152,299 research outputs found
Absolute and Relative Deprivation and the Measurement of Poverty
This paper develops the link between poverty and inequality by focussing on a class of poverty indices (some of them well-known) which aggregate normative concerns for absolute and relative deprivation. The indices are distinguished by a parameter that captures the ethical sensitivity of poverty measurement to ``exclusion'' or ``relative-deprivation'' aversion. We also show how the indices can be readily used to predict the impact of growth on poverty. An illustration using LIS data finds that he United States show more relative deprivation than Denmark and Belgium whatever the percentiles considered, but that overall deprivation comparisons of the four countries considered will generally necessarily depend on the intensity of the ethical concern for relative deprivation. The impact of growth on poverty is also seen to depend on the presence of and on the attention granted to concerns over relative deprivation. }Poverty, relative deprivation, inequality, poverty alleviation
Absolute and Relative Deprivation and the Measurement of Poverty
This paper develops the link between poverty and inequality by focussing on a class of poverty indices (some of them well-known) which aggregate normative concerns for absolute and relative deprivation. The indices are distinguished by a parameter value that captures the ethical sensitivity of poverty measurement to "exclusion" or "relative-deprivation" aversion. The indices can be readily used to predict the impact of growth on poverty. An illustration using LIS data finds that the United States show more relative deprivation than Denmark and Belgium whatever the percentiles considered, but that overall deprivation comparisons of the four countries considered will generally depend on the intensity of the ethical concern for relative deprivation. The impact of growth on poverty also depends on the presence of and on the attention granted to concerns over relative deprivation.Poverty, Relative Deprivation, Inequality, Poverty Alleviation
Absolute and Relative Deprivation and the Measurement of Poverty
This paper develops the link between poverty and inequality by focussing on a class of poverty indices (some of them well-known) which aggregate normative concerns for absolute and relative deprivation. The indices are distinguished by a parameter that captures the ethical sensitivity of poverty measurement to "exclusion" or "relative-deprivation" aversion. We also show how the indices can be readily used to predict the impact of growth on poverty. An illustration using LIS data finds that the United States show more relative deprivation than Denmark and Belgium whatever the percentiles considered, but that overall deprivation comparisons of the four countries considered will generally necessarily depend on the intensity of the ethical concern for relative deprivation. The impact of growth on poverty is also seen to depend on the presence of and on the attention granted to concerns over relative deprivation.Poverty, Relative deprivation, Inequality, Poverty alleviation
Human Deprivation Index: A Measure of Multidimensional Poverty
Poverty is multidimensional in nature. Poverty is associated not only with insufficient income or consumption but also with insufficient outcomes with respect to health, nutrition, and literacy and deficient social relations, insecurity, and low self-esteem and powerlessness. Since poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon, measurement of poverty must cover many dimensions. So far, the income and/or consumption indicator has received most attention. But, now the focus is shifted towards deprivation in different dimensions for example income, health and education. The human development and human deprivation studies have opened new perspectives on measuring and analysing poverty and development with the help of multidimensional concept. The present study, in this context will serve to enrich useful knowledge about human deprivation which analysis the poverty multi dimensionally.Human Deprivation; Poverty; Multi dimension; Health; Infant Mortality; Education; Illiteracy; India
Comparing non-monetary deprivation and inequality levels in the EU countries
This paper analizes the links between non-monetary deprivation and inequalities in poverty levels in Europe. Non-monetary deprivation is defined as an enforced lack of a combination of items depicting material living conditions, such as housing conditions, possession of durable goods and capacity to afford basic requirements. The analytical tools selected to compare the deprivation and inequality levels are the direct indicators of deprivation based on the fuzzy set theory and the Gini Index of Poverty (GIP). These two complementary indicators allow respectively to identify the principal characteristics of non-monetary deprivation and the determinants of the inequalities in poverty. The study makes use of data for 22 European Countries based on the 2007 wave of the EU-SILC surveyMultidimensional Poverty; Inequalities in poverty; EU-SILC; EU countries; Fuzzy set theory
Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Poverty in Ghana Using Fuzzy Sets Theory
The paper studies the multidimensional aspects of poverty and living conditions in Ghana. The aim is to fill the vacuum that has been left by traditional uni-dimensional measures of deprivation based on poverty lines, exclusively estimated on the basis of monetary variables such as income or consumption expenditure. It combines monetary and non-monetary, and qualitative and quantitative indicators, including housing conditions, the possession of durable goods, equivalent disposable income, and equivalent expenditure, with a number of composite human welfare measures. The study employs the fuzzy-set theoretic framework to compare levels of deprivation in Ghana over time usig micro data from the last two rounds of the Ghana Living Standard Surveys (1991/1992 and 1998/1999). The estimation results of the membership functions, depicting the levels of deprivation for the various categories of deprivation indicators, show a composite deprivation degree of 0.2137 for the whole country in 1998/99 as compared to 0.2123 in 1991/92. This deprivation trend reveals that poverty levels hard scarcely changed in Ghana. In fact, it even rose slightly during the nineties, contrary to the uni-dimensional analytical GLSS 4 report of an overall broadly favourable trend in poverty in Ghana during the 1990s.Ghana, fuzzy set, multi-dimensional poverty, composite deprivation or poverty index
Relative or Absolute Poverty Lines - A New Approach
When measuring poverty over time analysts must choose the value of the income elasticity of the poverty line, which essentially determines whether an absolute or relative poverty line is being used. The choice of this parameter is ultimately a value judgement but this paper suggests an approach which has some empirical basis. Borrowing from the life-style and deprivation approach to poverty various dimensions of poverty and deprivation are identified and the income elasticity of these items is used as the income elasticity of the poverty line. Data from the 1987 and 1994 Irish Household Budget Surveys suggest an upper bound of 0.7 for this parameter. Poverty measures using a number of values of the income elasticity of the poverty line are presented and test statistics are presented to determine whether observed differences in poverty measures are statistically significant.Poverty, Deprivation
Monetary Poverty, Material Deprivation and Consistent Poverty in Portugal
In this paper we use the Portuguese component of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) to develop a measure of consistent poverty in Portugal. It is widely agreed that being poor does not simply mean not having enough monetary resources. It also reflects a lack of access to the resources required to enjoy a minimum standard of living and participation in the society one belongs to. The coexistence of material deprivation and monetary poverty leads to the concept of consistent poverty. The assessment of material deprivation and the identification of the households and individuals living in consistent poverty could become essential parts of the national anti-poverty strategy and crucial instruments in the definition of the target groups in social policy.Multidimensional poverty measurement, material deprivation, consistent poverty, Portugal.
Comparing Multidimensional Poverty between Egypt and Tunisia
It is common to argue that poverty is a multidimensional issue. Yet few studies have included the various dimensions of deprivation to yield a broader and fuller picture of poverty. The present paper considers the multidimensional aspects of deprivation by specifying a poverty line for each aspect and combines their associated one-dimensional poverty-gaps into multidimensional poverty measures. An application of these measures to compare poverty between Egypt and Tunisia is illustrated using robustness analysis and household data from each country.Multidimensional poverty indices, Robustness analysis, Egypt, Tunisia
Race, poverty, and deprivation in South Africa
The aim of this paper is to explain why poverty and material deprivation in South Africa are significantly higher among those of African descent than among whites. To do so, we estimate the conditional levels of poverty and deprivation Africans would experience had they the same characteristics as whites. By comparing the actual and counterfactual distributions, we show that the racial gap in poverty and deprivation can be attributed to the cumulative disadvantaged characteristics of Africans, such as their current level of educational attainment, demographic structure, and area of residence, as well as to the inertia of past racial inequalities. Progress made in the educational and labor market outcomes of Africans after Apartheid explains the reduction in the racial poverty differential.poverty, deprivation, race, decomposition, South Africa, householdsâ characteristics.
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