48 research outputs found
Barne- og ungdomsidrettens innhold
Denne undersÞkelsen er gjennomfÞrt i 15 treningsgrupper, fordelt pÄ tre avdelinger i to idrettslag. Treningene er observert, og bÄde utÞvere og trenere har besvart et spÞrreskjema. Idrettslagene er valgt fordi de har en stor og veldrevet barne- og ungdomsidrett. Begge lagene presterer ogsÄ godt pÄ seniornivÄ. UtÞverne har brukt aktivitetsmÄlere pÄ en trening hver. Til sammen er det 232 utÞvere som har deltatt.
Datainnsamlingen er begrenset til to idrettsgrener, fotball og hÄndball. UndersÞkelsen viser at utÞverne trives godt i idretten. Dette er ikke noe uventet resultat nÄr vi spÞr de som deltar frivillig. Sammenlignet med andre studier er det en sÊrlig hÞy trivsel i konkurranser. Dette skyldes nok i stor grad at idrettslagene som er med i denne undersÞkelsen drives pÄ sÊrdeles god mÄte.
AktivitetsnivÄet er meget varierende i lÞpet av treningen. Fotball og hÄndball handler ikke bare om fysisk aktivitet. Det er bÄde teknisk og taktisk trening hvor det fysiske aktivitetsnivÄet blir relativt lavt. Noe av tiden med lav fysisk intensitet kan ogsÄ vÊre viktig for det sosiale miljÞet i treningsgruppen. Det er ogsÄ forskjeller mellom utÞverne i lÞpet av treningene. Dette skyldes flere forhold. UtÞvernes fysisk form (aerob kapasitet) er bestemmende for intensitetsnivÄet pÄ treningene.
Treningsopplegget er imidlertid mest bestemmende for variasjoner i denne gruppens intensitet pĂ„ treningene. Ăvelser hvor alle gjĂžr âdet sammeâ fĂžrer til likt intensitetsnivĂ„, mens fotball- og hĂ„ndballkamper pĂ„ treninga gir store variasjoner i intensitetsnivĂ„et. Hvilke roller en har (blir tildelt) pĂ„ laget, pĂ„virker ogsĂ„ intensiteten sterkt.
Denne undersÞkelsen gir et bilde av en godt drevet barne- og ungdomsidrett. Selv om vi nok vil finne det samme positive bildet i mange andre idrettslag, er det ingen grunn til Ä anta at den undersÞkelsen er representativ for barne- og ungdomsidretten. De to aktuelle idrettslagene er valgt fordi de er kjent som veldrevet. Treningsgruppene er fordelt pÄ flere aldersgrupper, men innenfor hver aldersgruppe har gruppene (trenerne) valgt selv om de vil delta. Vi har derfor ogsÄ en overvekt av ekstra positive trenere.
UndersÞkelsen mÄ derfor beskrives som studie av den veldrevne barne- og ungdomsidretten.
