5,327,808 research outputs found

    Somatotype, Accumulated Workload, and Fitness Parameters in Elite Youth Players: Associations with Playing Position

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    The purpose of this study was three-fold: (1) to describe anthropometric, maturation, and somatotype differences of players based on playing positions; (2) to analyze variations of accumulated load training (AcL) and fitness parameters between playing positions; and finally (3) to explain the variation of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and peak power (PP) through the AcL, body fat (BF), maturity, somatotype and fitness levels. Twenty-seven male youth soccer players under-16 were divided by the following positions participated in this study: six central midfielders, four wingers (WG), five forwards, eight defenders, and four goalkeepers (GK). They were evaluated on two occasions: pre-season and after-season. Height, sitting height, body mass, BF, girths, percentage of BF (BF%), lean body mass, maturity, somatotype, sprint test, change of direction test, Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 1, Wingate, PP, VO2max and fatigue index were assessed. Then, AcL was monitored during training sessions. The main results revealed significant differences between player positions for maturity offset (p = 0.001), for BF (p = 0.006), BF% (p = 0.015), and lean body mass kg (p = 0.003). Also, there were significant differences for AcL and fatigue index in pre-season between player positions (p < 0.05). In addition, there were some significant differences in pre- and after-season for VO2max and PP between player positions (p < 0.05). In conclusion, GK showed higher values in anthropometric, body composition variables and maturity offset compared to the other positions, while WG presented lower levels of BF. In pre-season, there were more differences by player positions for the different variables analyzed than after-season that reinforces the tactical role of the positions, and the emphasis in increased load in the beginning of the season. This study could be used by coaches, staff, and researchers as a reference for athletes of the same sex, age, and competitive level.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., Grant/Award Number UIDP/ 04748/202

    The Global Child: A Roadmap for Becoming Culturally Responsive Educators

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    The program strategies and the assessment tools encourage early childhood teachers to adopt 26 strategies across three competency areas: 1) classroom design; 2) teachersā€™ rhythm and temperament; and 3) instructional strategies during the 10-month program year. Mentors are assigned to each teaching team and through supportive site visits and assessment visits help the teams change their thinking and practices to be more culturally and linguistically responsive

    Monitoring asthma in childhood : Lung function, bronchial responsiveness and inflammation

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    'Playing the game called writing': children's views and voices

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    Collects primary pupils' views of themselves as writers and their preferences, attitudes and awareness of the source of their ideas in the context of England's National Literacy Strategy. Underlines the importance of listening to pupils' views about literacy, in order to create a more open dialogue about language and learning, and to negotiate the content of the curriculum in response to their perspectives

    Youth Development/Youth Service Status Report

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    During the 1994-1995 school year, over 80% of Minnesota\u27s school districts chose to participate in Youth Development/Youth Service that has been an integral part of Community Education since 1987. Out of the 365 operating school districts in Minnesota, 290 districts applied for and received the $1.00 per capita authorized by the Minnesota State Legislature to implement a Youth Development Plan approved by the (local) school board and to provide a youth service program

    Abyssal fauna of the UK-1 polymetallic nodule exploration area, Clarion-Clipperton Zone, central Pacific Ocean: Mollusca

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    The file attached is the Published/publisherā€™s pdf version of the article. This is an OpenAccess article.Copyright Helena Wiklund et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Improving outcomes for children living in poverty through home-school partnerships in the early years: final report

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    This project was commissioned by Save the Children to inform the planning of a long termprogramme of activities in West Dunbartonshire Council. Save the Children has identified in2008 the improvement of the educational experiences and life chances of children andyoung people living in severe poverty as one of its main objectives. As part of this initiative,this study was commissioned in March 2009, to identify the priority areas in relation to Savethe Children's future contribution in West Dunbartonshire to inform future interventions in thefield of home-school partnership that will improve educational outcomes for children living insevere and persistent poverty.This research was designed as a qualitative study aimed toreport on current initiatives and practice in relation to home-school partnerships and servicedelivery for the poorest families and to identify programming opportunities that could formpart of a long term collaborative programme of activities between West Dunbartonshire Council and Save the Children
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