5,670 research outputs found
Induced Coherence, Vacuum Fields, and Complementarity in Biphoton Generation
We describe spontaneous parametric down-conversion experiments in which
induced coherence across two coupled interferometers results in high-visibility
single-photon interference. Opening additional photon channels allows
"which-path" information and reduces the visibility of the singlephoton
interference, but results in nearly perfect visibility when photons are counted
in coincidence. A simplified theoretical model accounts for these complementary
observations and attributes them directly to the relations among the vacuum
fields at the different crystals.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
Complementarity in Biphoton Generation with Stimulated or Induced Coherence
Coherence can be induced or stimulated in parametric down-conversion using
two or three crystals when, for example, the idler modes of the crystals are
aligned. Previous experiments with induced coherence [Phys. Rev. Lett. 114,
053601 (2015)] focused on which-path information and the role of vacuum fields
in realizing complementarity via reduced visibility in single-photon
interference. Here we describe experiments comparing induced and stimulated
coherence. Different single-photon interference experiments were performed by
blocking one of the pump beams in a three-crystal setup. Each counted photon is
emitted from one of two crystals and which-way information may or not be
available, depending on the setup. Distinctly different results are obtained in
the induced and stimulated cases, especially when a variable transmission
filter is inserted between the crystals. A simplified theoretical model
accounts for all the experimental results and is also used to address the
question of whether the phases of the signal and idler fields in parametric
down-conversion are correlated
The Cooperative VAS Program with the Marshall Space Flight Center
Work was divided between the analysis/forecast model development and evaluation of the impact of satellite data in mesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP), development of the Multispectral Atmospheric Mapping Sensor (MAMS), and other related research. The Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies (CIMSS) Synoptic Scale Model (SSM) has progressed from a relatively basic analysis/forecast system to a package which includes such features as nonlinear vertical mode initialization, comprehensive Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) physics, and the core of a fully four-dimensional data assimilation package. The MAMS effort has produced a calibrated visible and infrared sensor that produces imager at high spatial resolution. The MAMS was developed in order to study small scale atmospheric moisture variability, to monitor and classify clouds, and to investigate the role of surface characteristics in the production of clouds, precipitation, and severe storms
A Complementary Resistive Switch-based Crossbar Array Adder
Redox-based resistive switching devices (ReRAM) are an emerging class of
non-volatile storage elements suited for nanoscale memory applications. In
terms of logic operations, ReRAM devices were suggested to be used as
programmable interconnects, large-scale look-up tables or for sequential logic
operations. However, without additional selector devices these approaches are
not suited for use in large scale nanocrossbar memory arrays, which is the
preferred architecture for ReRAM devices due to the minimum area consumption.
To overcome this issue for the sequential logic approach, we recently
introduced a novel concept, which is suited for passive crossbar arrays using
complementary resistive switches (CRSs). CRS cells offer two high resistive
storage states, and thus, parasitic sneak currents are efficiently avoided.
However, until now the CRS-based logic-in-memory approach was only shown to be
able to perform basic Boolean logic operations using a single CRS cell. In this
paper, we introduce two multi-bit adder schemes using the CRS-based
logic-in-memory approach. We proof the concepts by means of SPICE simulations
using a dynamical memristive device model of a ReRAM cell. Finally, we show the
advantages of our novel adder concept in terms of step count and number of
devices in comparison to a recently published adder approach, which applies the
conventional ReRAM-based sequential logic concept introduced by Borghetti et
al.Comment: 12 pages, accepted for IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics
in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS), issue on Computing in Emerging Technologie
Efforts to find small crabs
On January 22, 1943 an effort was made to secure small crabs. Using the boat Agnes Hope the entire afternoon was spent dredging in Back Creek from O.R. Mill\u27s crab house to the entrance in the Bay
Suggested hurricane operational scenario for GOES I-M
Improvements in tropical cyclone forecasts require optimum use of remote sensing capabilities, because conventional data sources cannot provide the necessary spatial and temporal data density over tropical and subtropical oceanic regions. In 1989, the first of a series of geostationary weather satellites, GOES 1-M, will be launched with the capability for simultaneous imaging and sounding. Careful scheduling of the GOES 1-M will enable measurements of both the wind and mass fields over the entire tropical cyclone activity area. The document briefly describes the GOES 1-M imager and sounder, surveys the data needs for hurricane forecasting, discusses how geostationary satellite observations help to meet them, and proposes a GOES 1-M schedule of observations and hurricane relevant derived products
Wissensbasierte Tragwerksplanung im Ingenieurholzbau mit ICAD
Der Entwurf einfacher Konstruktionen stellt für den Tragwerksplaner zumeist eine Routineaufgabe dar. Üblicherweise werden Statik, Zeichnungen sowie Elementelisten separat voneinander erstellt. Das Programmsystem ICAD bietet die Möglichkeit, diese Arbeiten in einer Bearbeitungsstufe durchzuführen. Die Programmierung der Bemessung, Darstellung und Auswertung von Bauteilen wird mit dem Editor Emacs vorgenommen, die grafische Umsetzung des compilierten Quelltextes erfolgt im ICAD-Browser. Innerhalb dieser Benutzeroberfläche steht eine Reihe von Werkzeugen für die Eingabe und Visualisierung von Daten zur Verfügung. Betrachtet man die zu bearbeitenden Bauteile und Anschlüsse als bekannte Konstruktionen des Ingenieurholzbaus, für die es eine festgelegte Anzahl von Abmessungen und Kennwerten gibt, so läßt sich jede dieser Konstruktionen als eigenständiger Modul programmieren. Der Tragwerksplaner ist somit in der Lage, aus einem Katalog an Bauteilen und Anschlüssen die Gesamtkonstruktion zusammenzustellen. Allgemeingültige Kennwerte, Berechnungsverfahren und häufig verwendete Unterprogramme stehen modular als Wissensbasis zur Verfügung und werden von den einzelnen Tragelementen bedarfsgerecht eingebunden. Eine weitere Möglichkeit der wissensbasierten Tragwerksplanung stellt die sogenannte Multi-Criteria-Analyse dar. Bei diesem Verfahren nimmt das Programm selbständig eine Entscheidungsfindung für eine oder mehrere günstige Konstruktionslösungen vor. Dazu sind lediglich Wichtungen verschiedener Randbedingungen durch den Anwender erforderlich
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