people in Palembang. The theme that applied at The Elderly Care Centre this is “Forest”. This theme will be manifested in the form of housing region and eight mass of the main building with tropical architecture style


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    Not all elderly people live with their families, there are also many elderly people who do not live in the same place as their families, there are also elderly people who live in special care homes for the elderly or nursing homes. In old age, the activities that elderly people can do decrease because as a person gets older, there will be changes in their physical and psychological condition which will also decrease. Happiness is a need for everyone, someone will do various things to achieve a level of happiness that is in accordance with their respective standards of living. Every person must have their own way to achieve happiness. The reduced activity and decline in physical function experienced by the elderly will have an impact on the happiness felt by the elderly, especially the elderly who live in nursing homes. This research focuses on the happiness of elderly people in nursing homes, with the subjects being 6 elderly people who live at Panti Griya Asih Lawang. This research uses a qualitative approach method with descriptive research type. The results of this research are that the happiness felt by the elderly while in a nursing home is the result of a sense of acceptance by the elderly with your life so far. The happiness felt by the elderly is also derived from a sense of gratitude and sincerity with everything they get at the Griya Asih Lawang home

    The Effectiveness of Elderly Management Effort Activities Towards Geriatric Depression Scale of Permanent Shelter Residents in Post Eruption of Merapi

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    Disasters can happen due to nature and human being which cause damages, loss, and deteriorating health as well as health care. Psychosocial and mental health problems arise whilst and post disaster since disaster will lead to trauma for those who undergo it. Depression has comorbidity with dementia which decreases the quality of life of the elderly, thus it needs an effective and sustainable treatment with the goal to recover coping mechanism toward physical and psycho-social problem, prevent physical and psycho-social disability, and optimize psycho-social function. The research aimed to analyze the effectiveness of Elderly Management Effort activities towards geriatric depression scale of permanent shelter residents in post Eruption of Merapi. This research is quasi-experimental research using pretest postest design. The subject of this research is 40 people which meet the inclusive criteria: elderly, living in shelter, having non-terminal illnesses, and willing to join the whole research. The exclusive criteria are having a medical record with severe psychological problem and DO which will be used for those who do not join all session completely. The samples were taken using consecutive sampling method. The instruments used in this research are the Geriatric Depression Scale and the Elderly Management Effort. The data were analyzed through t test and chi square. Decreasing of score was found for the Geriatric Depression Scale from 5.2 to 2.1 and back to the score 4.3 at the last intervention in the 10th month. The Elderly Management Effort through the activities in Posyandu including Dance Movement Therapy dan Reminiscence Therapy is proven effective to decrease the Geriatric Depression Scale in post disaster

    Welfare Policies and Solidarity Toward the Elderly

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    In this paper we analyze the effect of welfare policies oriented toward the elderly on solidarity toward the elderly in a sample of European countries. The research question is whether more generous welfare policies crowd out solidarity. For this purpose, we analyze four waves of the SHARE database. We use multilevel analysis to estimate the effect of national variables on transfers toward the elderly, controlling for individual level variables. At the national level we focus on the effect of public spending on policies oriented toward the elderly after controlling for some other relevant variables, such as the proportion of elderly people, female labor force participation and unemployment. Our results indicate that expenditure in social protection toward the elderly has a positive and significant (albeit moderate) effect on the economic support received by the elderly (which is in line with the Crowding-in hypothesis). However, in the case of time transfers, we find that expenditure in social protection toward the elderly has a negative and significant impact on the time transfers received by the elderly (which is consistent with the Crowding-out hypothesis).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Motivation of the Elderly and Elderly Visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-district, Mojokerto District

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    Background. Having a healthy and prosperous life in old age is the hope of every elderly person. In achieving a healthy and prosperous old age, various efforts have been made by the government, one of which is an Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) program.Objectives. This study aims to analyze the relationship of motivation of the elderly and elderly visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-District, Mojokerto District.Methods. The research design used is analytic cross sectional. The population in this study were all elderly residents of Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Subdistrict, Mojokerto District who had attended the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) as many as 52 people. The sampling technique in the study was simple random sampling. The sample size in this study was 46 people. The measuring instrument used was a questionnaire for motivational variables, and a visit book for elderly visiting to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) variables.Results. The results showed that the average value of motivation was 68.5870, indicating strong motivation. The average visit value is 1.9348, indicating that the visit is not active. Based on the results of the analysis using the Spearman Rho correlation test obtained ρ = 0.00 <α = 0.05, so that it can be interpreted that there is a relationship between the motivation of the elderly and elderly visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-District, Mojokerto District.Conclusion. Based on the results of the study showed that there was a relationship between the motivation of the elderly and elderly visits to the Elderly Integrated Service Post in Klampisan Hamlet, Kedunggede Village, Dlanggu Sub-District, Mojokerto District, which could mean that the elderly had strong motivation, then the visit to the Elderly Integrated Service Post would be active. On the contrary, the elderly whose motivation is weak then visit the Elderly Integrated Service Post (Posyandu Lansia) is not active

    Senior Tax Breaks on the Move—but Are Seniors Actually Moving?