Trenere til de respektive treningsgruppene ble ogsĂ„ spurt om Ă„ delta i undersĂžkelsen. I alt 13 trenere deltok. Disse varierte i alder og erfaring. Trenerne pekte unisont pĂ„ utĂžvernes trivsel som sin viktigste oppgave. For at utĂžverne skulle trives ble âRos fra trenerenâ, âVĂŠre i et godt sosialt miljĂžâ, âOppleve
mestringâ og âhĂžy grad av aktivitetâ rangert hĂžyest
Embedded, embodied, enculturated, and enabling processes : The identification and evaluation of sporting talent by ice hockey coaches in Norwegian youth national teams
Author's accepted version (postprint).This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Human Kinetics in International Sport Coaching Journal on 21/2/23.Available online: https://doi.org/10.1123/iscj.2022-0058Elite sports systems are characterized by structured attempts to identify, select, and develop talented athletes and to increase the likelihood that athletes will achieve future international success. Studies of such systems have focused mostly on the procedures and measures that are intended to improve talent identification, but less attention has been given to the crucial role of coaches. The aim of this case study is therefore to explore how coaches of Norwegian youth ice hockey national teams identify and evaluate sporting talent within these structured settings. The data were generated using nine semistructured interviews. These interviews included questions about how coaches identify talent and discussions about four hypothetical examples of ice hockey players, each with specific histories and skill sets. Building on recent developments in motor learning research, we contend that coaches identify and select talent using embodied (rather than entirely rational or cognitive) processes. These approaches are embedded in the ebb and flow of situated sports performances, and shaped by the broader and unique cultural settings in which they are situated. The results of this study show that talent identification and evaluation of sporting talent cannot, and should not, be separated from the subjectivities of the coaches themselves or from their individual preferences. The implications of this study for future research, policy, and practice are discussed.acceptedVersio
Norwegian football academy players - Player's self-assessed skills, stress and coach-athlete relationship
Background: Being part of a football academy environment is associated with many advantages. Even so, academy players will also encounter a range of personal and interpersonal challenges that might affect their development, including stress and the coach-athlete relationship. Objective: This studyâs purpose was to investigate how football academy players assessed their own skills compared to their teammates, and how this is associated with perceived stressors and their perceived relationship with their coach. Method: Participants (N= 122) represented 3 football academies (12-19 years old). Instruments used were CART-Q and a modified version of the Adolescent Stress Questionnaire. Results: The results showed that the players with high-perceived skill reported a higher amount of self-organized training, more playing time, and a lower level of performance stress compared to the low perceived skill players. The results also indicate that the players perceived they had a close coach-athlete relationship and a low level of stress. Conclusion: The results suggest that low perceived skill players should receive equitable focus from coaches, especially related to their performance stress.submittedVersionpublishedVersionNivĂ„
Talent Development Environments in Football: Comparing the Top-Five and Bottom-Five-Ranked Football Academies in Norway
Background: The aim of this study was to examine junior-elite football playersâ perception of their talent development environment by comparing clubs ranked as the top-five and bottom-five in the 2017 Norwegian academy classification. Methods: In total, 92 male junior-elite football players recruited from under-19 teams from five professional football club academies took part in the study. The Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQ-5; Martindale et al. 2010) was used to measure the playersâ perceptions of their team environment. Results: The subscale long-term development focus and support network had the highest score and indicated that they perceived that the environment was high quality with respect to those factors. Players from the top-five-ranked clubs perceived their development environments to be significantly more positive with respect to holistic quality preparation, alignment of expectations, communication and, compared to players from the bottom-five-ranked clubs. Conclusions: The playersâ perceptions of the talent development environment seem to be in alignment of the academy classification undertaken by the Norwegian top football association.publishedVersio
Blood volume, hemoglobin mass, and peak oxygen uptake in older adults : The Generation 100 Study
Comparing talent development environments of girls and boys in handball and ice hockey in Norway
Currently, there is little research on successful talent development environments (TDEs) focusing on women and girls. In response, the main aim of the present study was to compare TDEs of ageâspecific national teams for girls and boys in the Norwegian context (N = 216: 92 girls and 124 boys). Gender differences were investigated in the two different sports of handball and ice hockey, which in the Norwegian context represent more and less successful sports (handball and ice hockey, respectively). Before investigating gender differences in the two sports, a necessary first step was to investigate the psychometric properties of Norwegian version of the Talent Development Environment Questionnaire (TDEQâ5). Results support the Norwegian TDEQâ5 to be a reliable and valid measure within the Norwegian context. The successful sport of Norwegian handball showed no significant gender differences regarding TDE. The less successful and male dominated sport of Norwegian ice hockey showed girls to score lower on several TDEQ factors compared to boys. Results also showed ice hockey having lower TDEQ scores compared to handball. We argue that handball provide similarly functional TDEs for girls and boys, making gender equality a characteristic feature of a TDE that is successful both in terms of mass participation and international achievements
New relative intensity ambulatory accelerometer thresholds for elderly men and women: the Generation 100 study
Absolute and relative accelerometer thresholds for determining the association between physical activity and metabolic syndrome in the older adults: The Generation-100 study
Descriptive analysis of Objectively Assessed Physical activity among talented soccer players â a study of 3 Norwegian professional football clubs
Background: Talented football players are expected to overcome large training and match loads, indicating a high weekly level of physical activity (PA).
