7 research outputs found

    Characterization of herbicide use practices in cereal agroecosystems in western Burkina Faso

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    The use of pesticides often leads to environmental contamination above acceptable levels. The level of contamination is related to poor pesticide application practices, in addition to the properties of pesticides and soil characteristics. The primary objective of this study was to characterize herbicides and their application practices in cereal crops in the regions of Hauts-Bassins, Sud-Ouest, Cascades, and Boucle du Mouhoun in Burkina Faso. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect and extract data from 617 cereal farmers in the four regions. During the survey, the identified herbicides were characterized using pesticide property databases. The survey shows that most cereal farmers in the regions are illiterate (58.18%) and have not received any training in pesticide use (84.28%). Only a small percentage of farmers (1.3%) consult technical services for the selection of herbicides to be used. The survey also revealed that 60% of farmers leave empty herbicide containers in the wild, 39.93% use water sources to clean sprayers, and 17.83% use them to prepare the spray mixture. A total of 25 active ingredients were identified in 117 commercial herbicide products with a total use of 8100 litres and 280 kg. Of the listed herbicides, 45.37% were not approved by the Sahel Pesticide Committee (CSP). Among the non-approved herbicides, 27.78% contained paraquat, atrazine, and acetochlor, which the CSP bans. The study shows that farmers do not follow good practices when using herbicides, which can contaminate different environmental compartments and cause harmful effects to non-target organisms

    Assessment of the developmental success of Anopheles coluzzii larvae under different nutrient regimes: effects of diet quality, food amount and larval density

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    Abstract Background In a context of increasing resistance of both vectors toward main classes of insecticides used in public health and parasites toward anti-malarial drugs, development of new and complementary molecules or control approaches is fundamental to achieve the objective of controlling or even eliminating malaria. Concerning vector control, the sterile insect technique and other genetic control approaches are among promising complementary tools in an integrated management strategy for malaria control. These approaches rely not only on a good understanding of vector biology (especially during larval stages), but also on the availability of adequate supplies and protocols for efficient mosquito rearing. The aim of this study was to assess the factors impacting the life history of Anopheles coluzzii mosquitoes at the larval stage, in the context of genetic and sterile insect approaches to control malaria vectors. Methods The effect of different larval diets and larval rearing densities on the development of An. coluzzii were evaluated in the laboratory. Emergence rate (ER), pre-imaginal developmental time (DT) and adult wing length (WL) were measured under different food regimes. Four diets were tested among which three were provided by the Insect Pest Control Laboratory (IPCL) of the FAO/IAEA Joint division. Results Data showed significant differences in the quality of the different diets and suggested a negative density dependence in all three life history parameters measured under tested rearing conditions. ER and WL increased with food availability, but decreased with increasing larval density. Conversely DT was shortened with increasing food availability but increased with larval density. These data demonstrates intraspecific larval competition modulated by food amount and space availability. Of the four diets tested, the one made of a mix of tuna meal, bovine liver powder, brewer’s yeast, squid liver powder and vitamin mix (diet 2) yielded the best results as it produced a good balance between ER, DT and WL. Food availability for optimal development (highest survival at shortest time) was in the range of 180–400 µg/larvae/day for the three diets provided by the IPCL. Conclusion There is an interaction between diet type, diet concentration and larval density. Best results in terms of optimal larvae development parameters happen when moderately high values of those three variables are observed

    Non-contact detection of pyrethroids widely used in vector control by Anopheles mosquitoes

