255 research outputs found
Міждисциплінарний підхід до оцінювання еколого-соціальної безпеки водних об'єктів – джерел господарсько-питного водопостачання
In the article approach is offered for the estimation of water objects – sources of economic-drinkable water-supply, formed on theoretical bases of safety of man and environment. The complex of factors is presented, approaches and positions on the basis of which this estimation must produced in the conditions of increase of the anthropogenic loading
Stochastic ionization through noble tori: Renormalization results
We find that chaos in the stochastic ionization problem develops through the
break-up of a sequence of noble tori. In addition to being very accurate, our
method of choice, the renormalization map, is ideally suited for analyzing
properties at criticality. Our computations of chaos thresholds agree closely
with the widely used empirical Chirikov criterion
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