199 research outputs found

    Novel nonimaging solar concentrator for portable solar systems for developing countries

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    Portable solar chargers have been gaining popularity as a new technology to help increase electrification in rural areas in developing countries. It is a fast developing industry aiming to produce a low-cost solution for the application of off-grid solar lighting and charging of small devices to be used by the poorest and most vulnerable of society. Solar concentrators are proposed as an add-on to help further reduce costs, to increase light-output hours and to reduce charging time. So far, no suitable concentrator designs have been proposed. This paper presents a novel concept for the design of a static nonimaging concentrator, suitable for portable solar systems for developing countries. The novel concentrator design is compared with existing concentrators and its suitability for portable solar chargers, as well as its potential for further improvement, are highlighted

    Modeling and simulation of heterojunction solar cell; determination of optimal values.

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    A heterojunction solar cell of ZnSe/ZnO/CIGS/Si structure has been simulated in order to determine the optimal values. The performed modeling and Simulation is used to get an idea and identify the optimal values that can be use in the manufacturing process, and the values obtained in this simulation presented an electrical parameters using Solar Cell Capacitance Simulator (SCAPS). In this study, the influence of absorber or wafer thickness and doping concentration were varied on the solar cell device and the following optimal values were obtained; Current density (Jsc)=35.0833SmA/cm2, Open circuit voltage (Voc)=0.S339V, Fill Factor (FF) =S5.45%, and an efficiency (η)=25%. The range of doping concentration (lx1012 to lx1020 cm−3). These variations lead to the achievement of 25% efficiency of the heterojunction solar cell and the optimal values shows a promising performance that the manufacturers can adopt

    Polymer nanocomposites and related legal issues: an overview.

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    Manipulation of engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) to develop different consumer and industrial products are the preferred choice in modern day industrial production due to their unprecedented, but diversified promises and prospects. The researchers claimed in 2006 that the NMs were in a stage where plastic was in the 1960s. This analogy was made to indicate the potential wide use of the NMs in consumer and industrial products. Burgeoning research has been carried out in almost every corner of the world to explore and exploit the prospects of ENMs. Application of nanoparticles (NPs) into polymer matrix materials have also been tested, and dramatic changes in the mechanical, thermal, electrical, and diffusion properties to the properties of the host polymers were observed. The polymer nanocomposites (PNCs) are undoubtedly very prospective and it can be anticipated that PNCs will widely be used in the automotive industry to replace the metal accessories and to reduce CO2 emissions. However, in order to do so, it is crucial that the manufacturers handle different socio-legal and regulatory issues around the ENMs and PNCs carefully. This record only contains an introduction to the chapter, the full chapter is available from: https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-811033-1.00026-

    Using Illustrations to Make Decisions on the Most Appropriate Qualitative Research Methodology: The Industry 4.0 Scenario

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    Industry 4.0 is viewed as a complex scenario. This complex scenario could be interpreted using illustrations such as sketches or drawings. Ideally, sketches and drawings are useful in illustrating complexity and multiple abstracts from observed social reality. The use of illustrations allows novice qualitative researchers to explore observed social reality in depth with less linear insight. However, few scholars mention the use of illustrations at the research planning stage because most sketches and drawings have been used as tools during data collection, merely to understand an interviewee's perspective. Therefore, this article aims to demonstrate the use of illustrations as a tool to facilitate the research process from problem identification to the selection of the qualitative research methodology. Five specific purposes of illustration that significantly contribute to the body of knowledge for effective decision making and are useful tools in delivering information are demonstrated in this article. Based on the illustrations demonstrated in this article, the most appropriate qualitative research methodology is the case study. Overall, the proposed use of illustrations can assist a novice qualitative researcher in determining the appropriate epistemological and ontological stances - as well as their methodology and method - more effectively

    Building Integrated Photovoltaics—The Journey So Far and Future

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    The road to decarbonization has led to the exploration of sustainable energy sources for domestic and industrial use. Various nations have shown commitment and, hence, set ambitious targets, with the overall aim of cutting down greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the board. The fight against climate change seems to be intensifying, partly due to the visible signs of environmental hazards and threats to human life and the ecosystem. Environmental policies, behavioural changes and complex decisions have been taken in various sectors to ensure set targets are met

    A Study on the Correlation Between Hand Grip and Age Using Statistical and Machine Learning Analysis

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    Handgrip strength (HGS) is an easy-to-use instrument for monitoring people's health status. Numerous researchers in many countries have done a study on handgrip disease or demographic data. This study focused on classifying aged groups referring to handgrip value using machine learning. A total of fifty-four participants had involved in this study, ages ranging from 24 years to 57 years old. Digital Pinch Grip Analyzer had been used to measure the handgrip measurement three times to get more accurate results. The result is then recorded by Clinical Analysis Software (CAS) that is built into the analyzer. An independent t-test is used to investigate the significant factor for age group classification. The data were then classified using machine learning analysis which are Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and NaĂŻve Bayes. The overall dataset shows that the Support Vector Machine is the most suitable classification technique with average accuracy between 5 groups of age is 98%, specificity of 0.79, the sensitivity of 0.9814 and 0.0185 of mean absolute error. SVM also give the lowest mean absolute error compared to RF and NaĂŻve Bayes. This study is consistent with the previous work that there is a relationship between handgrip and age

