47 research outputs found

    Malaria Transmission Pattern in an Area Selected for Clinical Trials in the Sudanian Area of Senegal (West Africa)

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    Malaria transmission pattern was studied in 3 villages (Toubanding, Daga Ndoup, and Keur Samba Guèye) situated within an area selected for clinical trials. The study was conducted in the rainy season from July to December 2011. The main objective of this work was to gather baseline data on malaria transmission intensity and other entomological parameters before the advent of clinical trials. Mosquitoes were collected by Human-Landing Collections (HLCs) and by pyrethrum spray catches (PSCs). Five anopheline species were collected, namely, An. arabiensis, An. gambiae, An. funestus, An. pharoensis, and An. rufipes, giving a heterogeneous distribution within the study area. The populations dynamics of the vectors varied temporarily in each village depending on the pattern of the rainy season. Transmission intensity estimated by the entomological inoculation rate (EIR) was measured in each of the three villages with the variations linked to the microecological differences between the villages. Measurements were calculated for August, September, and October and were found to vary between 4 and 30 infected bites per person over the study period with a peak intensity observed in September. These results indicate that epidemiological field trials on malaria could be conducted in this area on the basis of the differences observed with transmission intensity, micro-ecological variations, and the objectives of the trials

    Infectiousness of the human population to Anopheles arabiensis by direct skin feeding in an area hypoendemic for malaria in Senegal.

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    Direct skin feeding experiments are sensitive assays to determine human infectiousness to mosquitoes but are rarely used in malaria epidemiological surveys. We determined the infectiousness of inhabitants of a malaria hypoendemic area in Senegal. Gametocyte prevalence by microscopy was 13.5% (26 of 192). Of all individuals who were gametocyte positive, 44.4% (11 of 25) infected ≥ 1 Anopheles arabiensis mosquito and 10.8% (54 of 500) of mosquitoes became infected. Of all individuals who were gametocyte negative by microscopy, 4.3% (7 of 162) infected ≥ 1 mosquito and 0.4% (12 of 3240) of mosquitoes became infected. The 18.2% (12 of 66) of all mosquito infections was a result of submicroscopic gametocyte carriage and two individuals without asexual parasites or gametocytes by microscopy were infectious to mosquitoes. When infectivity and local demography was taken into account, children 5-14 years of age contributed 50.8% of the human infectious reservoir for malaria. Adults and submicroscopic gametocyte carriers may contribute considerably to onward malaria transmission in our setting

    Dilatation mitrale percutanée des rétrécissements mitraux en hypertention pulmonaire importante au cours de la grossesse

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    Le rétrécissement mitral (RM) rhumatismal est la valvulopathie organique la plus fréquente dans les pays en voie de développement. La grossesse constitue l´une des circonstances de décompensation de cette valvulopathie. Nous rapportons notre expérience dans la dilatation mitrale percutanée des rétrécissements mitraux en hypertension pulmonaire importante au cours de la grossesse. La commissurotomie mitrale percutanée a été réalisée chez deux cent vingt-trois parturientes entre janvier 2009 et d écembre 2015. Quarante trois soit 19% de ces patients avaient une hypertension pulmonaire importante (PAPS > 70 mmHg). Toutes les parturientes de notre série sont porteuses d´un RM très serré symptomatique malgré un traitement médical bien conduit. La CMP a été un succès chez l´ensemble des patientes de l´étude, toutes les patientes se sont améliorées sur le plan clinique. L´insuffisance mitrale a progressé d´un grade chez deux patientes. Une patiente a présenté une tamponnade avec une évolution favorable après ponction péricardique. Aucun avortement n´est survenu après procédure et deux accouchements prématurés ont été rapportés. La prise en charge d´un RM serré durant la grossesse doit être multidisciplinaire et faire intervenir le gynécologue-obstétricien, l´anesthésiste et le cardiologue. La CMP constitue actuellement le traitement de référence du RM au cours de la grossesse

    West nile virus transmission in sentinel chickens and potential mosquito vectors, Senegal River Delta, 2008-2009

