3,212 research outputs found
Stochastic Matrix Product States
The concept of stochastic matrix product states is introduced and a natural
form for the states is derived. This allows to define the analogue of Schmidt
coefficients for steady states of non-equilibrium stochastic processes. We
discuss a new measure for correlations which is analogous to the entanglement
entropy, the entropy cost , and show that this measure quantifies the bond
dimension needed to represent a steady state as a matrix product state. We
illustrate these concepts on the hand of the asymmetric exclusion process
Low-Income Urban High School Students’ Use of the Internet to Access Financial Aid
This article focuses on the Web-based resources available to low-income students as they build their perceptions, make their decisions, and engage in financial aid activities. Data are gathered from the results of six focus groups with low-income high school students attending urban high schools. Findings suggest that low-income students do have access to computers but lack the knowledge and support needed to navigate the financial aid resources available on-line
Measuring the Accuracy of Object Detectors and Trackers
The accuracy of object detectors and trackers is most commonly evaluated by
the Intersection over Union (IoU) criterion. To date, most approaches are
restricted to axis-aligned or oriented boxes and, as a consequence, many
datasets are only labeled with boxes. Nevertheless, axis-aligned or oriented
boxes cannot accurately capture an object's shape. To address this, a number of
densely segmented datasets has started to emerge in both the object detection
and the object tracking communities. However, evaluating the accuracy of object
detectors and trackers that are restricted to boxes on densely segmented data
is not straightforward. To close this gap, we introduce the relative
Intersection over Union (rIoU) accuracy measure. The measure normalizes the IoU
with the optimal box for the segmentation to generate an accuracy measure that
ranges between 0 and 1 and allows a more precise measurement of accuracies.
Furthermore, it enables an efficient and easy way to understand scenes and the
strengths and weaknesses of an object detection or tracking approach. We
display how the new measure can be efficiently calculated and present an
easy-to-use evaluation framework. The framework is tested on the DAVIS and the
VOT2016 segmentations and has been made available to the community.Comment: 10 pages, 7 Figure
Jets in strongly-coupled N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory
We study jets of massless particles in N=4 super Yang-Mills using the AdS/CFT
correspondence both at zero and finite temperature. We set up an initial state
corresponding to a highly energetic quark/anti-quark pair and follow its time
evolution into two jets. At finite temperature the jets stop after traveling a
finite distance, whereas at zero temperature they travel and spread forever. We
map out the corresponding baryon number charge density and identify the generic
late time behavior of the jets as well as features that depend crucially on the
initial conditions.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures. Added discussion regarding string profiles in
more than one spatial dimension. Refs adde
Measuring Transformational Leadership in Athletic Training: A Comparative Analysis
The purpose of this study was to measure the construct of transformational leadership among athletic training academicians and clinicians. Additionally, this study sought to determine whether perspectives regarding transformational leadership were the same or different based on full-time vocational roles. Finally, this study introduced a methodology for survey data analysis relatively unknown in athletic training research circles. Participants included athletic training education program directors as well as individuals in leadership roles at the state, district, and national level
A Call to Love: Campus Climate Concerning Individuals with Same-Sex Attraction
This study investigates the impact of campus climate concerning students with same-sex attraction at Southeastern University. The current study surveyed Southeastern undergraduate and graduate students in regards to the perceived attitudes on campus toward students with same-sex attraction (SSA). The major concern was to identify the majority attitude of administrators, faculty, staff, and students pertaining to the treatment of this sexual minority on campus by these particular groups and in major areas of the campus, such as the classroom, athletics, and chapel. This study also allotted the latter half of the survey to an anonymous questionnaire for students who identify as bisexual or homosexual. This section inquired on these students’ demographics concerning their SSA and allowed for open-ended responses for students to express their feelings concerning campus climate, their Christian walk, and how the university could better assist students who struggle and/or identify with this sexual minority
More Holographic Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless Transitions
We find two systems via holography that exhibit quantum
Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKT) phase transitions. The first is the ABJM
theory with flavor and the second is a flavored (1,1) little string theory. In
each case the transition occurs at nonzero density and magnetic field. The BKT
transition in the little string theory is the first example of a quantum BKT
transition in (3+1) dimensions. As in the "original" holographic BKT transition
in the D3/D5 system, the exponential scaling is destroyed at any nonzero
temperature and the transition becomes second order. Along the way we construct
holographic renormalization for probe branes in the ABJM theory and propose a
scheme for the little string theory. Finally, we obtain the embeddings and
(half of) the meson spectrum in the ABJM theory with massive flavor.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure
Preparing projected entangled pair states on a quantum computer
We present a quantum algorithm to prepare injective PEPS on a quantum
computer, a class of open tensor networks representing quantum states. The
run-time of our algorithm scales polynomially with the inverse of the minimum
condition number of the PEPS projectors and, essentially, with the inverse of
the spectral gap of the PEPS' parent Hamiltonian.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. To be published in Physical Review Letters.
Removed heuristics, refined run-time boun
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