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    Abstract Pyrethroids are the most widely used insecticides to control vector borne diseases including malaria. Physiological resistance mechanisms to these insecticides have been well described, whereas those for behavioral resistance remain overlooked. Field data suggest the presence of spatial sensory detection by Anopheles mosquitoes of the pyrethroid molecules used in insecticide-based control tools, such as long-lasting insecticide nets or insecticide residual spraying, opening the way to the emergence of a wide range of behavioral adaptations among malaria vectors. However, the spatial sensory detection of these molecules is controversial and needs to be demonstrated. The goal of this study was to behaviorally characterize the non-contact detection of three of the most common pyrethroids used for malaria vector control: permethrin, deltamethrin an ⍺-cypermethrin. To reach this goal, we recorded the behavior (takeoff response) of Anopheles gambiae pyrethroid-sensitive and resistant laboratory strains, as well as field collected mosquitoes from the Gambiae complex, when exposed to the headspace of bottles containing different doses of the insecticides at 25 and 35°C, in order to represent a range of laboratory and field temperatures. We found the proportion of laboratory susceptible and resistant female mosquitoes that took off was, in all treatments, dose and the temperature dependent. Sensitive mosquitoes were significantly more prone to take off only in the presence of ⍺-cypermethrin, whereas sensitive and resistant mosquitoes showed similar responses to permethrin and deltamethrin. Field-collected mosquitoes of the Gambiae complex were also responsive to permethrin, independently of the species identity ( An. gambiae , An. coluzzi and An. arabiensis ) or their genotypes for the kdr mutation, known to confer resistance to pyrethroids. The observed ability of Anopheles spp. mosquitoes to detect insecticides without contact could favor the evolution of behavioral modifications that may allow them to avoid or reduce the adverse effect of insecticides and thus, the development of behavioral resistance

    Non-contact detection of pyrethroids widely used in vector control by Anopheles mosquitoes

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    International audiencePyrethroids are the most widely used insecticides to control vector borne diseases including malaria. Physiological resistance mechanisms to these insecticides have been well described, whereas those for behavioral resistance remain overlooked. Field data suggest the presence of spatial sensory detection by Anopheles mosquitoes of the pyrethroid molecules used in insecticide-based control tools, such as long-lasting insecticide nets or insecticide residual spraying. This opens the way to the emergence of a wide range of behavioral adaptations among malaria vectors. However, the spatial sensory detection of these molecules is controversial and needs to be demonstrated. The goal of this study was to behaviorally characterize the non-contact detection of three of the most common pyrethroids used for malaria vector control: permethrin, deltamethrin an ⍺-cypermethrin. To reach this goal, we recorded the behavior (takeoff response) of Anopheles gambiae pyrethroid-sensitive and resistant laboratory strains, as well as field collected mosquitoes from the Gambiae Complex, when exposed to the headspace of bottles containing different doses of the insecticides at 25 and 35°C, in order to represent a range of laboratory and field temperatures. We found the proportion of laboratory susceptible and resistant female mosquitoes that took off was, in all treatments, dose and the temperature dependent. Sensitive mosquitoes were significantly more prone to take off only in the presence of ⍺-cypermethrin, whereas sensitive and resistant mosquitoes showed similar responses to permethrin and deltamethrin. Field-collected mosquitoes of the Gambiae Complex were also responsive to permethrin, independently of the species identity ( An . gambiae , An . coluzzii and An . arabiensis ) or their genotypes for the kdr mutation, known to confer resistance to pyrethroids. The observed ability of Anopheles spp. mosquitoes to detect insecticides without contact could favor the evolution of behavioral modifications that may allow them to avoid or reduce the adverse effect of insecticides and thus, the development of behavioral resistance

    Serological Evidence of Zika Virus Circulation in Burkina Faso

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    International audienceZika virus (ZIKV) and dengue virus (DENV) are two closely related members of the Flaviviridae family, both transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, and are among the arboviruses most at risk to human health. Burkina Faso has been facing an upsurge in DENV outbreaks since 2013. Unlike DENV, there is no serological evidence of ZIKV circulation in humans in Burkina Faso. The main objective of our study was to determine the seroprevalence of ZIKV and DENV in blood donors in Burkina Faso. A total of 501 donor samples collected in the two major cities of the country in 2020 were first tested by a competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to detect flavivirus antibodies. Positive sera were then tested using Luminex to detect ZIKV and DENV antibodies and virus-specific microneutralization tests against ZIKV were performed. The ZIKV seroprevalence was 22.75% in the donor samples and we found seropositivity for all DENV-serotypes ranging from 19.56% for DENV-1 to 48.86% for DENV-2. Molecular analyses performed on samples from febrile patients and Aedes aegypti mosquitoes between 2019 and 2021 were negative. Our study showed the important circulation of ZIKV and DENV detected by serology although molecular evidence of the circulation of ZIKV could not be demonstrated. It is essential to strengthen existing arbovirus surveillance in Burkina Faso and more broadly in West Africa by focusing on fevers of unknown origin and integrating vector surveillance to assess the extent of ZIKV circulation and identify the circulating strain. Further studies are needed to better understand the epidemiology of this virus in order to define appropriate prevention and response methods