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    West Nile virus (WNV) is an arthropod-borne Flavivirus usually transmitted to wild birds by Culex mosquitoes. Humans and horses are susceptible to WNV but are dead-end hosts. WNV is endemic in Senegal, particularly in the Senegal River Delta. To assess transmission patterns and potential vectors, entomological and sentinel serological was done in Ross Bethio along the River Senegal. Three sentinel henhouses (also used as chicken-baited traps) were set at 100 m, 800 m, and 1,300 m from the river, the latter close to a horse-baited trap. Blood samples were taken from sentinel chickens at 2-week intervals. Seroconversions were observed in sentinel chickens in November and December. Overall, the serological incidence rate was 4.6% with 95% confidence interval (0.9; 8.4) in the sentinel chickens monitored for this study. Based on abundance pattern, Culex neavei was the most likely mosquito vector involved in WNV transmission to sentinel chickens, and a potential bridge vector between birds and mammals. (Résumé d'auteur

    Entomological impact of indoor residual spraying with pirimiphos-methyl: a pilot study in an area of low malaria transmission in Senegal.

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    BACKGROUND: Scaling-up of effective anti-malarial control strategies in Central-West region of Senegal has resulted in the sharp decline in malaria prevalence in this area. However, despite these strategies, residual malaria transmission has been observed in some villages (hot spots). The objective of this study was to assess the impact of indoor residual spraying (IRS) with pirimiphos-methyl on malaria transmission in hot spot areas. METHODS: The malaria vector population dynamics were monitored in each of the six selected villages (4 of which used IRS, 2 were unsprayed control areas) using overnight human landing catches (HLC) and pyrethrum spray catches (PSC). The host source of blood meals from freshly fed females collected using PSC was identified using the direct ELISA method. Females caught through HLC were tested by ELISA for the detection of Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein and Anopheles gambiae complex was identified using PCR. RESULTS: Preliminary data shown that the densities of Anopheles populations were significantly lower in the sprayed areas (179/702) compared to the control. Overall, malaria transmission risk was 14 times lower in the intervention zone (0.94) compared to the control zone (12.7). In the control areas, three Anopheles species belonging to the Gambiae complex (Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles melas) maintained the transmission, while only An. coluzzii was infective in the sprayed areas. CONCLUSION: The preliminary data from this pilot study showed that IRS with the CS formulation of pirimiphos-methyl is likely very effective in reducing malaria transmission risk. However, additional studies including further longitudinal entomological surveys as well as ecological and ethological and genetical characterization of vectors species and their populations are needed to better characterize the entomological impact of indoor residual spraying with pirimiphos-methyl in the residual transmission areas of Senegal

    Insecticide Resistance Profiling of Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles gambiae Populations in the Southern Senegal: Role of Target Sites and Metabolic Resistance Mechanisms

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    The emergence and spread of insecticide resistance among the main malaria vectors is threatening the effectiveness of vector control interventions in Senegal. The main drivers of this resistance in the Anopheles gambiae complex (e.g., An. gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii) remains poorly characterized in Senegal. Here we characterized the main target site and metabolic resistances mechanisms among the An. gambiae and An. coluzzii populations from their sympatric and allopatric or predominance area in Senegal. Larvae and pupae of An. gambiae s.l. were collected, reared to adulthood, and then used for insecticides susceptibility and synergist assays using the WHO (World Health Organisation) test kits for adult mosquitoes. The TaqMan method was used for the molecular characterization of the main target site insecticide resistance mechanisms (Vgsc-1014F, Vgsc-1014S, N1575Y and G119S). A RT-qPCR (Reverse Transcriptase-quantitative Polymerase Chaine Reaction) was performed to estimate the level of genes expression belonging to the CYP450 (Cytochrome P450) family. Plasmodium infection rate was investigated using TaqMan method. High levels of resistance to pyrethroids and DDT and full susceptibility to organophosphates and carbamates where observed in all three sites, excepted a probable resistance to bendiocarb in Kedougou. The L1014F, L1014S, and N1575Y mutations were found in both species. Pre-exposure to the PBO (Piperonyl butoxide) synergist induced a partial recovery of susceptibility to permethrin and full recovery to deltamethrin. Subsequent analysis of the level of genes expression, revealed that the CYP6Z1 and CYP6Z2 genes were over-expressed in wild-resistant mosquitoes compared to the reference susceptible strain (Kisumu), suggesting that both the metabolic resistance and target site mutation involving kdr mutations are likely implicated in this pyrethroid resistance. The presence of both target-site and metabolic resistance mechanisms in highly pyrethroid-resistant populations of An. gambiae s.l. from Senegal threatens the effectiveness and the sustainability of the pyrethroid-based tools and interventions currently deployed in the country. The Kdr-west mutation is widely widespread in An. coluzzii sympatric population. PBO or Duo nets and IRS (Indoor Residual Spraying) with organophosphates could be used as an alternative measure to sustain malaria control in the study area

