217 research outputs found
African languages, and information communication technologies and development
This study aims to comprehend the intersections between African languages and information communication technologies (ICTs) and African development and the ensuing opportunities and gaps. First, it presents the theoretical model underpinning this article. Second, it analyzes some initiatives aimed at addressing social and economic hardships whilst strengthening the African indigenous languages. Third, it points out the shortcomings in using ICTs devices to mainstream the African languages into development programs. In conclusion, we argue that the African languages and the ICTs should be in the heart of development policies in Afric
Les motivations des femmes entrepreneures du secteur informel à Dakar (Sénégal)
In developing countries and particular in Senegal the majority of women are poor. Microenterprises created by a part of these women, especially in the informal sector, qualitatively improve their lives and those of their families and arouse increasingly growing interest for public authorities.
In Senegal, where the informal sector is an important part of the economy, few researchers were interested in the factors which are likely to push women entrepreneurship in this sector.
Based on the data from a field survey we conducted among 107 women entrepreneurs in the informal sector of the area of Dakar, this article attempts to verify if the entrepreneurial choices of these women is linked to socio-cultural factors, economic and / or noneconomic factors using a principal component analysis of motivational factors.
Our results are rather surprising and highlight the complexity of the motivational phenomenon. Women rather undertake to satisfy their desire to participate in the welfare of their community
L'expertise en sciences sociales dans les aménagements hydro‑agricoles. Le projet d'aménagement sur l'Ile à Morphil (vallée du fleuve Sénégal)
Désormais les études d'aménagement et de gestion des programmes d'irrigation comprennent un volet socio‑économique mais la conception technique reste le plus souvent l'affaire des ingénieurs en génie rural et en hydraulique. Les résultats des études socio‑économiques sont peu intégrés dans les choix techniques et de planification, d'où des interrogations sur leur pertinence voire leur utilité. Il se pose des problèmes méthodologiques pour la conduite des études et la gestion des relations ent..
Les motivations des femmes entrepreneures du secteur informel à Dakar (Sénégal)
In developing countries and particular in Senegal the majority of women are poor. Microenterprises created by a part of these women, especially in the informal sector, qualitatively improve their lives and those of their families and arouse increasingly growing interest for public authorities.
In Senegal, where the informal sector is an important part of the economy, few researchers were interested in the factors which are likely to push women entrepreneurship in this sector.
Based on the data from a field survey we conducted among 107 women entrepreneurs in the informal sector of the area of Dakar, this article attempts to verify if the entrepreneurial choices of these women is linked to socio-cultural factors, economic and / or noneconomic factors using a principal component analysis of motivational factors.
Our results are rather surprising and highlight the complexity of the motivational phenomenon. Women rather undertake to satisfy their desire to participate in the welfare of their community
Profil des femmes entrepreneures de la région de Dakar (Sénégal)
Few studies were interested on the characteristics of women who enter in activity and the reasons which they choose to start a business. The public authorities, the researchers and the partners of the development were rarely interested in the profile of women creators. They often focus on their needs. Based on data from a field survey of 107 women entrepreneurs in the Dakar region, the purpose of this paper is to draw up a portrait of the respondents, both at the level of the personal factors and to the levels of the structures they manage. We will present, using the tools of data analysis, the first description of the female entrepreneurship in Senegal (using sociological, psychological and situation variables) and on the activities created and their development
L'expertise en sciences sociales dans les aménagements hydro‑agricoles. Le projet d'aménagement sur l'Ile à Morphil (vallée du fleuve Sénégal)
Désormais les études d'aménagement et de gestion des programmes d'irrigation comprennent un volet socio‑économique mais la conception technique reste le plus souvent l'affaire des ingénieurs en génie rural et en hydraulique. Les résultats des études socio‑économiques sont peu intégrés dans les choix techniques et de planification, d'où des interrogations sur leur pertinence voire leur utilité. Il se pose des problèmes méthodologiques pour la conduite des études et la gestion des relations ent..
Advances and Perspectives in the Study of the Malaria Mosquito Anopheles funestus
International audienc
Les déterminants de l’entrepreneuriat féminin à Dakar Sénégal
The purpose of this paper is to understand the determinants of women's entrepreneurship in the informal sector in Dakar (Senegal). It aims mainly at a better knowledge of women's involvement in economic activities through the informal sector. The paper does this in three ways: first, by defining the informal sector and the female entrepreneur through a literature review; second, by adapting theoretical models in entrepreneurship to the Senegalese informal sector and by defining the concept of entrepreneurial culture ; third, by making a discriminating factorial analysis and a barycentric analysis, based on primary data collected from 153 women in Dakar, to describe a woman’s belonging to a category of creation: creation in the formal or large informal sector, creation in the small informal sector and non-creation. The results show that the woman entrepreneurial activity from one sector to another depends on her human, social and cultural capital and confirm the importance of social capital in the female entrepreneurship of the developing countries where the informal sector is highly developed
Hochqualifizierte MigrantInnen aus Entwicklungsländern in der Schweiz und ihr Wirkpotenzial für die Entwicklung ihrer Herkunftsländer
Les déterminants de l’entrepreneuriat féminin à Dakar Sénégal
The purpose of this paper is to understand the determinants of women's entrepreneurship in the informal sector in Dakar (Senegal). It aims mainly at a better knowledge of women's involvement in economic activities through the informal sector. The paper does this in three ways: first, by defining the informal sector and the female entrepreneur through a literature review; second, by adapting theoretical models in entrepreneurship to the Senegalese informal sector and by defining the concept of entrepreneurial culture ; third, by making a discriminating factorial analysis and a barycentric analysis, based on primary data collected from 153 women in Dakar, to describe a woman’s belonging to a category of creation: creation in the formal or large informal sector, creation in the small informal sector and non-creation. The results show that the woman entrepreneurial activity from one sector to another depends on her human, social and cultural capital and confirm the importance of social capital in the female entrepreneurship of the developing countries where the informal sector is highly developed
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