    A Study on the Correlation Between Hand Grip and Age Using Statistical and Machine Learning Analysis

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    Handgrip strength (HGS) is an easy-to-use instrument for monitoring people's health status. Numerous researchers in many countries have done a study on handgrip disease or demographic data. This study focused on classifying aged groups referring to handgrip value using machine learning. A total of fifty-four participants had involved in this study, ages ranging from 24 years to 57 years old. Digital Pinch Grip Analyzer had been used to measure the handgrip measurement three times to get more accurate results. The result is then recorded by Clinical Analysis Software (CAS) that is built into the analyzer. An independent t-test is used to investigate the significant factor for age group classification. The data were then classified using machine learning analysis which are Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and NaĂŻve Bayes. The overall dataset shows that the Support Vector Machine is the most suitable classification technique with average accuracy between 5 groups of age is 98%, specificity of 0.79, the sensitivity of 0.9814 and 0.0185 of mean absolute error. SVM also give the lowest mean absolute error compared to RF and NaĂŻve Bayes. This study is consistent with the previous work that there is a relationship between handgrip and age

    Myth or Gold? The Power of Aesthetics in the adoption of Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPVs)

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    BIPV has gained a lot of attention in the solar world especially in recent times as the push for Net Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) and concerns about landscape aesthetics increases. Aesthetics plays a critical role in the adoption of BIPVs as it is one of the fundamental components architects and home owners look out for. This paper discusses the primacy of aesthetics by using the elements and principles of design as guide in BIPV applications. Essential elements of design such as colour, shape, and texture have been discussed. Principles of design such as variety, balance, rhythm, contrast and proportion have also been discussed as useful tools in BIPV adoption by home owners and architects. It is emphasised that the essence of BIPV is to introduce ‘beauty’ in Photovoltaic application and the earlier aesthetic is treated as ‘Gold’ and given primacy, the better for BIPV adoption. This paper identifies the basic elements and principles of design as the “building blocks” of BIPV design, application and adoption. Finally, it is argued that aesthetics plays a cardinal role in consumer purchasing decision. This paper offers an exceptional design perspective to BIPV application as various attempts have been made by several researchers to address the issue of aesthetics in BIPVs

    An ensemble-boosting algorithm for classifying partial discharge defects in electrical assets

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    This paper presents an ensemble-boosting algorithm (EBA) for classifying partial discharge (PD) patterns in the condition monitoring of insulation diagnosis applied for electrical assets. This approach presents an optimization technique for creating a sequence of artificial neural network (ANNs), where the training data for each constituent of the sequence is selected based on the performance of previous ANNs. Four different PD faults scenarios were manufactured in the high-voltage (HV) laboratory to simulate the PD faults of cylindrical voids in methacrylate, point-air-plane configuration, ceramic bushing with contaminated surface and a transformer affected by the internal PD. A PD dataset was collected, pre-processed and prepared for its use in the improved boosting algorithm using statistical techniques. In this paper, the EBA is extensively compared with the widely used single artificial neural network (SNN). Results show that the proposed approach can effectively improve the generalization capability of the PD patterns. The application of the proposed technique for both online and offline practical PD recognition is examined

    An experimental study on the effect of methane potent biogas mixture on gas permeation mechanism.

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    This study focuses on the use of composite alumina membranes for the separation of carbon dioxide from methane. The technique can be applied to pre, post and oxycombustion operations in industry and would be particularly useful in mitigating the effect of greenhouse gases in our world today. The porous tubular ceramic supports used in this study were tailor made by Ceramiques Techniques et Industrielles (CTI SA) in France consisting of an alumina support and separation layer of pore sizes ranging from 15 – 6000nm. The membrane layers are fixed on the support, starting with very coarse (intermediate) layers then more layers with decreasing pore sizes are added until the designated pore sizes are reached. For example, to achieve a membrane with the pore size of 6000nm, the support will have one layer (1) of a macroporous membrane, while a membrane with pore size of 200nm will have the support plus layer (1) and layer (2). Again, to achieve a membrane with mesoporous size of 15 nm, we will have the support plus layers (1 + 2 + 3). The layers are made from different materials such as aluminium oxide (Al2O3), titanium oxide (TiO2), zirconium oxide (ZrO2), silicon dioxide (SiO2), silicon carbide (SiC). Materials are carefully selected so that they are thermally compatible with the support to prevent delamination or crack formation at elevated temperatures