    Residual malaria transmission and the role of Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles melas in central Senegal

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    Understanding the behavior and ecology of local malaria vectors is essential for the effectiveness of the commonly used vector-targeted malaria control tools in areas of low malaria transmission. This study was conducted to determine species composition, biting behavior and infectivity of the major Anopheles vectors of Plasmodium falciparum in low transmission settings in central Senegal. Adult mosquitoes were collected using human landing catches during 2 consecutive nights and Pyrethrum Spray Catches in 30–40 randomly selected rooms, from July 2017 to December 2018 in 3 villages. Anopheline mosquitoes were morphologically identified using conventional keys; their reproductive status assessed by ovary dissections, and a sub-sample of Anopheles gambiae s.l. were identified to species level using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Plasmodium sporozoite infections were detected using real-time quantitative PCR. During this study 3684 Anopheles were collected of which 97% were An. gambiae s.l., 0.6% were Anopheles funestus, and 2.4% were Anopheles pharoensis. Molecular identification of 1,877 An. gambiae s.l. revealed a predominance of Anopheles arabiensis (68.7%), followed by Anopheles melas (28.8%), and Anopheles coluzzii (2.1%). The overall human-biting rate of An. gambiae s.l. was highest in the inland site of Keur Martin with 4.92 bites per person per night, while it was similar in the deltaic site, Diofior (0.51) and the coastal site, Mbine Coly (0.67). Parity rates were similar in An. arabiensis (45%) and An. melas (42%). Sporozoite infections were detected in both An. arabiensis and An. melas with the respective infection rates of 1.39% (N = 8) and 0.41% (N = 1). Results suggest that low residual malaria in central Senegal is transmitted by An. arabiensis and An. melas. Consequently, both vectors will need to be targeted as part of malaria elimination efforts in this area of Senegal

    Evolution of the Pyrethroids Target-Site Resistance Mechanisms in Senegal: Early Stage of the Vgsc-1014F and Vgsc-1014S Allelic Frequencies Shift.

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    The evolution and spread of insecticide resistance mechanisms amongst malaria vectors across the sub-Saharan Africa threaten the effectiveness and sustainability of current insecticide-based vector control interventions. However, a successful insecticide resistance management plan relies strongly on evidence of historical and contemporary mechanisms circulating. This study aims to retrospectively determine the evolution and spread of pyrethroid resistance mechanisms among natural Anopheles gambiae s.l. populations in Senegal. Samples were randomly drawn from an existing mosquito sample, collected in 2013, 2017, and 2018 from 10 sentinel sites monitored by the Senegalese National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP). Molecular species of An. gambiae s.l. and the resistance mutations at the Voltage-gated Sodium Channel 1014 (Vgsc-1014) locus were characterised using PCR-based assays. The genetic diversity of the Vgsc gene was further analyzed by sequencing. The overall species composition revealed the predominance of Anopheles arabiensis (73.08%) followed by An. gambiae s.s. (14.48%), Anopheles coluzzii (10.94%) and Anopheles gambiae-coluzii hybrids (1.48%). Both Vgsc-1014F and Vgsc-1014S mutations were found in all studied populations with a spatial variation of allele frequencies from 3% to 90%; and 7% to 41%, respectively. The two mutations have been detected since 2013 across all the selected health districts, with Vgsc-L1014S frequency increasing over the years while Vgsc-1014F decreasing. At species level, the Vgsc-1014F and Vgsc-1014S alleles were more frequent amongst An. gambiae s.s. (70%) and An. arabiensis (20%). The Vgsc gene was found to be highly diversified with eight different haplotypes shared between Vgsc-1014F and Vgsc-1014S. The observed co-occurrence of Vgsc-1014F and Vgsc-1014S mutations suggest that pyrethroid resistance is becoming a widespread phenomenon amongst malaria vector populations, and the NMCP needs to address this issue to sustain the gain made in controlling malaria