Aims: With the use of accelerometers, the aim of this study was to objectively describe the playersâ total time spent in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), vigorous PA (VPA) and very vigorous PA (VVPA) per day in 1 week. Since high-intensity PA has been highlighted as important in terms of overall PA load, we also included 2 and 4âmin bouts of VPA.
Methods: Data were collected in three junior teams in professional football clubs in March (club 1: 2014, club 2: 2012 and club 3: 2011). A one-way analysis of variance was applied to analyse differences between the three respective clubs.
Results: The players averaged 77.2â86.2âmin in MVPA, 14.9â18.5âmin in VPA and 1.0â3.1 in VVPA per day. While there were no differences in total time spent in MVPA and VPA per day, VVPA was significantly higher in club 1 (p<0.01) compared with clubs 2 and 3. Moreover, when using the VPA bouts, club 3 (p<0.01) achieved significantly more time in this intensity compared with clubs 1 and 2.
Conclusion: This study acknowledges the importance of including both club-related and non-club-related PA when analysing talented football playersâ PA level. We suggest that future studies examining playersâ PA with accelerometers should emphasise time spent in high-intensity PA and how this is associated with physical overload, psychological burnout and risk of injury
Ingebrigtsen J. E. og Aspvik N. P. (2009). Fysisk aktivitet og idrett - en pilotstudie av utviklingshemmedes fysiske aktivitet. Trondheim: Senter for Idrettsforskning, NTNU Samfunnsforskning AS
-I denne undersÞkelsen fokuseres det pÄ fysisk aktivitet blant utviklingshemmede. Det er en pilotundersÞkelse med mÄlsetting om gi en oversikt over kunnskapsfeltet og vurdere ulike metoder for Ä undersÞke utviklingshemmedes fysiske aktivitet.
Utviklingshemmede og deres fysiske aktivitet har fÄtt lite forskningsmessig oppmerksomhet, bÄde i Norge og i andre land. En av de fÄ norske studier som er gjennomfÞrt, viser en sterk nedgang i deltakelsen i fysisk aktiviteter fra 1989 til 2001. (TÞssebro & Lundeby 2002)
En nylig gjennomfĂžrt studie i Sverige viser at utviklingshemmede barn er mindre fysisk aktive enn gjennomsnittet for sin aldersgruppe (Umb-Carlsson 2008). Det er gjennomfĂžrt flere fysiske aktivitetstilbud for utviklingshemmede, i idretten og andre sammenhenger. Det rapporteres om vellykkede prosjekter, men det er ikke gjennomfĂžrt vitenskapelige analyser av effekten av tiltakene.
Det er i denne undersÞkelsen utprÞvd mÄleinstrumenter for Ä undersÞke utviklingshemmedes fysisk aktivitetsnivÄ. Det er benyttet aktivitetsmÄlere (Actigraph) og utviklet et spÞrreskjema med mulighet for komparative studier. Denne studien viser at dette er meget positive informanter med hÞy svarprosent. De er ogsÄ meget pÄlitelige informanter, med konsistente svar og sterk sammenheng mellom selvrapportert og mÄlt aktivitet.
UndersÞkelsen viser at informantene er mer fysisk aktive enn gjennomsnittet for den voksne befolkningen i Norge. Dette er ikke uventet, da informantene deltar i organisert idrett. Studien viser ogsÄ store individuelle variasjoner i det fysiske aktivitetsnivÄet, bÄde pÄ trening og ellers i uken.
Vi vil konkludere med at de utviklede mÄlemetodene er egnet for denne mÄlgruppen. Det er viktig Ä utvikle metoder for Ä undersÞke aktiviteten til mindre aktive utviklingshemmede. Det er i forhold til de minst aktive utviklingshemmede det er sÊrlig viktig Ä Þke kunnskapsnivÄet