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    Every state in the United States with an income tax offers some kind of tax break to its older citizens. These breaks are often sizable, resulting in an elderly household owing substantially less in income taxes than a non-elderly household with the same income. In this brief, author Karen Smith Conway examines these state income tax breaks for the elderly, describing how they work, their distributional and revenue effects, and whether these policies affect migration. She reports that existing state income tax breaks for the elderly result in non-trivial reductions in state revenue and offer little relief to the most vulnerable elderly. Data on interstate migration yield little evidence that these tax breaks pay for themselves by inducing the elderly to remain in or move to the state. Proposed additional tax breaks would primarily benefit high-income elderly households, while the existing breaks primarily benefit middle- and high-income elderly households

    How do elderly pedestrians perceive hazards in the street? - An initial investigation towards development of a pedestrian simulation that incorporates reaction of various pedestrians to environments

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    In order to evaluate the accessibility of street and transport environments, such as railway stations, we are now developing a pedestrian simulation that incorporates elderly and disable pedestrians and their interaction with various environments including hazards on the street. For this development, it is necessary to understand how elderly and disabled pedestrians perceive hazards in the street and transport environments. Many elderly people suffer from some visual impairment. A study in the UK suggested 12% of people aged 65 or over have binocular acuity of 6/18 or less (Van der Pols et al, 2000). It should be noted that a quarter of the UK population will be aged 65 or over by 2031 (The Government Actuary's Department, 2004). Because of age-related changes of visual perception organs, elderly people suffer not only visual acuity problems but also other forms of visual disabilities, such as visual field loss and less contrast sensitivity. Lighting is considered to be an effective solution to let elderly and disable pedestrians perceive possible hazards in the street. Interestingly, British Standards for residential street lighting have not considered lighting needs of elderly pedestrians or pedestrians with visual disabilities (e.g. Fujiyama et al, 2005). In order to design street lighting that incorporates elderly and visually disabled pedestrians, it would be useful to understand how lighting improves the perception of hazards by elderly and disable pedestrians. The aim of this paper is to understand how elderly pedestrians perceive different hazards and to address issues to be investigated in future research. This paper focuses on fixation patterns of elderly pedestrians on different hazards in the street under different lighting conditions. Analysing fixation patterns helps us understand how pedestrians perceive environments or hazards (Fujiyama, 2006). This paper presents the initial results of our analysis of the eye tracker data of an ordinary elderly participant

    The role of public transport in addressing sustainable mobility for the elderly population in Malta

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    Over the past few years, several countries have continued experiencing a growth in their elderly population. Similarly, a number of towns and villages in Malta registered a high elderly population in the last census (NSO, 2012). The elderly people are one of the dominant ‘transport disadvantaged’ groups in the community. This research aims to analyse whether the current public transport system in Malta is providing effective and efficient mobility for elderly in the town of Luqa. In order to analyse this, the study analysed spatial accessibility, sought to identify barriers encountered by the elderly when using public transport and determine temporal accessibility to medical care. Data was collected using telephone surveys, travel time and bus frequency surveys. Statistical analysis was carried out using IBM SPSS 20 and Geographic Information Systems. The study showed that proximity to bus stops in Luqa does not affect public transport use amongst the elderly. The main barriers that elderly encounter when using public transport are mainly related to long waiting times, lack of comfort on bus stops and inaccessible travel information. Finally, temporal accessibility from Luqa to the State’s general hospital, Mater Dei, still requires improvements as it does not meet the desired time budgets of elderly people. By identifying the main concerns this study seeks to encourage policy makers and planners to target future development in public transport taking into consideration the requirements of the growing elderly population.peer-reviewe

    Geriatric oncology: problems with under-treatment within this population

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    We are currently faced with an aging population, which is rapidly growing worldwide. Two thirds of cancer occurs in the over 65-year age group. Societal conceptions from the past have created ageist stereotypes; old age is associated with frailty and the elderly are perceived to be destined for deterioration and loss of independence. Cancer within the elderly is also subject to these stereotypes, with elderly cancer patients considered by some not as likely to recover as younger patients with cancer. We summarise and review the current concerns regarding elderly management and treatments utilised for the management of oncological disease in the elderly, and discuss the impact of under-treatment within this population