    Evolution of the Ace-1 and Gste2 Mutations and Their Potential Impact on the Use of Carbamate and Organophosphates in IRS for Controlling Anopheles gambiae s.l., the Major Malaria Mosquito in Senegal

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    Widespread of insecticide resistance amongst the species of the Anopheles gambiae complex continues to threaten vector control in Senegal. In this study, we investigated the presence and evolution of the Ace-1 and Gste2 resistance genes in natural populations of Anopheles gambiae s.l., the main malaria vector in Senegal. Using historical samples collected from ten sentinel health districts, this study focused on three different years (2013, 2017, and 2018) marking the periods of shift between the main public health insecticides families (pyrethroids, carbamates, organophosphates) used in IRS to track back the evolutionary history of the resistance mutations on the Ace-1 and Gste2 loci. The results revealed the presence of four members of the Anopheles gambiae complex, with the predominance of An. arabiensis followed by An. gambiae, An. coluzzii, and An. gambiae-coluzzii hybrids. The Ace-1 mutation was only detected in An. gambiae and An. gambiae-coluzzii hybrids at low frequencies varying between 0.006 and 0.02, while the Gste2 mutation was found in all the species with a frequency ranging between 0.02 and 0.25. The Ace-1 and Gste2 genes were highly diversified with twenty-two and thirty-one different haplotypes, respectively. The neutrality tests on each gene indicated a negative Tajima's D, suggesting the abundance of rare alleles. The presence and spread of the Ace-1 and Gste2 resistance mutations represent a serious threat to of the effectiveness and the sustainability of IRS-based interventions using carbamates or organophosphates to manage the widespread pyrethroids resistance in Senegal. These data are of the highest importance to support the NMCP for evidence-based vector control interventions selection and targeting

    Attrition, physical integrity and insecticidal activity of long-lasting insecticidal nets in sub-Saharan Africa and modelling of their impact on vectorial capacity

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    Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) are the primary malaria prevention and control intervention in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa. While LLINs are expected to last at least 3 years under normal use conditions, they can lose effectiveness because they fall out of use, are discarded, repurposed, physically damaged, or lose insecticidal activity. The contributions of these different interrelated factors to durability of nets and their protection against malaria have been unclear.; Starting in 2009, LLIN durability studies were conducted in seven countries in Africa over 5 years. WHO-recommended measures of attrition, LLIN use, insecticidal activity, and physical integrity were recorded for eight different net brands. These data were combined with analyses of experimental hut data on feeding inhibition and killing effects of LLINs on both susceptible and pyrethroid resistant malaria vectors to estimate the protection against malaria transmission-in terms of vectorial capacity (VC)-provided by each net cohort over time. Impact on VC was then compared in hypothetical scenarios where one durability outcome measure was set at the best possible level while keeping the others at the observed levels.; There was more variability in decay of protection over time by country than by net brand for three measures of durability (ratios of variance components 4.6, 4.4, and 1.8 times for LLIN survival, use, and integrity, respectively). In some countries, LLIN attrition was slow, but use declined rapidly. Non-use of LLINs generally had more effect on LLIN impact on VC than did attrition, hole formation, or insecticide loss.; There is much more variation in LLIN durability among countries than among net brands. Low levels of use may have a larger impact on effectiveness than does variation in attrition or LLIN degradation. The estimated entomological effects of chemical decay are relatively small, with physical decay probably more important as a driver of attrition and non-use than as a direct cause of loss of effect. Efforts to maximize LLIN impact in operational settings should focus on increasing LLIN usage, including through improvements in LLIN physical integrity. Further research is needed to understand household decisions related to LLIN use, including the influence of net durability and the presence of other nets in the household