
Digital economy

Children in the digital environment


Children today spend an increasing part of their lives online: since 2011, the number of 12- to 15-year-olds who own smartphones has increased by more than 50%. The digital environment offers tremendous benefits to children, opening new channels for education, creativity and social interaction. But it also presents serious risks, including cyberbullying, sextortion and risks to privacy. These risks have become particularly acute amid the COVID-19 crisis and the surge in screen time it has precipitated.

The OECD Recommendation on Children in the Digital Environment, adopted in May 2021, aims to help countries to find a balance between protecting children from online risks, and promoting the opportunities and benefits that the digital world provides. The Recommendation sets out principles for promoting a safe and beneficial digital environment for children, recommendations on overarching policy frameworks, and highlights the importance of international co-operation.

  • Read the companion document, which aims to assist governments and other stakeholders in implementing the Recommendation. It expands upon the context in which the Recommendation was developed, and considers specific aspects in detail.

High-level launch of the oecd recommendation on children in the digital environment 

This webinar on 18 November 2021 considered how governments can take action to ensure a safe and beneficial digital environment for children, and provided an opportunity to discuss developments and best policy practices with stakeholders. Additionally, it highlighted two key issues that are considered in the Recommendation: i) children’s privacy and data online; and ii) the role of stakeholders for ensuring a safe and beneficial digital environment for children.



Further reading


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